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englezu 30th April 2011 22:53

I try install U-232 V2 with subdomain and after signup show this error:


Please resubmit the form. Click HERE


NatashaRhea 30th April 2011 23:45

small issue i got installed successfully . But when i go to login it takes me back to login page like i am just refreshing the page nothing happens would anyone know why and a fix for it thank you in advance

Great Job on Source :drink:

Bigjoos 1st May 2011 01:58

If your being bounced back to login then its the cookie_domain setting on config.php causing it so either set it as your domain no http or www or leave it blank sometimes need to clear your cookies when making changes there as well.

@ englezu because you have set it up incorrectly - Make sure the baseurl line is correct and make sure you use cookie_prefix no cookie domain
Code was set up in subs by the beta testers ages ago.

englezu 1st May 2011 08:31

It does not work. My settings in config.php:

$INSTALLER09['cookie_prefix'] = ''; // This allows you to have multiple trackers, eg for demos, testing etc.
$INSTALLER09['cookie_path'] = ''; // ATTENTION: You should never need this unless the above applies eg: /tbdev
$INSTALLER09['cookie_domain'] = ''; // set to eg: or is subdomain set to:
$INSTALLER09['domain'] = '';

not working on subdomain?

(I installed it on the domain and work. I can make my account and to log in.)

Bigjoos 1st May 2011 10:28

Im not getting into a debate about if it works or not in sub domain, i know it does.

This needs modified to tell your one up from root :


$INSTALLER09['baseurl'] = 'http'.(isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && (bool)$_SERVER['HTTPS'] == true ? 's':'').'://'. $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
To something like this :


$INSTALLER09['baseurl'] = 'http'.(isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && (bool)$_SERVER['HTTPS'] == true ? 's':'').'://'. $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/Subfolder';
This :


$INSTALLER09['cookie_prefix']  = ''; // This allows you to have multiple trackers, eg for demos, testing etc.
$INSTALLER09['cookie_path']    = '';  // ATTENTION: You should never need this unless the above applies eg: /tbdev
$INSTALLER09['cookie_domain']  = ''; // set to eg: or is subdomain set to:

Would be something like this :


$INSTALLER09['cookie_prefix'] = '/subfolder'; // This allows you to have multiple trackers, eg for demos, testing etc.
$INSTALLER09['cookie_path'] = ''; // ATTENTION: You should never need this unless the above applies eg: /tbdev
$INSTALLER09['cookie_domain'] = ''; // set to eg: or is subdomain set to:

NatashaRhea 1st May 2011 21:46

thank you got that sorted i dont have ops though i get this when going to staff panel sweet looking source well done :drink:


Incorrect access

Silly Rabbit - Trix are for kids.. You dont have the correct credentials to be here !

Bigjoos 1st May 2011 21:53

All you need to do is open config.php and find :

PHP Code:

//==Important security settings below
//==Add all your Staff ids
$INSTALLER09['allowed_staff']['id'] = array(1,2); 

Would become for example :

PHP Code:

//==Important security settings below
//==Add all your Staff ids
$INSTALLER09['allowed_staff']['id'] = array(1,2,3,4,50); 

Ensure that before you promote any staff that there userid is added to that array.

Then few lines below find :

PHP Code:

//== Add ALL staff names before promote them
$INSTALLER09['staff']['allowed'] = array( 'Admin'       => 1,
'System' => 1

Would become for example :

PHP Code:

//== Add ALL staff names before promote them
$INSTALLER09['staff']['allowed'] = array( 'Bigjoos'  => 1,
'Admin'    => 1,
'Bob'      => 1,
'System'   => 1

And edit that array by copying the top line and pasting it direct underneath then change the name, adding your staff names used on site so they can access staffpanel, You will also see pins on there as some tools are pin protected so check that out.

englezu 1st May 2011 23:24

Thanks Bigjoos works now. Great source! :drink:

NatashaRhea 1st May 2011 23:26

done something wrong
I done what you said but for some reason it keeps demoting an not given systems op to BeetPete can u check see what i done wrong thanks




 *  Licence Info: GPL

 *  Copyright (C) 2010 BTDev Installer v.1

 *  A bittorrent tracker source based on

 *  Project Leaders: Mindless,putyn.



define('PUBLIC_ACCESS', true);

define('SQL_DEBUG', 1);


$TBDEV['char_set'] = 'UTF-8'; //also to be used site wide in meta tags

if (ini_get('default_charset') != $TBDEV['char_set']) {



/* Compare php version for date/time stuff etc! */

if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.1.0RC1", ">="))


define('TIME_NOW', time());

$TBDEV['time_adjust'] =  0;

$TBDEV['time_offset'] = '0';

$TBDEV['time_use_relative'] = 1;

$TBDEV['time_use_relative_format'] = '{--}, h:i A';

$TBDEV['time_joined'] = 'j-F y';

$TBDEV['time_short'] = 'jS F Y - h:i A';

$TBDEV['time_long'] = 'M j Y, h:i A';

$TBDEV['time_tiny'] = '';

$TBDEV['time_date'] = '';

//== DB setup

$TBDEV['mysql_host'] = 'localhost';

$TBDEV['mysql_user'] = 'root';

$TBDEV['mysql_pass'] = 'XXXXX';

$TBDEV['mysql_db']  = 'tb';

//== Cookie setup

$TBDEV['cookie_prefix']  = ''; // This allows you to have multiple trackers, eg for demos, testing etc.

