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Old 26th August 2008, 17:22
zenja7777 zenja7777 is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 47
Originally Posted by clocktower View Post
u got a link or more info
Here this code to alter under TS v 5.1

We choose most the most swung for last week
And in the form of creeping pictures (we creep upwards) we show clients.
As a result the most popular becomes even more popular

PHP Code:
$res mysql_query("SELECT id,category,seeders, torrents.image1, leechers, name, times_completed from torrents WHERE added > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 6 DAY) ORDER BY times_completed DESC LIMIT 6") or sqlerr(__FILE____LINE__);

$num mysql_num_rows($res);

if (
$num 0) {
$content .= "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100%><tr>";
$content .= "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100%><tr><td class=block>";

$content .= "<MARQUEE behavior= \"scroll\" align=\"left\" direction= \"up\" height=\"220\" scrollamount= \"2\" scrolldelay= \"80\" >";
//$content .= "<MARQUEE behavior= \"scroll\" align=\"left\" direction= \"up\" height=\"220\" scrollamount= \"2\" scrolldelay= \"90\" onmouseover= \"this.stop()\"  onmouseout='this.start()'>";

for ($i 0$i $num; ++$i)
while (
$row mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
$cros mysql_query("SELECT name, image FROM categories WHERE id=$row[category]");
if (
mysql_num_rows($cros) == 1)
$corr mysql_fetch_assoc($cros);
$cat_img "<img src=$BASEURL/pic/cats/" $corr[image] . " border=0 alt='$corr[name]'>";
$content .= "<center><a href=details.php?id=$row[id]><b>$row[name]</b></a></center>"
$content .= "<center><a href=details.php?id=$row[id]><img border='0' src='thumb2.php?w=147&q=60&file=$row[image1]' border=\"0\" /></a> <align=center><font color=red><span title=\"Раздают\">" .number_format($row['seeders'])."</span><font color=green><span title=\"Качают\">"." ".number_format($row['leechers'])."<font color=aqua><span title=\"Всего скачано раз\">"." ".number_format($row['times_completed'])."</font></center>"
$content .= "<p>";
$content .= "</marquee></tr></td></table>"
In a fashion it is used resaizer pictures better standard (allows to reduce the size of a picture in kilobytes)
The given file to call thumb2.php and to put in a root tracker

PHP Code:
// не забудьте поменять каталог если у вас картинки хранятся в другом месте

if ( is_file($image) )
$image_width$image_height$image_type) = getimagesize($image);
    switch (
$image_type) {
"1" $image_src imagecreatefromgif ($image); break;
"2" $image_src imagecreatefromjpeg($image); break;
"3" $image_src imagecreatefrompng ($image); break;
 if ( !isset(
$_GET['q']) ) { $q 80; } else { $q $_GET['q']; };
 if ( 
$_GET['w'] == || $_GET['w'] > $image_width ) { $w $image_width; } else { $w $_GET['w']; };
$height = ($image_height $w) / $image_width;
 if ( isset(
$_GET['h']) && $height $_GET['h'] ) { $w = ($image_width $_GET['h']) / $image_height$h $_GET['h']; } else { $h $height; };
$im imagecreatetruecolor($w$h);
$im imagecreatetruecolor(11);
header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT");
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
================================================== ======================
Or for ts alters this code who can please


if (!defined('BLOCK_FILE')) {
header("Location: ../index.php");

$res = mysql_query("SELECT id, category, seeders, torrents.image1, leechers, name, times_completed from torrents WHERE category <> 17 AND torrents.image1 <> 0 AND added > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 6 DAY) ORDER BY times_completed DESC LIMIT 6") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);

$num = mysql_num_rows($res);

if ($num > 0) {
$content .= "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100%><tr>";
$content .= "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100%><tr><td class=block>";

//$content .= "<MARQUEE behavior= \"scroll\" align=\"left\" direction= \"up\" height=\"220\" scrollamount= \"2\" scrolldelay= \"55\" >";
$content .= "<MARQUEE behavior= \"scroll\" align=\"left\" direction= \"up\" height=\"220\" scrollamount= \"2\" scrolldelay= \"65\" onmouseover= \"this.stop()\" onmouseout='this.start()'>";

for ($i = 0; $i < $num; ++$i)
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
$cros = mysql_query("SELECT name, image FROM categories WHERE id=$row[category]");
if (mysql_num_rows($cros) == 1)
$corr = mysql_fetch_assoc($cros);
$cat_img = "<img src=$BASEURL/pic/cats/" . $corr[image] . " border=0 alt='$corr[name]'>";
$content .= "<center><a href=details.php?id=$row[id]><b>$row[name]</b></a></center>";
$content .= "<center><a href=details.php?id=$row[id]><img alt='$row[name]' border='0' src='thumb2.php?w=147&q=60&file=$row[image1]' border=\"0\" /></a><br> <align=center><font color=red><span title=\"Раздают\">" .number_format($row['seeders'])."</span><font color=green><span title=\"Качают\">"." ".number_format($row['leechers'])."<font color=blue><span title=\"Всего скачано раз\">"." ".number_format($row['times_completed'])."</font></center>";
$content .= "<p>";
$content .= "</marquee></tr></td></table>";
================================================== =========
Or for ts alters this code who can please


if (!defined('BLOCK_FILE')) {
header("Location: ../index.php");

$res = mysql_query("SELECT id,category,seeders, torrents.poster, leechers, name, times_completed from torrents WHERE added > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 6 DAY) ORDER BY times_completed DESC LIMIT 6") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); 

$num = mysql_num_rows($res); 

if ($num > 0) { 
$content .= "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100%><tr>"; 
$content .= "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100%><tr><td class=block>"; 

$content .= "<MARQUEE behavior= \"scroll\" align=\"left\" direction= \"up\" height=\"220\" scrollamount= \"2\" scrolldelay= \"80\" >"; 
//$content .= "<MARQUEE behavior= \"scroll\" align=\"left\" direction= \"up\" height=\"220\" scrollamount= \"2\" scrolldelay= \"90\" onmouseover= \"this.stop()\"  onmouseout='this.start()'>"; 

for ($i = 0; $i < $num; ++$i) 
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { 
$cros = mysql_query("SELECT name, image FROM categories WHERE id=$row[category]"); 
if (mysql_num_rows($cros) == 1) 
$corr = mysql_fetch_assoc($cros); 
$cat_img = "<img src=$BASEURL/pic/cats/" . $corr[image] . " border=0 alt='$corr[name]'>"; 
$content .= "<center><a href=details.php?id=$row[id]><b>$row[name]</b></a></center>";  
$content .= "<center><a href=details.php?id=$row[id]><img border='0' src='thumb2.php?w=147&q=60&file=$row[poster]' border=\"0\" /></a> <align=center><font color=red><span title=\"Раздают\">" .number_format($row['seeders'])."</span><font color=green><span title=\"Качают\">"." ".number_format($row['leechers'])."<font color=aqua><span title=\"Всего скачано раз\">"." ".number_format($row['times_completed'])."</font></center>";  
$content .= "<p>"; 
$content .= "</marquee></tr></td></table>";
================================================== ============
Who will make such plugin for TS v 5.1 I shall be very grateful

Last edited by zenja7777; 26th August 2008 at 17:33.
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