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Old 17th June 2008, 07:11
AutoSnipe AutoSnipe is offline
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Posts: 84
Default Announce Fix For TBDev SZ 3.0+
hey guys....
heres a fully fixed up announce url for you :)
any questions.. ask :)

define('IN_ANNOUNCE', true);
$tracker_root_path = './';
require($tracker_root_path . 'include/config.php');
require($tracker_root_path . 'include/benc.php');
@include($tracker_root_path . '/languages/lang_' . $config['default_lang'] . '/lang_announce.php');


$updateset = $events_ary = array();

//start receive and check main data from peer
$agent = ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT') );

foreach ( array('passkey','info_hash','peer_id') AS $x) {
	if( isset($_GET[$x]) ) {
		$GLOBALS[$x] = strval($_GET[$x]);

if ( strpos($passkey, '?') ) {
	$tmp = substr($passkey, strpos($passkey, '?'));
	$passkey = substr($passkey, 0, strpos($passkey, '?'));
	$tmpname = substr($tmp, 1, strpos($tmp, '=')-1);
	$tmpvalue = substr($tmp, strpos($tmp, '=')+1);
	$GLOBALS[$tmpname] = $tmpvalue;

foreach ( array('passkey','info_hash','peer_id') AS $x) {
	if( !isset($x) ) {
	     err(sprintf($lang['announce_missing_key'], $x) );

foreach ( array('port','downloaded','uploaded','left') AS $x) {
	if ( isset($_GET[$x]) ) {
	     $GLOBALS[$x] = 0 + $_GET[$x];
	else {
	     err(sprintf($lang['announce_missing_key'], $x) );

preg_match_all('/event=([^&]*)/i', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $matches);
if ( sizeof($matches[1]) ) {
	$events_ary = $matches[1];

$compact = ( isset($_GET['compact']) ? 1 : 0 );

$no_peer_id = ( isset($_GET['no_peer_id']) ? 1 : 0 );

$rsize = 50;

foreach( array('num want', 'numwant', 'num_want') AS $k ) {
	if ( isset($_GET[$k]) ) {
		$rsize = intval($_GET[$k]);

if ( !$port || $port > 0xffff ) {

foreach ( array('info_hash','peer_id') AS $x ) {
	if ( strlen($GLOBALS[$x]) != 20 ) {
    		err(sprintf($lang['announce_invalid_parametr'], $x, strlen($GLOBALS[$x]), urlencode($GLOBALS[$x])));

if ( strlen($passkey) != 32 ) {
	err(sprintf($lang['announce_invalid_passkey'], strlen($passkey), $passkey));
//end receive and check main data from peer

//start check bad clients
$bad_agents_arr = array('Gecko', 'Opera', 'MSIE', 'Links', 'Lynx', 'Mozilla', '0P3R4H');
for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof($bad_agents_arr); ++$i ) {
	if ( strpos($agent, $bad_agents_arr[$i]) !== FALSE ) {

if ( strpos($peer_id, 'Torrent/3') && $agent == '0' ) {

if(substr($peer_id, 0, 4) == 'exbc' || substr($peer_id, 0, 3) == '-BC' || substr($peer_id, 1, 2) == 'TS' || substr($peer_id,-4) == 'UDP0' || substr($peer_id, 0, 3) == '-FG') {
if(substr($peer_id, 0, 1) == 'A') {
     if(substr($peer_id, 1, 3) < 300) {
// start anti trackerpro (cheaters)
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] == 'identity' && substr($peer_id, 0, 6) == 'M4-1-3') {
// end anti trackerpro (cheaters)

//end check bad clients

$sql_priority = ($db_type == 'mysql') ? ' LOW_PRIORITY' : '';

//start select userdata for user
$sql = 'SELECT uid, uploaded, downloaded, class, hiddentorrents, parked, can_leech, torrents_limit  FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE torrent_pass = ' . "'" . $db->sql_escape($passkey) . "'" . ' AND enabled = 1';
if( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) {
        err('user select error');
if ( !($userdata = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) ) {
	err('Unknown passkey. Please redownload torrent from tracker');
//end select userdata for user

//start select data for torrent
$sql = 'SELECT fid, banned, seeders + leechers AS numpeers, seeders, ctime, hidden, free FROM ' . TORRENTS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . hash_where('info_hash', $info_hash);
if( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) {
        err('torrent select error');
if ( !($torrentdata = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) ) {
	err('Torrent not registered with this tracker');
//end select data for torrent

$fields = 'peer_id, `left`, ip, port, uploaded, downloaded, uid, mtime';

$limit = '';
if ( $torrentdata['numpeers'] > $rsize ) {
	$limit = ' LIMIT ' . $rsize;

