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Old 24th March 2009, 09:27
bfsilas bfsilas is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 1
Default Nice... and a problem (of course)
It's a good peices of web software, i enjoy it very much :)

Though i have a quick question, how would i shut off the ip protection?

For example... if i download a torrent on a seedbox and then move that to my torrentstrike and start uploading, works fine, then i add my home client and boom... unrecgonised host :( sucks any ideas?
Edit: Fail explanation
In short i know that Torrentstrike records what ip you have when you login... and that's all you can use to torrent with otherwise utorrent will give you an unrecgonised host exception? how would i remove this?

Also i had a problem which made me rage and delete torrentstrike 3 times in 3 weeks... i resolved it... well i wouldn't call it a resolve just figured it out..

If you're using Debian and mktorrent... IT WILL NOT WORK

Don't know why but it doesn't allow the passkey to be added when a user downloads the .torrent

That being said. if you could help me with my problem i will be very appreative. and that nice fuzzy feel inside knowing you helped a fellow human being :)
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