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Old 2nd February 2012, 23:33
xenu xenu is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 8
Default Failure: Missing key: Passkey

I'm having a bit of a problem with Torrent Trader 2.08. I installed it and everything works fine except for the announce.php passkey component. I've downloaded the torrent to get the passkey but nothing happens and I get the Failure Missing key: passkey error. As a result, nothing is accounted for in the tracker, so all of the downloads look dead.

I've looked through the other threads for this issue and I know it has something to do with needing sitename/announce.php?passkey=######

but I guess I don't know how to set it up correctly or something is missing.

Click the image to open in full size.

Here is my config

PHP Code:
= array();
$site_config['ttversion'] = '2.08';                            //DONT CHANGE THIS!

// Main Site Settings
$site_config['SITENAME'] = 'MegaNova';                    //Site Name
$site_config['SITEEMAIL'] = '';        //Emails will be sent from this address
$site_config['SITEURL'] = '';    //Main Site URL
$site_config['default_language'] = "1";                        //DEFAULT LANGUAGE ID
$site_config['default_theme'] = "1";                        //DEFAULT THEME ID
$site_config['CHARSET'] = "utf-8";                        //Site Charset
$site_config['announce_list'] = ""//seperate via comma
$site_config['MEMBERSONLY'] = true;                            //MAKE MEMBERS SIGNUP
$site_config['MEMBERSONLY_WAIT'] = true;                    //ENABLE WAIT TIMES FOR BAD RATIO
$site_config['ALLOWEXTERNAL'] = true;        //Enable Uploading of external tracked torrents
$site_config['UPLOADERSONLY'] = false;        //Limit uploading to uploader group only
$site_config['INVITEONLY'] = false;            //Only allow signups via invite
$site_config['ENABLEINVITES'] = true;        // Enable invites regardless of INVITEONLY setting
$site_config['CONFIRMEMAIL'] = true;        //Enable / Disable Signup confirmation email
$site_config['ACONFIRM'] = false;            //Enable / Disable ADMIN CONFIRM ACCOUNT SIGNUP
$site_config['ANONYMOUSUPLOAD'] = false;        //Enable / Disable anonymous uploads
$site_config['PASSKEYURL'] = "$site_config[SITEURL]/announce.php?passkey=%s"// Announce URL to use for passkey
$site_config['UPLOADSCRAPE'] = true// Scrape external torrents on upload? If using mega-scrape.php you should disable this
$site_config['FORUMS'] = true// Enable / Disable Forums
$site_config['FORUMS_GUESTREAD'] = true// Allow / Disallow Guests To Read Forums
$site_config["OLD_CENSOR"] = false// Use the old change to word censor set to true otherwise use the new one.   

$site_config['maxusers'] = 20000// Max # of enabled accounts
$site_config['maxusers_invites'] = $site_config['maxusers'] + 5000// Max # of enabled accounts when inviting

$site_config['currency_symbol'] = '$'// Currency symbol (HTML allowed)

$site_config['BANNED_AGENTS'] = "-AZ21, -BC, LIME";

$site_config['torrent_dir'] = getcwd().'/uploads';
$site_config['nfo_dir'] = getcwd().'/uploads';
$site_config['blocks_dir'] = getcwd().'/blocks';

// Image upload settings
$site_config['image_max_filesize'] = 524288// Max uploaded image size in bytes (Default: 512 kB)
$site_config['allowed_image_types'] = array(
// "mimetype" => ".ext",
"image/gif" => ".gif",
"image/pjpeg" => ".jpg",
"image/jpeg" => ".jpg",
"image/jpg" => ".jpg",
"image/png" => ".png"

$site_config['SITE_ONLINE'] = true;                                    //Turn Site on/off
$site_config['OFFLINEMSG'] = 'Site is down for a little while';    

$site_config['WELCOMEPMON'] = true;            //Auto PM New members
$site_config['WELCOMEPMMSG'] = 'Thank you for registering to MegaNova! Please remember to keep your ratio at 1.00 or greater :)';

$site_config['SITENOTICEON'] = true;
$site_config['SITENOTICE'] = '<b>Update</b> - Torrents are currently being uploaded so many of them may not be working yet <br/><br/>Welcome To MegaNova<br /><br />This site is currently a work in progress, and new torrents should be rolling out within the week. I appreciate many of you taking part in the community so far, and I look forward to having many of you back. And to address earlier concerns, I do not plan this a private tracker at this moment, I want to ensure safe and free accessibility for everyone!<br /><br />I also encourage everyone to share on this site. If you do not have the capabilities to seed torrents, you can supply the community by sending videos to us at staff[at] so at least I or someone else can share it for you.<br /><br />Cheers,<br />MegaNova<br /><br />';