$TBDEV['cookie_path']    = '';  // ATTENTION: You should never need this unless the above applies eg: /tbdev

$TBDEV['cookie_domain']  = ''; // set to eg: or is subdomain set to:

$TBDEV['domain'] = '';

$TBDEV['site_online'] = 1;

$TBDEV['tracker_post_key'] = 'lsdflksfda4545frwe35@kk';

$TBDEV['max_torrent_size'] = 1000000;

$TBDEV['announce_interval'] = 60 * 30;

$TBDEV['signup_timeout'] = 86400 * 3;

$TBDEV['autoclean_interval'] = 900;

$TBDEV['autoslowclean_interval'] = 28800;

$TBDEV['autoslowclean_interval2'] = 57600;

$TBDEV['lotteryclean_interval'] = 259200;

$TBDEV['autobackup_interval'] = 86400;

$TBDEV['optimizedb_interval'] = 172800;

$TBDEV['minvotes'] = 1;

$TBDEV['max_dead_torrent_time'] = 6 * 3600;

$TBDEV['language'] = 'en';

$TBDEV['user_ratios'] = 1;

$TBDEV['bot_id'] = 2;

$TBDEV['coins'] = false;

$TBDEV['forums_online'] = 1;

$TBDEV['forums_autoshout_on'] = 1;

$TBDEV['forums_seedbonus_on'] = 1;

$TBDEV['maxsublength'] = 100;

//== Memcache expires

$TBDEV['expires']['latestuser'] = 0; // 0 = infinite 

$TBDEV['expires']['MyPeers_'] = 120; // 60 = 60 seconds

$TBDEV['expires']['unread'] = 86400; // 86400 = 1 day

$TBDEV['expires']['alerts'] = 0;  // 0 = infinite

$TBDEV['expires']['user_cache'] = 900;  // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['forum_posts'] = 900;  // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['torrent_comments'] = 900;  // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['latestposts'] = 900;  // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['iphistory'] = 900;  // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['newpoll'] = 900;  // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['curuser'] = 900;  // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['genrelist'] = 30*86400; // 30x86400 = 30 days

$TBDEV['expires']['poll_data'] = 300; // 300 = 5 min

$TBDEV['expires']['torrent_data'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['user_flag'] = 86400*28; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['shit_list'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['port_data'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['user_peers'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['user_friends'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['user_blocks'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['hnr_data'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['hnr_data'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['snatch_data'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['user_snatches_data'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['snatch_data'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['user_snatches_complete'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['activeusers'] = 60; // 60 = 1 minutes

$TBDEV['expires']['last24'] = 3600; // 3600 = 1 hours

$TBDEV['expires']['total_funds'] = 0; // 0 = infinite

$TBDEV['expires']['latest_news'] = 0; // 0 = infinite

$TBDEV['expires']['site_stats'] = 300; // 300 = 5 min

//== Latest posts limit

$TBDEV['latest_posts_limit'] = 5; //query limit for latest forum posts on index

/** Settings **/

$TBDEV['reports']      = 1;// 1/0 on/off

$TBDEV['karma']        = 1;// 1/0 on/off

$TBDEV['textbbcode']  = 1;// 1/0 on/off

$TBDEV['max_slots'] = 1; // 1=On 0=Off

$TBDEV['user_slots'] = 20;

$TBDEV['p_user_slots'] = 30;

$TBDEV['user_ratio1_slots'] = 2;

$TBDEV['user_ratio2_slots'] = 3;

$TBDEV['user_ratio3_slots'] = 5;

$TBDEV['user_ratio4_slots'] = 10;

//== Max users on site

$TBDEV['maxusers'] = 5000; // LoL Who we kiddin' here?

$TBDEV['invites'] = 3500; // LoL Who we kiddin' here?

