Thread: HTTP Error 500
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Old 6th September 2008, 08:33
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Grom Grom is offline
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Posts: 73
read this readme_fresh_install
TS Special Edition v5.2

Last modified: July 18, 2008, 01:22 AM

Quick and easy steps to get you up and running.

These steps are by no means exhaustive or as detailed as possible.
1. Unzip the release archive to your computer using an archive utility capable of decompressing the download format you choose (Winrar,Winzip).

2. Using an FTP client (FlashFXP,CuteFTP), upload the entire contents of the 'upload' directory to a visible directory on your web server (IN BINARY MODE).

3. CHMOD the following files/folders to 0777 (ie, make sure that PHP can write to them).
- ./config/
- ./config/CLEANUP
- ./config/DATABASE
- ./config/DATETIME
- ./config/EXTRA
- ./config/FORUMCP
- ./config/KPS
- ./config/LOTTERY
- ./config/MAIN
- ./config/PAYPAL
- ./config/PJIRC
- ./config/REDIRECT
- ./config/SECURITY
- ./config/SEO
- ./config/SMTP
- ./config/STAFTEAM
- ./config/TWEAK
- ./config/THEME
- ./config/WAITSLOT
- ./torrents/
- ./torrents/images/
- ./include/avatars/
- ./tsf_forums/uploads/
- ./admin/backup/
- ./cache/
- ./cache/ALL PHP FILES
- ./cache/admincache.dat
- ./cache/auto_optimize.dat
- ./cache/systemcache.dat
- ./admin/ads.txt
- ./admin/adminnotes.txt
- ./admin/quicklinks.txt
- ./include/config_announce.php

4a. Open install/config.php and enter your templateshares account details.

4b. In your browser, visit the URL where you installed your tracker, appending ./install/install.php on to the end of it.

5. After the installation has completed, please DELETE the 'install' directory from server.

6. You can now login to the Administration Control Panel by appending ./admin/settings.php on to the URL of your tracker.

Fresh Installation Tutorial Available at

IMPORTANT: Do not forget to protect your ./CONFIG folder by using apache config.
Example httpd.conf

<Directory "C:/wamp/www/yourtrackerfolder">
Options -Indexes +FollowSymlinks +MultiViews -SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
AllowOverride all
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all

Congratulations, you should now have an installed and working copy of TS v5.2 on your web server.
Hello All

Last edited by Grom; 6th September 2008 at 08:37.
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