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Old 18th December 2008, 21:36
jnewing jnewing is offline
BrightSwitch Project Developer
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 9
Serious? I bet you would be hard pressed to find a quality source of, well... almost anything that's not OOP.

OOP offer organization far beyond anything non-OOP offers, and ability to create objects dynamically on a per users bases, well that just speaks for itself.

Don't even get my started on why encapsulation is your friend. IMO every web project should be separating implementation from the interface for about 100000000 security reasons, along with other things.

Code reuse is just good for everyone (why reinvent the wheel its about as good as its goona get)

Conclusion: Why oop? Organization, Security, Cleanliness, Usability, Scalability and more importantly because I can!
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