$TBDEV['openreg'] = true; //==true=open, false = closed

$TBDEV['failedlogins'] = 5; // Maximum failed logins before ip ban

$TBDEV['flood_time'] = 900; //comment/forum/pm flood limit

$TBDEV['readpost_expiry'] = 14*86400; // 14 days

/** define dirs **/

define('INCL_DIR', dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);









$TBDEV['cache'] = ROOT_DIR.'cache';

$TBDEV['backup_dir'] = INCL_DIR.'backup';

$TBDEV['dictbreaker'] = ROOT_DIR.'dictbreaker';

$TBDEV['torrent_dir'] = ROOT_DIR.'torrents'; # must be writable for httpd user 

$TBDEV['bucket_dir'] = ROOT_DIR .'bitbucket'; # must be writable for httpd user

$TBDEV['flood_file'] = INCL_DIR.'settings'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'limitfile.txt';

$TBDEV['nameblacklist'] = ROOT_DIR.'cache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'nameblacklist.txt';

# the first one will be displayed on the pages

$TBDEV['announce_urls'] = array();

$TBDEV['announce_urls'][] = '';

//$TBDEV['announce_urls'][] = "";

if ($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] == "")


$TBDEV['baseurl'] = "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];



$host = getenv( 'SERVER_NAME' );

$script = getenv( 'SCRIPT_NAME' );

$script = str_replace( "\\", "/", $script );

  if( $host AND $script )


    $script = str_replace( '/index.php', '', $script );

    $TBDEV['baseurl'] = "http://{$host}{$script}";



//== Email for sender/return path.

$TBDEV['site_email'] = '';

$TBDEV['site_name'] = 'yoursite';

$TBDEV['language'] = 'en';

$TBDEV['msg_alert'] = 1; // saves a query when off

$TBDEV['report_alert'] = 1; // saves a query when off

$TBDEV['staffmsg_alert'] = 1; // saves a query when off

$TBDEV['uploadapp_alert'] = 1; // saves a query when off

$TBDEV['sql_error_log'] = ROOT_DIR.'logs'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'sql_err_'.date('M_D_Y').'.log';

$TBDEV['pic_base_url'] = "./pic/";

$TBDEV['stylesheet'] = "1";

//== set this to size of user avatars

$TBDEV['av_img_height'] = 100;

$TBDEV['av_img_width'] = 100;

//== set this to size of user signatures

$TBDEV['sig_img_height'] = 100;

$TBDEV['sig_img_width'] = 500;

$TBDEV['bucket_dir'] = ROOT_DIR . '/bitbucket'; # must be writable for httpd user 

$TBDEV['allowed_ext'] = array('image/gif', 'image/png', 'image/jpeg');

$TBDEV['bucket_maxsize'] = 500*1024; #max size set to 500kb

//== last 24 users online

$TBDEV['last24cache'] = CACHE_DIR.'last24/'.date('dmy').'.txt';

$TBDEV['last24record'] = CACHE_DIR.'last24record.txt';

$TBDEV['happyhour'] = CACHE_DIR.'happyhour'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'happyhour.txt';

$TBDEV['crazy_title'] ="w00t It's Crazyhour!";

$TBDEV['crazy_message'] ="All torrents are FREE and upload stats are TRIPLED!";

//== Set this to the line break character sequence of your system

//$TBDEV['linebreak'] = "\r\n"; // not used at present.

define ('UC_USER', 0);

define ('UC_POWER_USER', 1);

define ('UC_VIP', 2);

define ('UC_UPLOADER', 3);

define ('UC_MODERATOR', 4);

define ('UC_ADMINISTRATOR', 5);

define ('UC_SYSOP', 6);

define('UC_MIN', 0);  // minimum class

define('UC_MAX', 6);  // maximum class

define('UC_STAFF', 4); // start of staff classes

$TBDEV['staff_viewcode_on'] = true;

//==Class check by pdq

$TBDEV['site']['owner'] = 1;

//== Salt

$TBDEV['site']['salt2'] = 'jgutyshsjaka';  // should be mix of u/l case and min 12 chars length

//= Change staff pin daily or weekly

$TBDEV['staff']['staff_pin'] = 'uFg40y3IufqoI9'; // should be mix of u/l case and min 12 chars length

//== Staff forum ID for autopost

$TBDEV['staff']['forumid'] = 2; // this forum ID should exist and be a staff forum

//==Staff ids

$TBDEV['allowed_staff']['id'] = array(1);  //== Add all staff ids before promotion

//== Add ALL staff names before promote them
$INSTALLER09['staff']['allowed'] = array( 'BeetPete'      => 1,
                                    'Admin'      => 1,
                                    'Yourname'      => 1,
                                    'anothername'      => 1,
                                    'System' => 1

//Do not modify -- versioning system

//This will help identify code for support issues at

define ('TBVERSION','09_Installer');


Bigjoos 2nd May 2011 04:25

Well your using what looks like default U-232 V1 and trying to add V2 globals to it

PHP Code:

//== Add ALL staff names before promote them 
$INSTALLER09['staff']['allowed'] = array( 'BeetPete'       => 1,                                     
'Admin'       => 1,                                     
'Yourname'       => 1,                                     
'anothername'       => 1,                                     
'System' => 1                                     

Should be

PHP Code:

//== Add ALL staff names before promote them 
$TBDEV['staff']['allowed'] = array( 'BeetPete'       => 1,                                     
'Admin'       => 1,                                     
'Yourname'       => 1,                                     
'anothername'       => 1,                                     
'System' => 1                                     

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