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lenkeim 22nd May 2011 13:33

and what about tbh?where can i get that source code?

KingStress 22nd May 2011 16:00

Nobody have ever released its source.
The same about theese two, so this thread can be closed.

DAKz 25th May 2011 05:13

you sure about that??
I do have a copy of that code and I will mention 3 names that should solve this question, for those in the know they will know who these people are, for those that don't lol you probably never will :bubble:

Ghostdancer, rewote most of the code and added the xbt tracker
Ethereal also rewrote the code
Borely took the code to ptm and put it up there and modded it more
Microfox Did some of the testing and code for the xbt tracker.

If your familiar with the code then you know these names.

Ghostdancer brought the code for a site that I had called "The Iota Project" and I have a couple copies of the code from site backups burned to disc.

At The Iota Project I was lucky enough to have both Ghostdancer and Microfox do the code and theme the site.

I hear that Ghostdancer is pretty much retired now, however I do believe that a very modded version of this code is up and running now at a popular site. I know the owner and talked to him about this and he hinted that Ghost had come in and "helped" and drops in once in a while.

Now when I have Ghostdancer's OK on this I will post it here for all to play with etc. But since all easily acknowledge that this is his code, I will not betray the trust of a longtime friend by putting it here without his OK.

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