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Old 29th July 2013, 21:31
wMan wMan is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 1,433
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Forum reply tsse

not my work i see it as been removed from the forum so here it is again
in /ts_ajax.php
for Quik reply

line 439
PHP Code:

mysql_query ('REPLACE INTO ' . TSF_PREFIX . ('' . 'threadsread SET  tid=\'' . $tid . '\', uid=\'') . $CURUSER['id'] . '\', dateline=\'' .  TIMENOW . '\'');
remplace by
PHP Code:

mysql_query ('REPLACE INTO ' . TSF_PREFIX . ('' . 'threadsread SET  tid=\'' . $tid . '\', uid=\'') . $CURUSER['id'] . '\', dateline=\'' .  TIMENOW . '\'');
         $seolink = ('' . ''.$BASEURL.'//tsf_forums/showthread.php?tid=' . sqlesc ($tid) . '');
         $shoutbOT = sprintf ('' . $username . ' just posted a message in the forum : ' . sqlesc ($subject) .  ' .');
         $shout_sql = 'INSERT INTO shoutbox (userid, date, content)  VALUES (\'999999999\', \'' . TIMENOW . '\', ' . sqlesc ('{systemnotice}'  . $shoutbOT) . ')';
         $shout_result = sql_query ($shout_sql);
in tsf_forums/newreply.php
for advensive reply
remplace line 215
PHP Code:

(sql_query ('UPDATE ' . TSF_PREFIX . ('' . 'forums SET posts =  posts + 1, lastpost = ' . $dateline . ', lastposter = ' . $username . ',  lastposteruid = ' . $uid . ', lastposttid = ' . $tid . ',  lastpostsubject = ' . $subject . ' WHERE fid = ' . $fid)) OR sqlerr  (__FILE__, 213));

PHP Code:

        (sql_query ('UPDATE ' . TSF_PREFIX . ('' . 'forums SET  posts = posts + 1, lastpost = ' . $dateline . ', lastposter = ' .  $username . ', lastposteruid = ' . $uid . ', lastposttid = ' . $tid . ',  lastpostsubject = ' . $subject . ' WHERE fid = ' . $fid)) OR sqlerr  (__FILE__, 213));
         $seolink = ('' . ''.$BASEURL.'//tsf_forums/showthread.php?tid=' . sqlesc ($tid) . '');
         $shoutbOT = sprintf ('' . $username . ' just posted a message in the forum : ' . sqlesc ($subject) .  ' .');
         $shout_sql = 'INSERT INTO shoutbox (userid, date, content)  VALUES (\'999999999\', \'' . TIMENOW . '\', ' . sqlesc ('{systemnotice}'  . $shoutbOT) . ')';
         $shout_result = sql_query ($shout_sql);
in tsf_forums/newthread.php
for newthread ^^

line 132

PHP Code:

 if ($useparent)
        (@sql_query ('UPDATE ' . TSF_PREFIX . ('' . 'forums SET lastpost  = ' . $dateline . ', lastposter = ' . $username . ', lastposteruid = ' .  $uid . ', lastposttid = ' . $tid . ', lastpostsubject = ' . $subject . '  WHERE fid = ' . $realforumid)) OR sqlerr (__FILE__, 147));
PHP Code:

if ($useparent)
        (@sql_query ('UPDATE ' . TSF_PREFIX . ('' . 'forums SET lastpost  = ' . $dateline . ', lastposter = ' . $username . ', lastposteruid = ' .  $uid . ', lastposttid = ' . $tid . ', lastpostsubject = ' . $subject . '  WHERE fid = ' . $realforumid)) OR sqlerr (__FILE__, 147));
        $seolink = ('' . ''.$BASEURL.'//tsf_forums/showthread.php?tid=' . sqlesc ($tid) . '');
        $shoutbOT = sprintf ('' . $username . ' just create a new forum topic : ' . sqlesc ($subject) .  ' .');
        $shout_sql = 'INSERT INTO shoutbox (userid, date, content)  VALUES (\'999999999\', \'' . TIMENOW . '\', ' . sqlesc ('{systemnotice}'  . $shoutbOT) . ')';
        $shout_result = sql_query ($shout_sql);
And set to eng
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