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Old 26th September 2008, 06:23
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djlee djlee is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 183
this is sometimes caused by a setting in my.cnf (the mysql settings file). If you have access to my.ini then remove STRICT_TRANS_TABLES from your SQL mode in my.ini

otherwise the only other thing i can suggest is go to phpmyadmin, go to your users table, click edit next to the title field (usually a pencil image) and then you can either set the column "NULL" to "Null" rather than "Not Null" or you can set a default value for title .. i would suggest changing the null value rather than the title due to how tbdev is coded (i wont go into it as you dont need to know unless you ask lol)

but first if you have access to my.ini definately try the first thing i mentioned as it will stop any of these errors appearing again (unless ofcourse u mess an sql query up then thats ur problem not the servers lol)
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