$site_config['UPLOADRULES'] = 'You should also include a .nfo file wherever possible<br />Try to make sure your torrents are well-seeded for at least unitl enough people have downloaded it<br />Do not re-release material that is still active';

//Setup Site Blocks
$site_config['LEFTNAV'] = true//Left Column Enable/Disable
$site_config['RIGHTNAV'] = true// Right Column Enable/Disable
$site_config['MIDDLENAV'] = true// Middle Column Enable/Disable
$site_config['SHOUTBOX'] = false//enable/disable shoutbox
$site_config['NEWSON'] = true;
$site_config['DONATEON'] = true;
$site_config['DISCLAIMERON'] = true;

$site_config['WAIT_CLASS'] = '1,2';        //Classes wait time applies to, comma seperated
$site_config['GIGSA'] = '1';            //Minimum gigs
$site_config['RATIOA'] = '0.50';        //Minimum ratio
$site_config['WAITA'] = '24';            //If neither are met, wait time in hours

$site_config['GIGSB'] = '3';            //Minimum gigs
$site_config['RATIOB'] = '0.65';        //Minimum ratio
$site_config['WAITB'] = '12';            //If neither are met, wait time in hours

$site_config['GIGSC'] = '5';            //Minimum gigs
$site_config['RATIOC'] = '0.80';        //Minimum ratio
$site_config['WAITC'] = '6';            //If neither are met, wait time in hours

$site_config['GIGSD'] = '7';            //Minimum gigs
$site_config['RATIOD'] = '0.95';        //Minimum ratio
$site_config['WAITD'] = '2';            //If neither are met, wait time in hours

$site_config['PEERLIMIT'] = '10000';            //LIMIT NUMBER OF PEERS GIVEN IN EACH ANNOUNCE
$site_config['autoclean_interval'] = '600';        //Time between each auto cleanup (Seconds)
$site_config['LOGCLEAN'] = 28 86400;            // How often to delete old entries. (Default: 28 days)
$site_config['announce_interval'] = '900';        //Announce Interval (Seconds)
$site_config['signup_timeout'] = '259200';        //Time a user stays as pending before being deleted(Seconds)
$site_config['maxsiteusers'] = '10000';            //Maximum site members
$site_config['max_dead_torrent_time'] = '2629743';//Time until torrents that are dead are set invisible (Seconds)

$site_config["ratiowarn_enable"] = true//Enable/Disable auto ratio warning
$site_config["ratiowarn_minratio"] = 0.4//Min Ratio
$site_config["ratiowarn_mingigs"] = 4;  //Min GB Downloaded
$site_config["ratiowarn_daystowarn"] = 14//Days to ban

// category = Category Image/Name, name = Torrent Name, dl = Download Link, uploader, comments = # of comments, completed = times completed, size, seeders, leechers, health = seeder/leecher ratio, external, wait = Wait Time (if enabled), rating = Torrent Rating, added = Date Added, nfo = link to nfo (if exists)
$site_config["torrenttable_columns"] = "category,name,dl,uploader,comments,size,seeders,leechers,health,external";
// size, speed, added = Date Added, tracker, completed = times completed
$site_config["torrenttable_expand"] = "";

// Caching settings
$site_config["cache_type"] = "disk"// disk = Save cache to disk, memcache = Use memcache, apc = Use APC
$site_config["cache_memcache_host"] = "localhost"// Host memcache is running on
$site_config["cache_memcache_port"] = 11211// Port memcache is running on
$site_config['cache_dir'] = getcwd().'/cache'// Cache dir (only used if type is "disk"). Must be CHMOD 777

// Mail settings
// php to use PHP's built-in mail function. or pear to use
// MUST use pear for SMTP
$site_config["mail_type"] = "php";
$site_config["mail_smtp_host"] = "localhost"// SMTP server hostname
$site_config["mail_smtp_port"] = "25"// SMTP server port
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$site_config["mail_smtp_auth"] = false// true to use auth for SMTP
$site_config["mail_smtp_user"] = ""// SMTP username
$site_config["mail_smtp_pass"] = ""// SMTP password

// Password hashing - Once set, cannot be changed without all users needing to reset their passwords
$site_config["passhash_method"] = "sha1"// Hashing method (sha1, md5 or hmac). Must use what your previous version of TT did or all users will need to reset their passwords
// Only used for hmac.
$site_config["passhash_algorithm"] = "sha1"// See for a list of supported algorithms.
$site_config["passhash_salt"] = ""// Shouldn't be blank. At least 20 characters of random text.
Thanks in advance for your help.
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