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Old 26th August 2012, 19:05
fmsheselina fmsheselina is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2012
United States
Posts: 15

Originally Posted by mmisu120000 View Post
Hi, I promised that I will post my version of TSSE 5.6.
I've moded it a little (added genres and other things), fixed allmost all errors, and tested it, and now it's online with over 1000 users and 600 torrents.

For me it works like a charm!, Very, very fast and reliable!

You can watch it live at

By the way, I have included 3 more templates made by me (bibicu_dark1, 2 and 3), and some cat icons ... feel free to use them ...

Files needed:
Inside that archive you will find also the wdw56.sql file ...


Download the .rar file from the attachement, unrar it and install the files in the tracker's root.

Now, we have to edit some files to fit your needs (the fields in RED colour shown below):


a:22:{s:11:"site_online";s:2:"no";s:7:"useajax";s: 3:"yes";s:14:"externalscrape";s:3:"yes";s:14:"incl udeexpeers";s:3:"yes";s:11:"MEMBERSONLY";s:3:"yes" ;s:10:"waitsystem";s:2:"no";s:11:"maxdlsystem";s:2 :"no";s:17:"showlastxtorrents";s:5:"multi";s:15:"i _torrent_limit";s:1:"5";s:10:"showimages";s:3:"yes ";s:8:"SITENAME";s:11:"WDW Tracker";s:13:"announce_urls";s:40:"http://your_site_url/announce.php";s:7:"BASEURL";s:27:"http://your_site_url";s:9:"SITEEMAIL";s:7:"office@";s:11:"reportemail";s:7:"office@";s:12:"contactemail";s:7:"office@";s:11:"torrent_dir";s:8:"torrents";s:12:"pic_base _url";s:4:"pic/";s:9:"table_cat";s:10:"categories";s:5:"cache";s: 5:"cache";s:7:"maxchar";s:3:"250";s:16:"max_torren t_size";s:8:"10485760";}

a:8:{s:8:"smtptype";s:7:"default";s:9:"smtp_host"; s:9:"localhost";s:9:"smtp_port";s:2:"25";s:9:"smtp_from";s:0:"";s:11:"smtpaddress";s: 17:"your_mail_server";s:8:"smtpport";s:2:"25";s:11:"accountname";s:13:"your_smtp_login";s:15:"accountpassword";s:8:"your_smtp_password";}

$mysql_host = (!empty ($DATABASE['mysql_host']) ? $DATABASE['mysql_host'] : 'localhost');
$mysql_user = (!empty ($DATABASE['mysql_user']) ? $DATABASE['mysql_user'] : 'your_batabase_user');
$mysql_pass = (!empty ($DATABASE['mysql_pass']) ? $DATABASE['mysql_pass'] : 'your_database_password');
$mysql_db = (!empty ($DATABASE['mysql_db']) ? $DATABASE['mysql_db'] : 'your_database_name');

if(!defined('IN_ANNOUNCE')) die('Hacking attempt!');$announce_interval = 2400;$BASEURL = 'http://your_site_url';$SITENAME = 'WDW Tracker';

Of course the fields in RED you have to edit to your needs... (Especially the ones with URL addresses and DB information)

CHMOD Files:
Then, CHMOD the following files/folders to 0777 (ie, make sure that PHP can write to them).
- ./config/
- ./config/CLEANUP
- ./config/DATABASE
- ./config/DATETIME
- ./config/EXTRA
- ./config/FORUMCP
- ./config/KPS
- ./config/MAIN
- ./config/PAYPAL
- ./config/PJIRC
- ./config/REDIRECT
- ./config/SECURITY
- ./config/SEO
- ./config/SMTP
- ./config/STAFTEAM
- ./config/TWEAK
- ./config/THEME
- ./config/WAITSLOT
- ./torrents/
- ./torrents/images/
- ./include/avatars/
- ./tsf_forums/uploads/
- ./admin/backup/
- ./cache/
- ./cache/funds.php
- ./cache/indexstats.php
- ./cache/systemcache.dat
- ./cache/massmail_config.php
- ./admin/ads.txt
- ./admin/adminnotes.txt
- ./admin/quicklinks.txt
- ./include/config_announce.php

Ok, now, the admin user is: admin, with the password: wdwtracker
And the pincodes for staff panel and Tracker Settings: both are "wdw56"

Database installation: (VERY IMPORTANT AND MANDATORY, because there are some new tables and fields added)



Use phpMyAdmin or whatever mysql manager you have, and create a database, then import the wdw56.sql file (from the root of the tracker).

Sorry, that was something I forgot ...

Then, in phpmyadmin, execute this command:

ALTER TABLE `tsf_forums` ADD `image` VARCHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'private.png';

That's it!!!

I think it is easy to install, (I never had time to edit the /install files to autogenerate the database, maybe I will do it later, or someone with more time will...)

Enter the tracker and in Tracker settings, edit your configuration.

If any unsuccess post here, and I will asist or correct any errors occured.

Good luck and ENJOY!!!

: smack:

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