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Old 14th January 2024, 21:28
thartley55 thartley55 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 206
I d d make an attempt to help you.
1) I told you that if you are using newer PHP and/or MYSQL...then you will have problems with these older scripts.
2) I told you to have some initiative. Some of the things you have asked for...such a moving plugins locations...can be found in the admin panel settings.
3) Your issue with the shoutbox...if I understand with this script (TSUE), the size of the shoutbox changes, as shouts have been made. There is a way to modify the script to make it a fixed size, but I can't remember how.
With your attititude towards it all, I don't have the desire to set up a working copy of the script and figure it tell you.
In other words...PISS OFF...and take your post with you.
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