$sql = 'SELECT ' . $fields . ' FROM ' . PEERS_TABLE . ' WHERE fid = ' . $torrentdata['fid'] . $limit;
if( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) {
$error = $db->sql_error();
   err('' . $error['message']);

$resp = 'd' . benc_str('interval') . 'i' . $config['announce_interval'] . 'e' . benc_str('min interval') . 'i' . $config['min_announce_interval'] . ( !$compact ? 'e' . benc_str('peers') . 'l' : 'e5:peers');
$peer = array();
$peer_num = 0;
while ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) {
	$row['peer_id'] = hash_pad($row['peer_id']);
	$peer_id_replaced = preg_replace('/ *$/s', '', $row['peer_id']);
	if ( $row['peer_id'] == $peer_id || $peer_id_replaced == $peer_id ) {
		$self = $row;
	if( !$compact ) {
		$resp .= 'd' . benc_str('ip') . benc_str($row['ip']);
		if ( !$no_peer_id ) {
			$resp .= benc_str('peer id') . benc_str($row['peer_id']);
		$resp .= benc_str('port') . 'i' . $row['port'] . 'ee';
	else {
		$peer_ip = explode('.', $row['ip']);
		$peer_ip = pack('C*', $peer_ip[0], $peer_ip[1], $peer_ip[2], $peer_ip[3]);
		$peer_port = pack('n*', intval($row['port']));
		$time = intval((time() % 7680) / 60);
		if( !$left ) {
			$time += 128;
		$time = pack('C', $time);
		$peer[] = $time . $peer_ip . $peer_port;

if ( !$compact ) {
	$resp .= 'ee';
else {
	$o = '';
	for( $i = 0; $i < $peer_num; $i++ ) {
		$o .= substr($peer[$i], 1, 6);
	$resp .= benc_str($o) . 'e';
$selfwhere = 'fid = ' . $torrentdata['fid'] . ' AND peer_id = ' . hash_where('peer_id', $peer_id);

if ( !isset($self) ) {
	$sql = 'SELECT ' . $fields . ' FROM ' . PEERS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $selfwhere;
        if( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) {
                err('peer select error');
        if ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) {
                $self = $row;

if ( in_array('completed', $events_ary) ) {
	$sql = 'UPDATE ' . SNATCHED_TABLE . ' SET completedat = ' . time() . ' WHERE torrentid = ' . $torrentdata['fid'] . ' AND userid = ' . $userdata['uid'];
	if( !($db->sql_query($sql)) ) {
		err('Snatched compl error');
	$updateset[] = 'completed = completed + 1';

//start user not in peers table, it's first connect. let's insert data
if ( !isset($self) ) {
	//start hidden torrent check
	if ( $torrentdata['hidden'] && ( !$userdata['hiddentorrents'] && $userdata['class'] < UC_MODERATOR ) ) {
		err('Hash not recognized with user! Hide!');
	//end hidden torrent check

	//start seed & leech limits check
	$leech_count = $seed_count = 0;
	$sql = 'SELECT `left`, COUNT(*) AS c FROM ' . PEERS_TABLE . ' WHERE uid = ' . $userdata['uid'] . ' GROUP BY fid';
	$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
	if ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) {
		do {
			if ( $row['left'] ) {
				$leech_count = $leech_count + $row['c'];
			else {
				$seed_count = $seed_count + $row['c'];
		while ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) );

	if ( $left ) {
		if ( !empty($userdata['torrents_limit']) && $userdata['can_leech'] && ( $leech_count >= $userdata['torrents_limit'] ) ) {
			err('Vi kachaete slishkom mnogo torrentov! Odnovremenno mozhno kachat ' . $userdata['torrents_limit'] . ' torrentov');
	elseif ( !empty($config['max_torrent_allow_seed']) && ( $seed_count >= $config['max_torrent_allow_seed'] ) && $userdata['class'] < UC_UPLOADER ) {
		err('Vi sidiruete slishkom mnogo torrentov. Odnovremenno mozhno sidirovat ' . $config['max_torrent_allow_seed'] . ' torrentov');
	//end seed & leech limits check

	//start wait time check
	if ( $config['waittime'] && $left && $userdata['class'] < UC_VIP ) {
	     $gigs = $userdata['uploaded'] / (1024*1024*1024);
		$elapsed = floor((time() - $torrentdata['ctime']) / 3600);
		$ratio = (($userdata['downloaded'] > 0) ? ($userdata['uploaded'] / $userdata['downloaded']) : 1);
		if ($ratio < 0.5 || $gigs < 5) {
			$wait = 48;
		elseif ($ratio < 0.65 || $gigs < 6.5) {
			$wait = 24;
		elseif ($ratio < 0.8 || $gigs < 8) {
			$wait = 12;
		elseif ($ratio < 0.95 || $gigs < 9.5) {
			$wait = 6;
		else {
		     $wait = 0;
		if ( $elapsed < $wait ) {
			err('Vam nado podozhdat (' . ($wait - $elapsed) . ' chasov) - Prochtite FAQ!');
     //end wait time check

