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Tony 15th April 2010 20:25

Yeah the theme has remained the same and only had a couple of changes made to it but thats only cause i dont really have the experience to make a new theme when it comes to photoshop and css but im more than welcome for any that do get sent to me :)

stall20080 15th May 2010 18:04

its nice to see new version in process
im using ts fullymodded, great source but it had alot of problems and bugs, its great news a new version is in process but will it be bug free and have all the mods and more

doramider7 18th September 2010 02:54


Originally Posted by Tony (Post 22235)
Original ? please do explain what you mean by that since is there any source out there which doesnt include a mod from tbdev or torrenttrader or btit ?

The v0.5 basic source itself will include things which hasnt been posted on any of the 3 places i mentioned above so yeah we are being original if thats what you wanna call it :)

Also we dont just take from tbdev since there is things posted on tbdev which was actually posted on our forum and then copyed over to tbdev so really tbdev isnt always the original place where the mods came from :)

No why should somebody start from scratch when the v4 itself is good enough to carry on with and improve ?

Also torrentstrike is XTBdev based not tbdev based :)

People that use torrentstrike are using it simply because its a great source to start from and comes with a better template system than what you get in a basic tbdev source (css stylesheets)

Before users had to manually edit the files if they wanted to move anything about but now in v0.5 its all done from the admin panel making it much easier for somebody with less experience :)

Is this fully modded version going to have all the mods from tbdev in there again or you going to be original and create some of your own?

Also you going to come up with a new sourcecode from scratch between you's or again you going to be taking the tbdev sourcecode?

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Lolle 5th April 2011 21:02

awesome :drink:

wMan 2nd December 2012 02:27


Originally Posted by Tony (Post 22168)
Myself and nicky has been working on the v0.5 of torrentstrike and progress is going quite well to say theres only myself and nicky working on it but so far so good when it comes down to what we have done to add new things to torrentstrike.

Torrentstrike v0.5 as it is now includes the following new features and also noted will be other new features which we are currently thinking of doing aswell once the more important things are done on the v0.5 :)

v0.5 will have a new block system so users can now place any blocks that they wish on the left , right or even center of the site and not have to edit the theme files each time they wish to have something moved from the left to the right for example :)

Along with the new block system we have added the option to use external torrents now (multitrackered) which also works with the passkey system that was already included in the v0.4 .

This means members will still get ratio on external torrents.

Along side them 2 new features will be a new usergroup system meaning no more file edits to make new usergroups :)

Phpbb2 has been fully removed from the v0.5 and we are hopefully wanting to make is optional for the owner to choose which forum source they are wanting to use if they dont want to use the basic default forum which is currently the tbdev basic forum source .

Other things such as a new admin panel and a new user details page layout is on the idea list along with a brand new usercp to replace the old my.php .

We have wanted to try and keep the v0.5 as basic as possible to let the user be able to add there own things to it which they are wanting that are already out there and only the main needed things will be included in the v0.5 to keep it basic and easy to support without it being a overbloatded source with useless mods that not everybody is wanting when they install v0.5

never to be lol

Krypto 2nd December 2012 02:33

Why resurrect a thread that was last posted in nearly 20 months ago :smack:

wMan 2nd December 2012 02:35

Krypto sorry to say its never been in progress lol
And if it was wow 20 months old should have been done:drink:

Krypto 2nd December 2012 02:41

Last I heard Tony had gotten out of the Torrent Scene? So I very much doubt that anything will be released
I do know that he had done work on the code though not sure how far it progressed?

wMan 2nd December 2012 02:45

ok mate what im doing at the min is doing it my self but will send you a linky for it when done:drink:

BamBam0077 27th February 2015 03:38

@whyme screenshots mate would be appropriated for the people that are going to pay :chch:

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