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Old 7th October 2011, 09:55
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Optix Optix is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 145
@daffy :
You need to set two variables (app_host_*) with your current hostname. It is set to localhost by default in /apps/frontend/config/app.yml

These variables allows you to parallelize downloads across hostnames and load the website as fastest as you can, because your browser will fetch HTML and images from 3 domains, so 3x faster. You can check that ZenTracker scores the "A" grade on GTMetrix (PageSpeed).

You can set it to your current domain or on different subdomains for reach the same DocumentRoot.

Don't forget to clean the cache after editing :) (delete /cache/ contents).

@cooly : this week i've made a lot of refactoring to reduce code lines with the same features.
Every view file will have only objects and no more arrays which are not flexible at all :)
I will upgraded the Symfony framework : the new version (1.4.14) has many improvements about performances from the cache manager :D
So this time, no bug fix, no features, but a very efficient code for the developers :)