Thread: Project U-232
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Old 1st May 2011, 23:26
NatashaRhea NatashaRhea is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 48
Default done something wrong
I done what you said but for some reason it keeps demoting an not given systems op to BeetPete can u check see what i done wrong thanks




 *   Licence Info: GPL

 *   Copyright (C) 2010 BTDev Installer v.1

 *   A bittorrent tracker source based on

 *   Project Leaders: Mindless,putyn.



define('PUBLIC_ACCESS', true);

define('SQL_DEBUG', 1);


$TBDEV['char_set'] = 'UTF-8'; //also to be used site wide in meta tags

if (ini_get('default_charset') != $TBDEV['char_set']) {



/* Compare php version for date/time stuff etc! */

if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.1.0RC1", ">="))


define('TIME_NOW', time());

$TBDEV['time_adjust'] =  0;

$TBDEV['time_offset'] = '0'; 

$TBDEV['time_use_relative'] = 1;

$TBDEV['time_use_relative_format'] = '{--}, h:i A';

$TBDEV['time_joined'] = 'j-F y';

$TBDEV['time_short'] = 'jS F Y - h:i A';

$TBDEV['time_long'] = 'M j Y, h:i A';

$TBDEV['time_tiny'] = '';

$TBDEV['time_date'] = '';

//== DB setup

$TBDEV['mysql_host'] = 'localhost';

$TBDEV['mysql_user'] = 'root';

$TBDEV['mysql_pass'] = 'XXXXX';

$TBDEV['mysql_db']   = 'tb';

//== Cookie setup

$TBDEV['cookie_prefix']  = ''; // This allows you to have multiple trackers, eg for demos, testing etc.

$TBDEV['cookie_path']    = '';   // ATTENTION: You should never need this unless the above applies eg: /tbdev

$TBDEV['cookie_domain']  = ''; // set to eg: or is subdomain set to:

$TBDEV['domain'] = '';

$TBDEV['site_online'] = 1;

$TBDEV['tracker_post_key'] = 'lsdflksfda4545frwe35@kk';

$TBDEV['max_torrent_size'] = 1000000;

$TBDEV['announce_interval'] = 60 * 30;

$TBDEV['signup_timeout'] = 86400 * 3;

$TBDEV['autoclean_interval'] = 900;

$TBDEV['autoslowclean_interval'] = 28800;

$TBDEV['autoslowclean_interval2'] = 57600;

$TBDEV['lotteryclean_interval'] = 259200;

$TBDEV['autobackup_interval'] = 86400;

$TBDEV['optimizedb_interval'] = 172800;

$TBDEV['minvotes'] = 1;

$TBDEV['max_dead_torrent_time'] = 6 * 3600;

$TBDEV['language'] = 'en';

$TBDEV['user_ratios'] = 1;

$TBDEV['bot_id'] = 2;

$TBDEV['coins'] = false;

$TBDEV['forums_online'] = 1;

$TBDEV['forums_autoshout_on'] = 1;

$TBDEV['forums_seedbonus_on'] = 1;

$TBDEV['maxsublength'] = 100;

//== Memcache expires

$TBDEV['expires']['latestuser'] = 0; // 0 = infinite  

$TBDEV['expires']['MyPeers_'] = 120; // 60 = 60 seconds 

$TBDEV['expires']['unread'] = 86400; // 86400 = 1 day 

$TBDEV['expires']['alerts'] = 0;  // 0 = infinite

$TBDEV['expires']['user_cache'] = 900;  // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['forum_posts'] = 900;  // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['torrent_comments'] = 900;  // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['latestposts'] = 900;  // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['iphistory'] = 900;  // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['newpoll'] = 900;  // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['curuser'] = 900;  // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['genrelist'] = 30*86400; // 30x86400 = 30 days

$TBDEV['expires']['poll_data'] = 300; // 300 = 5 min

$TBDEV['expires']['torrent_data'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['user_flag'] = 86400*28; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['shit_list'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['port_data'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['user_peers'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['user_friends'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['user_blocks'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['hnr_data'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['hnr_data'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['snatch_data'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['user_snatches_data'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['snatch_data'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['user_snatches_complete'] = 900; // 900 = 15 min

$TBDEV['expires']['activeusers'] = 60; // 60 = 1 minutes

$TBDEV['expires']['last24'] = 3600; // 3600 = 1 hours

$TBDEV['expires']['total_funds'] = 0; // 0 = infinite

$TBDEV['expires']['latest_news'] = 0; // 0 = infinite

$TBDEV['expires']['site_stats'] = 300; // 300 = 5 min

//== Latest posts limit

$TBDEV['latest_posts_limit'] = 5; //query limit for latest forum posts on index

/** Settings **/

$TBDEV['reports']      = 1;// 1/0 on/off

$TBDEV['karma']        = 1;// 1/0 on/off

$TBDEV['textbbcode']   = 1;// 1/0 on/off

$TBDEV['max_slots'] = 1; // 1=On 0=Off

$TBDEV['user_slots'] = 20;

$TBDEV['p_user_slots'] = 30;

$TBDEV['user_ratio1_slots'] = 2;

$TBDEV['user_ratio2_slots'] = 3;

$TBDEV['user_ratio3_slots'] = 5;

$TBDEV['user_ratio4_slots'] = 10;

//== Max users on site

$TBDEV['maxusers'] = 5000; // LoL Who we kiddin' here?

