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Old 11th June 2015, 11:49
goldenVirginia's Avatar
goldenVirginia goldenVirginia is offline
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 2
Default Thanks for having me, hope to be here a while!
Hello all! I'm glad to be here, as I feel this represents my next steps within BitTorrent. I'm straight out of college with a degree in IT Wizardy, and hope now to atleast apply some of what I've learnt on campus, with my life passion, BitTorrent.

I've been involved with hundreds of filesharing communities and networks over the past decade, and I've risen through the piracy ladder so to speak. I've seen private trackers, scene topsites, and web hosters come and go, rise and fall, and I've done my bit for each of these groups by playing a multitude of roles over the years.

Right now, my goal is gain real life experience with server administration and tracker development; in particular, I'd like to try my hand at Ocelot/Gazelle, as I feel this is the most modern tracker availabel at the moment. However, my first question is, are there any good sites out there for best server security practises (run nothing as root, duh...) or general introduction to server administration ? Ie, fail2ban, pimpmylog discussions..

In any event,

Best regards to all!


Also, check this out: Deep.Web.2015.PROPER.720p.HDTV.x264-BATV

Last edited by goldenVirginia; 11th June 2015 at 12:02.
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