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Old 7th June 2015, 14:07
BamBam0077 BamBam0077 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 410
Default [BamBam0077] TorrentTrader News!
This community is wasting there time asking or wanting any future builds. I mean if you help the dickhead behind the scenes you will know he has stolen off many people who have donated since Dec 2014 maybe even before that promising he would provide TTv3 the honest truth is he does not have fucking clue how to program or design. He now promises you 2.0.9 I was the first cunt to provide a mix code of tt/tbdev functions for a pre-alpha 2.0.9 but got knocked back was not good enough mind you I am sure if I did continue to build it using both sources since I did see they do use tbdev code for some mods it would have just been as secure as u-232 in the end, yes I know I have to use them for security purposes as they are the best for that I know I have played with that fire before hand.

These sources have great rep but since TT changed hands you would have notice your not important but your money is

I am ready & I am not scared to continue my project for TT Pre-Alpha 2.0.9 and I will not ask for you money as I am at a point where money does not make you happy but does pay bills

I have been banned on there forum for speaking the truth and stating the facts he has had over 6 months to develop a new base engine and overhaul the entire source but has not got his finger outta his arse and placed on the table for the donors!!! your a fucking waste of sperm and don't deserve that 75,000+ Community but yet you got them. check your database you will know I am right even though it says 20,000 + on forums.

P.S I did offer help several times but not good enough either
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