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Old 12th June 2023, 23:01
thartley55 thartley55 is offline
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Posts: 206
Originally Posted by Elena View Post
That's interesting, but you didn't answer my question. You didn't say anything? Are you afraid to write the truth?
And on the channel, why have you closed access? You did not like the uncomfortable question?
Well... Time will tell what you have and how it works. So far I see dampness and garbage.

Originally Posted by Projectzomb View Post
SUPER SIMPLE SETUP SCRIPT: A simple script you run on your server, which with a simple command, will set your serer up for n3xt, install the pre req's, set everything to thet correct version, and has an option to secure your server so only your (or any ip you wish) cn access the mchine to keep you super secure.

no, mongo DB
All of this concerns me.
I don't really want a script that will 'set my server...and/or install any pre-req's'.
I generally set my server way...and don't want something else changing anything.
And, never used mongoDB before. How will that work...will phpmyadmin be able to access it...or will I have to install yet something get the script functional?
Just curious...asking for a friend of a friend of a friend. lol
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