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Old 9th April 2008, 14:12
trurl3 trurl3 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 28
Default Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
After every step of installation instruction i have something like that:

Installation ERROR! 
STEP: ERROR! (0/6)
Please upload new files first.

I have checked two times - all files are uploaded.
I found so problem is with function version_check. For some reason doesn't recognize files on server. Maybe something with ROOT_PATH definition?

BTW, what about Data Base? Isn't it necessary to prepare DB first?

Edit: Instalation Instruction says what folders and files should be chmod-ed to 777, but there are no folder /community/. I suppose so it shoud be /forum/ and I acted as that.

Edit: I bypassed Version Check and installation starts. Now I now why in Instruction there is not any word
about Data Base.

Edit: BUG!! In istalation files name of the folder /CONFIG/ (i wrote as is in original package) is in Upper Case letters. WRONG: should be in lower case lest instalation program doesn't recognize it. Proved. it's necessary to fix it in source file.