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Old 26th November 2012, 22:21
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by KrackerMan View Post
There is nothing wrong with OVH. You are trying to tell me you can sell a more secure sever then OVH lol. I can get a couple servers you are selling with those spec from OVH. 14.99 euros a month and I can even buy a Germany IP address to make it look like my server is from Germany.

There are plenty of trackers out there that host at ovh and nothing happens to them. Also plenty of their servers are used day in and day out for seedboxes.

Now it don't matter if you rent servers from any country being for copyright or non copyright purpose all it takes 1-2 notices and they can pull your server quicker then sh*t.

Just read their TOS every server company (not the resellers) will have copyright wrote into there contracts. Now the millions of resellers don't and usually won't add that into their contracts.

Now not trying to be a prick or anything but I hate it when resellers try to sell their their servers on lies.
please show me where I said we were more secure than OVH merely said server isnt OVH and also france for torrenting isn't secure as say Germany, Holland, Russia etc, anyway where is the link to the three servers for same price?

Originally Posted by gvtheogioI View Post
Cam on da post bai hay len dien dan cua chung ta
Hay cung chung tay xay dap dien dan giau manh
Cam on tat ca.
Chuc 1 tuan lam viec vui ve.
I cannot understand a single word of this lol

Also being on here has got me thinking why is it people who moan on about stuff never show their credentials for doing so, maybe links to their hosting or server deals or are they mere armchair critics who slander others but have no credentials to do so?

@KrackerMan you say you can do this and that and get this and that, well my challenge is do it and show us you can. Also still waiting for this company who offer three servers for same price.

Also, I do not find it necessary to debate over these matters as my services speak for themselves and as a person who has never used any of my services I find it difficult to think you can make a reasonable and fair judgment over them tbh

Last edited by Spartan_Host_co_uk; 26th November 2012 at 23:12.
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