Bravo List

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Giorgatzelos 23rd July 2013 15:14

1 Attachment(s)
i did what you said but this changes only the background of the images as you can see in the snapshot i took...the part above the pictures as you can see is still undefined...

fireknight 23rd July 2013 23:49

Chances are is you will still have some undefined or
or something.

At the top of your code you have a undefined table in the marque section.

    $news = $db->sql_query("SELECT id, name, added, post_img
                            FROM ".$db_prefix."_torrents
                            WHERE banned = 'no'
                            AND visible='yes'
                            ORDER BY ".$db_prefix." DESC LIMIT 5")or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);

    if ($db->sql_numrows($news) > 0)


        while ($row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($news))

You also have an open table function

OpenTable("Τελευταίες Προσθήκες:");
Without seeing the function I cannot see how it is defined.
You can see by the example I posted in the previous page.
Of what to look for and how to correct the problem

Giorgatzelos 23rd July 2013 23:53

I made 4 identical latestimages_block.php and numbered them latestimages1_block.php etc...[i altered the colors of eack one]then from index.php i called each one for each theme i use at my site! PROBLEM SOLVED!
I use my brain, even my coding skill are very limited ! !


at index.php


if($theme == 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx')include("blocks/latestimagesX_block.php");

fireknight 24th July 2013 00:19

That is one way to solve it.
And well done with limited coding skills.
The problem is every time you add a new theme.
You will have to code another latestimages_block.php to match the theme.
And the same goes for any other file you add, where you have the same issues.
Far easier to define all the classes in your latestimages_block.php once.
Then create a section in your CSS theme file


/*==Start All Defines For latestimages_block.php==*/

Then put all the define code here

/*==Finish All Defines For latestimages_block.php==*/

Then you just copy and paste that into each theme you have, and every new theme you add.
And just alter the colors to suit the theme.

Saves your root folder from been filled with loads of identical files.

Giorgatzelos 21st August 2013 04:27

this is my final latest_images.php

PHP Code:


if (!defined('IN_PMBT')) die ("You can't access this file directly");

OpenTable("Τελευταίες Προσθήκες:");

$news $db->sql_query("SELECT id, name, added, post_img FROM ".$db_prefix."_torrents WHERE banned = 'no' AND visible='yes' ORDER BY ".$db_prefix." DESC LIMIT 5")or sqlerr(__FILE____LINE__);

    if (
$db->sql_numrows($news) > 0) {

"<marquee scrollamount=\"3\" onmouseover=\"this.scrollAmount=0\" onmouseout=\"this.scrollAmount=3\" scrolldelay=\"0\" direction=\"left\"><table align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100% border=1 bordercolor=#2f74b3 >\n<tr>\n");

        while (
$row2 $db->sql_fetchrow($news)) {
$tor $row2['0'];

$altname $row2['1'];
$orderby "ORDER BY ".$db_prefix." DESC"//Order
$limit "LIMIT 5"//Limit
$where "WHERE banned = 'no' AND visible='yes' AND ".$db_prefix."'$tor'";
$res $db->sql_query("SELECT ".$db_prefix.", ".$db_prefix."_torrents.seeders, ".$db_prefix."_torrents.leechers, ".$db_prefix."_torrents.post_img, ".$db_prefix."_torrents.screen1, ".$db_prefix."_torrents.screen2, ".$db_prefix."_torrents.screen3, ".$db_prefix."_torrents.screen4, ".$db_prefix."_torrents.added, ".$db_prefix."_torrents.comments, ".$db_prefix." AS cat_name FROM ".$db_prefix."_torrents LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."_categories ON ".$db_prefix."_torrents.category = ".$db_prefix." $where  $orderby $limit")or sqlerr(__FILE____LINE__);
$row $db->sql_fetchrow($res);
$cat $row['cat_name'];
$seed =$row['seeders'];
$comments =$row['comments'];
$leech =$row['leechers'];
$dispname htmlspecialchars($row2["name"]);
$dispname str_replace("_"" "$dispname);
$dispname str_replace("."" "$dispname);

$simg1 $row['screen1'];
$simg2 $row['screen2'];
$simg3 $row['screen3'];
$simg4 $row['screen4'];
$show2 = ($simg2 != '')? ($simg2 != 'NULL')?"<td><img src=$simg2 height='160' width=250 border=0></td>" '' '' ;
$show3 = ($simg3 != '')? ($simg3 != 'NULL')?"<td><img src=$simg3 height='160' width=250 border=0></td>" '' '' ;
$show4 = ($simg4 != '')? ($simg4 != 'NULL')?"<td><img src=$simg4 height='160' width=250 border=0></td>" '' '' ;

$img1 "<b><font color=#2f74b3>" $dispname "</color></b><b><font color=white>".$row["added"]."</color></b><a href='$siteurl/details.php?id=$row[id]'><img border='0' src='$row[post_img]' alt=\"$altname / $cat\" height='120' width='185' onmouseover=\" return overlib('<center><h1><b>Στιγμιότυπα:</b></h1></center><hr><table class=imgfgcolor width=100%><tr><td><img src=$simg1 width=250 border=0></td><td><img src=$simg2 width=250 border=0></td><td><img src=$simg3 width=250 border=0></td><td><img src=$simg4 width=250 border=0></td></tr></table>', CENTER, HEIGHT, 160, WIDTH, 250, FGCOLOR, '#313131', BGCOLOR, '#313131');\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\"></a></b><b><font color=#2f74b3>Σχόλια: <a href=\"details.php?id=".$row["id"].$hit."\">" $row["comments"] . "</a></b>";
$img2 "<b><font color=#2f74b3>" $dispname "</color></b><b><font color=white>".$row["added"]."</color></b><a href='$siteurl/details.php?id=$row[id]'><img border='0' src='$row[post_img]' alt=\"$altname / $cat\" height='120' width='185' onmouseover=\" return overlib('<center><h1><b>Στιγμιότυπα:</b></h1></center><hr><table class=imgfgcolor width=100%><tr><td><center><font color=#2f74b3 size=4><b>Μη διαθέσιμη προεπισκόπηση</b></font></center></td></tr></table>', CENTER, HEIGHT, 160, WIDTH, 250, FGCOLOR, '#313131', BGCOLOR, '#313131');\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\"></a><font color=\"green\"><b>Τροφοδότες $seed </font></b> <font color=\"red\"><b>Αποδέκτες $leech </font></b><b><font color=#2f74b3>Σχόλια: <a href=\"details.php?id=".$row["id"].$hit."\">" $row["comments"] . "</a></b>";

            if (
$row["post_img"] != ""){
                        if (
"<td style=\"text-align: center;\" >"$img1 ."<BR>\n</td>\n");
"<td style=\"text-align: center;\" >"$img2 ."<BR>\n</td>\n");


how can i make it show all torrents [dead and seeding]?

joeroberts 21st August 2013 15:06

AND visible='yes'
from the query.

fireknight 21st August 2013 15:52

To help with your coding.
A couple of tags you are using


Not supported in HTML5. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.
This link should help you with further coding projects


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