	//start parked check
	if ( $userdata['parked'] ) {
		err('Error, your account is parked! Please read the FAQ!');
     //end parked check

     //start can leech check
     if ( !$userdata['can_leech'] && $left ) {
	     err('Vi ne mozhete kachat torrenti.');
     //end can leech check

	//start connect to port to know connectable user or not
	$connectable = 0;
	if ( $sockres = @fsockopen($user_ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 5) ) {
		$connectable = 1;
	//end connect to port to know connectable user or not

	//start insert data into peers table
	$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . PEERS_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', array(
			'connectable'   => $connectable,
			'fid'	       => $torrentdata['fid'],
			'peer_id'       => $peer_id,
			'ip'	    => $user_ip,
			'port'	  => $port,
			'uploaded'      => $uploaded,
			'downloaded'    => $downloaded,
			'`left`'	=> $left,
			'started'       => time(),
			'mtime'	 => time(),
			'uid'	   => $userdata['uid'],
			'useragent'     => $agent ));

	if ( $db->sql_query($sql) ) {
		if ( !$left ) {
			$updateset[] = 'seeders = seeders + 1';
			if ( !$torrentdata['seeders'] ) {
				$updateset[] = 'visible = 1';
		else {
			$updateset[] = 'leechers = leechers + 1';
	else {
	     $error = $db->sql_error();
		if ( $error['code'] == 1062 ) { //we have unique key in database at fid-uid-ip rows
			err('You can\'t leech or seed one torrent from one IP more than one time');
		err('Insert peers error');
	//end insert data into peers table

	//start try to insert data unto snatched table
	$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . SNATCHED_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', array(
			'torrentid'     => $torrentdata['fid'],
			'userid'	=> $userdata['uid'],
			'uploaded'      => $uploaded,
			'downloaded'    => $downloaded,
			'port'		=> $port,
			'last_action'   => time(),
			'connectable'   => $connectable,
			'sna_peer_id'   => $peer_id,
			'sna_useragent' => $agent ));

	if( !($db->sql_query($sql)) ) {
		$error = $db->sql_error();
		if ( $error['code'] != 1062 ) { //we have unique key in database at torrentid-userid rows
			err('Insert snatched error');
     //end try to insert data unto snatched table or update it
//end user not in peers table, it's first connect. let's insert data

//start user already in peers table, it's first connect. let's update data
else {
	$upthis = max(0, $uploaded - $self['uploaded']);
	$downthis = max(0, $downloaded - $self['downloaded']);

	if ( ($upthis > 0 || $downthis > 0 ) && $userdata['class'] != UC_VIP) {
		$sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' SET uploaded = uploaded + ' .  $upthis . ( !$torrentdata['free'] ?' , downloaded = downloaded + ' . $downthis : ''). ' WHERE uid = ' . $userdata['uid'];
		if( !($db->sql_query($sql)) ) {
			err('Up/Down Stats Error');
		// Initial sanity check xMB/s for 1 second
		if( $upthis > 2097152 && $self['mtime'] < time() ) {
			//Work out time difference
			$endtime = time();
			$starttime = $self['mtime'];
			$diff = ($endtime - $starttime);
			//Normalise to prevent divide by zero.
			$rate = ($upthis / ($diff + 1));
			//Currently 2MB/s. Increase to 5MB/s once finished testing.
			if ($rate > 2097152) {
				if ($userdata['class'] < UC_MODERATOR) {
					$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . CHEATERS_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', array(
					       'added'	 => time(),
					       'userid'	=> $userdata['uid'],
					       'rate'	  => $rate,
					       'beforeup'      => $userdata['uploaded'],
					       'upthis'	=> $upthis,
					       'timediff'      => $diff,
					       'userip'	=> $user_ip,
					       'torrentid'     => $torrentdata['fid'],
					       'che_useragent' => $agent,
					       'che_peer_id'   => $peer_id));
					if( !($db->sql_query($sql)) ) {
						err('Check Error');