$TBDEV['invites'] = 3500; // LoL Who we kiddin' here?

$TBDEV['openreg'] = true; //==true=open, false = closed

$TBDEV['failedlogins'] = 5; // Maximum failed logins before ip ban

$TBDEV['flood_time'] = 900; //comment/forum/pm flood limit

$TBDEV['readpost_expiry'] = 14*86400; // 14 days

/** define dirs **/

define('INCL_DIR', dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);









$TBDEV['cache'] = ROOT_DIR.'cache';

$TBDEV['backup_dir'] = INCL_DIR.'backup';

$TBDEV['dictbreaker'] = ROOT_DIR.'dictbreaker';

$TBDEV['torrent_dir'] = ROOT_DIR.'torrents'; # must be writable for httpd user   

$TBDEV['bucket_dir'] = ROOT_DIR .'bitbucket'; # must be writable for httpd user 

$TBDEV['flood_file'] = INCL_DIR.'settings'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'limitfile.txt';

$TBDEV['nameblacklist'] = ROOT_DIR.'cache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'nameblacklist.txt';

# the first one will be displayed on the pages

$TBDEV['announce_urls'] = array();

$TBDEV['announce_urls'][] = '';

//$TBDEV['announce_urls'][] = "";

if ($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] == "")


$TBDEV['baseurl'] = "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];



$host = getenv( 'SERVER_NAME' );

$script = getenv( 'SCRIPT_NAME' );

$script = str_replace( "\\", "/", $script );

  if( $host AND $script )


    $script = str_replace( '/index.php', '', $script );

    $TBDEV['baseurl'] = "http://{$host}{$script}";



//== Email for sender/return path.

$TBDEV['site_email'] = '';

$TBDEV['site_name'] = 'yoursite';

$TBDEV['language'] = 'en';

$TBDEV['msg_alert'] = 1; // saves a query when off

$TBDEV['report_alert'] = 1; // saves a query when off

$TBDEV['staffmsg_alert'] = 1; // saves a query when off

$TBDEV['uploadapp_alert'] = 1; // saves a query when off

$TBDEV['sql_error_log'] = ROOT_DIR.'logs'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'sql_err_'.date('M_D_Y').'.log';

$TBDEV['pic_base_url'] = "./pic/";

$TBDEV['stylesheet'] = "1";

//== set this to size of user avatars

$TBDEV['av_img_height'] = 100;

$TBDEV['av_img_width'] = 100;

//== set this to size of user signatures

$TBDEV['sig_img_height'] = 100;

$TBDEV['sig_img_width'] = 500;

$TBDEV['bucket_dir'] = ROOT_DIR . '/bitbucket'; # must be writable for httpd user  

$TBDEV['allowed_ext'] = array('image/gif', 'image/png', 'image/jpeg');

$TBDEV['bucket_maxsize'] = 500*1024; #max size set to 500kb

//== last 24 users online

$TBDEV['last24cache'] = CACHE_DIR.'last24/'.date('dmy').'.txt';

$TBDEV['last24record'] = CACHE_DIR.'last24record.txt';

$TBDEV['happyhour'] = CACHE_DIR.'happyhour'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'happyhour.txt';

$TBDEV['crazy_title'] ="w00t It's Crazyhour!";

$TBDEV['crazy_message'] ="All torrents are FREE and upload stats are TRIPLED!";

//== Set this to the line break character sequence of your system

//$TBDEV['linebreak'] = "\r\n"; // not used at present.

define ('UC_USER', 0);

define ('UC_POWER_USER', 1);

define ('UC_VIP', 2);

define ('UC_UPLOADER', 3);

define ('UC_MODERATOR', 4);

define ('UC_ADMINISTRATOR', 5);

define ('UC_SYSOP', 6);

define('UC_MIN', 0);   // minimum class

define('UC_MAX', 6);   // maximum class

define('UC_STAFF', 4); // start of staff classes

$TBDEV['staff_viewcode_on'] = true;

//==Class check by pdq

$TBDEV['site']['owner'] = 1;

//== Salt

$TBDEV['site']['salt2'] = 'jgutyshsjaka';  // should be mix of u/l case and min 12 chars length

//= Change staff pin daily or weekly

$TBDEV['staff']['staff_pin'] = 'uFg40y3IufqoI9'; // should be mix of u/l case and min 12 chars length

//== Staff forum ID for autopost

$TBDEV['staff']['forumid'] = 2; // this forum ID should exist and be a staff forum

//==Staff ids

$TBDEV['allowed_staff']['id'] = array(1);  //== Add all staff ids before promotion

//== Add ALL staff names before promote them
$INSTALLER09['staff']['allowed'] = array( 'BeetPete'       => 1,
                                    'Admin'       => 1,
                                    'Yourname'       => 1,
                                    'anothername'       => 1,
                                    'System' => 1

//Do not modify -- versioning system

//This will help identify code for support issues at

define ('TBVERSION','09_Installer');
