Thread: NetManiack v1.6
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Old 2nd July 2010, 04:51
wMan wMan is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 1,433
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with the torrents not showing seeding and before you say it i have downloader the said torrent to seedbox and still same not showing as seeding this is a prob that needs sorting out

from what i see in the post and i see no one wants to help out on this one with looks of it.
i like it the tracker but car`nt keep it as no seeding showing
And would like a shoutbox mod as well and a last 24 hours mod for index

Originally Posted by COR72Z View Post
in my source i find only htaccess...i don't find .htaccess and httpd.config
ive looked and same here httpd.config
ok done test upload from home pc working a treat i need the seedbox to work on the code and its not working help?

Originally Posted by Fynnon View Post
Install guide:

1. upload to your root
2. cmd to 0777 torrents dir and log.txt (unix only)
3. edit bittorrent.php and secrets.php in include dir
4. import db from SQL directory (3files)
5. edit in chat.php

Tracker chat channel is #mytracker

irc:// = irc://server:port

/mytracker = your channel

#mytracker = your channel

find and change to your irc server

and find and change #mytracker to your channel

6. edit .htaccess

find all localhosts and change it to your tracker address, and change localhost to your addres in errorpages to (403.php 404.php 500.php)

7. run and DELETE IT!! and do the same whit SQL dir !!!

8. edit configuration in announce.php
9. edit in bittorrent.php line 465

whit patch to your favicon

10. Change text in bittorrent.php, ReadY sALTEd PeanutS, whit whatever you want (f.e. i like pie)
11. Change in password_protect.php

admin to some name

adminpass to some password

change localhost to your site address

If you create new skin add this to your css file:

.listitem {

td.clearalt6 {
   background: #ECE9D8;
   padding: 5px;
   border: 0px;
border: hidden;

td.clearalt7 {
   padding: 5px;
   background: #ECE9D8;
   border: 0px;
border: hidden;


1. If you have more than 1 language, uncomment 125 line in my.php. (language support is currently in alpha stage)
2. If you get an error while your seeding torrent :
Tracker sending invalid data: <NULL>
then remove:

/////////////////////Fix Increase ratio using Firefox //////////////////////
$headers = getallheaders();
if (isset($headers["Cookie"]) || isset($headers["Accept-Language"]) || isset($headers["Accept-Charset"]))
err("Anti-Cheater= You cannot use this agent");
///////////////////end of fix//////////////////////
from your announce.php script, then seeding/leeching will work. If that is not working problem is in your server.
well what can i say ask for a shoutbox mod and you get a code to upload over the one i have already from this chap no phps files so on just a sql with no sql for shoutbox nor any phps files to edit for a shourtbox can you see why i get so pissed off with you all

Last edited by wMan; 2nd July 2010 at 09:36.
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