	$upd_sql = ( $upthis ? 'uploaded = uploaded + ' .  $upthis . ',' : '' );
	$upd_sql .= ( $downthis ? 'downloaded = downloaded + ' . $downthis . ',' : '' );
	$upd_sql .= ( $port <> $self['port'] ? 'port = ' . $port . ',' : '' );
	$sql = 'UPDATE' . $sql_priority . ' ' . SNATCHED_TABLE . ' SET ' . $upd_sql . ' last_action = ' . time() . ' WHERE torrentid = ' . $torrentdata['fid'] . ' AND userid = ' . $userdata['uid'];

	if( !($db->sql_query($sql)) ) {
		err('Update snatched error');

	if ( !$left && $self['mtime'] < time() ) {
		$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM ' . PEERS_TABLE . ' WHERE `left` = 0 AND uid = ' . $userdata['uid'];
		$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
		$count = ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) ? intval($row['count']) : 0;
		if ( $count ) {
			$current_total_time = round( ( ( time() - $self['mtime'] ) / $count ) );
			$sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' SET total_seed_time = total_seed_time + ' . $current_total_time . ' WHERE uid = ' . $userdata['uid'];
			if( !($db->sql_query($sql)) ) {
				err('Total seedtime error');

	if ( in_array('stopped', $events_ary) ) {
		$sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . PEERS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $selfwhere;
		$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
		if ( $db->sql_affectedrows($result) ) {
			if ( !$self['left'] ) {
				$updateset[] = 'seeders = seeders - 1';
				if ( $torrentdata['seeders'] == 1 ) {
					$updateset[] = 'visible = 0';
			else {
				$updateset[] = 'leechers = leechers - 1';
	else {
		$secs = time() - $self['mtime'];
		$uprate = ( $secs ? round($upthis / $secs) : 0 ); //we calculate upl speed for last session
		$downrate = ( $left ? ( $secs ? round($downthis / $secs) : 0 ) : 0 ); //we calculate down speed for last session

		$sql = 'UPDATE' . $sql_priority . ' ' . PEERS_TABLE . ' SET ' . $db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', array(
		       'uploaded'   => $uploaded,
		       'upspeed'    => $uprate,
		       'downloaded' => $downloaded,
		       'downspeed'  => $downrate,
		       'port'       => $port,
		       '`left`'     => $left,
		       'mtime'      => time() )) .
		       ' WHERE ' . $selfwhere;

		if( !($db->sql_query($sql)) ) {
			err('Update peers error');
		if ( $db->sql_affectedrows() && $self['left'] != $left && !$left ) {
			$updateset[] = 'seeders = seeders + 1';
			$updateset[] = 'leechers = leechers - 1';
			if ( !$torrentdata['seeders'] ) {
				$updateset[] = 'visible = 1';
//end user already in peers table, it's first connect. let's update data

if ( !$left ) {
	$updateset[] = 'mtime = ' . time();

if ( sizeof($updateset) ) {
	$sql = 'UPDATE' . $sql_priority . ' ' . TORRENTS_TABLE . ' SET ' . implode(',', $updateset) . ' WHERE fid = ' . $torrentdata['fid'];
	if( !($db->sql_query($sql)) ) {
		err('Update torrents error');

--= =--
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Old 17th June 2008, 20:39
Fynnon's Avatar
Fynnon Fynnon is offline
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Posts: 984
Default Re: Announce Fix For TBDev SZ 3.0+

Are you using this source?
if you know a tracker using this source i hope you don`t mind showing to us
Old 18th June 2008, 06:55
AutoSnipe AutoSnipe is offline
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Posts: 84
Default Re: Announce Fix For TBDev SZ 3.0+
had it running on my site for a little while, (my site is just getting started up...) but it wasn't really what i was looking for.. but i found where the bugs were in the announce so i did that and posted them...
i'm about to look at the new Yuna Scatari... so be prepared for a few bug fixes :)
--= =--
--= Coded Blend of '06, '09 & '13-'14 =--
Old 18th June 2008, 11:11
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Fynnon Fynnon is offline
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Posts: 984
Default Re: Announce Fix For TBDev SZ 3.0+
Originally Posted by AutoSnipe
i'm about to look at the new Yuna Scatari... so be prepared for a few bug fixes :)
Can`t wait :P
Old 26th June 2008, 19:22
Nafania Nafania is offline
TB Dev SZ Developer
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Posts: 31
Default Re: Announce Fix For TBDev SZ 3.0+
Hmm, i see only one changed line, it's
    $selfwhere = 'fid = ' . $torrentdata['fid'] . ' AND peer_id = ' . hash_where('peer_id', $peer_id);
it was
$selfwhere = 'fid = ' . $torrentdata['fid'] . ' AND ' . hash_where('peer_id', $peer_id);
but this "fix" not correct and if you use it, you'll broke announce.php, because function hash_where return table name which added with this "fix"
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