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BoLaMN 23rd February 2008 13:49

Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0 & RC1
4 Attachment(s)
1. Yuna Pre7 RC1 by BolaMN :

Last modified: 09-APRIL-2008


*nix or Windows server.
MYSQL 3.23 or greater. Note: This source tested on Mysql 4 and 5 (we recommend: Mysql 5)
PHP version 4.1 or greater. Note: This source tested on PHP 4,5,5.20 (we recommend: PHP 5)
The Apache webserver (version 1.3 or greater.) Note: This source tested on Apache 2 (we recommend: Apache2).
The ability to change directory permissions to 0777 or to change ownership of directories to be owned by the webserver process.
.htaccess Support! (see httpd.conf for: AllowOverride all)
Short Open Tag support (see php.ini for: short_open_tag = On)
GD2 Support (see php.ini for: extension=php_gd2.dll)
Mod Rewrite Support (see httpd.conf for: LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
SMTP Server.

Please contact your hosting provider to ensure your server is compatible before installing.


Change Log:

Pre7 v.RC1 English
- Replaced all stderr & bark with function newerr
- Fixed all known bugs. Rev-2
- New Settings system
- New Installer
- New Anonymous Mod
- Updated Theme From ANDiTKO (NEW_ANDiTKO)

Pre7 v.RC0 English
- Fixed all known bugs.
- Converted to English

Pre7 v.RC0
- First Leaked public release.

[hide]Attachment 21[/hide]



Please report bugs, errors, security holes for better version of Yuna Pre7 RC1.
If you have any suggession about this source please let us know by using our forums.

With best Regards - BoLaMN!
Bravo List - Powered by vBulletin

Good luck and Enjoy.
Special Thanks

ANDiTKO, Hatchet, Yuna Scatari & any user which supports me!!


Installer For Installing Yuna Pre7 with the new installer!
[spoil:3uzuql9i]Yuna Pre7 RC01 - BolaMN FRESH INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS:
Quick and easy steps to get you up and running

These steps are by no means exhaustive or as detailed as possible.
1. Unzip the release archive to your computer using an archive utility capable of decompressing the download format you choose (Winrar,Winzip).

2. Using an FTP client (FlashFXP,CuteFTP), upload the entire contents of the 'upload' directory to a visible directory on your web server.

3. CHMOD the following files/folders to 0777 (ie, make sure that PHP can write to them).
- ./config/
- ./config/CLEANUP
- ./config/DATABASE
- ./config/EXTRA
- ./config/MAIN
- ./config/SECURITY
- ./config/SMTP
- ./config/TWEAK
- ./config/THEME
- ./torrents/
- ./cache/
- ./include/config_announce.php
- ./community/uploads/
- ./community/uploads/avatars/
- ./community/inc/config.php
- ./community/inc/settings.php

4. In your browser, visit the URL where you installed your tracker, appending ./install/ on to the end of it.

5. After the installation has completed, please delete the 'install' directory from server.

You can now login to the Administration Control Panel by appending ./settings.php on to the URL of your tracker.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget to protect your ./CONFIG folder by using apache config.
Example httpd.conf

Options -Indexes FollowSymlinks MultiViews -SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
AllowOverride all
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all

Congratulations, you should now have an installed and working copy of Yuna Pre7 on your web server.

Have a nice day.

************************************************** **********************************************
************************************************** **********************************************

2. Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0 BETA - Yuna release (leaked) :

[hide]Attachment 28[/hide]

* if you use this version please make sure you edit takesignup!
(unless you want your site details sent to yuna) *

************************************************** **********************************************

************************************************** **********************************************
3. Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0 BETA - BolaMN's first release :

[hide]Attachment 32[/hide]

Some changes i made were:

*Added a working shoutbox
*Changed Rules.php from a plain html format into a mysql driven rules page
*fixed alot of bugs i found along the way
*fixed width issues for many pages

* Should be 100% English but i could of missed some files!!! so post here for any missed language fixes and will fix! *
************************************************** ************************************************** ****

Few Themes Converted to English: TBDev, Gray !

[hide]Attachment 22[/hide]

*Note: these dont come with Pre7 they are optional so they might not work to well*

sharky 23rd February 2008 18:19

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
I'm also waiting :D

BoLaMN 24th February 2008 09:56

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0

blur13th 25th February 2008 18:30

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0

i am waiting for english version too!!

and how can i install this?

seb35 2nd March 2008 00:31

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
Good job !!!

redred1 2nd March 2008 09:32

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0

Kotafi 2nd March 2008 09:35

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
You are the Man !!! :dance:

Tested and working :smoke:

BoLaMN 2nd March 2008 13:02

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
Bug Report by Hatchet todo with users.php

when u click "Next.." you recieve a sql error

fixed by updating sql query

require "include/bittorrent.php";



$search = trim($_GET['search']);
$class = $_GET['class'];
if ($class == '-' || !is_valid_user_class($class))
$class = '';

if ($search != '' || $class) {
$query = "username LIKE '%" . sqlwildcardesc("$search") . "%' AND status = 1";
if ($search)
$q = "search=" . htmlspecialchars($search);
} else {
$letter = trim($_GET["letter"]);
if (strlen($letter) > 1)

if ($letter != "" && strpos("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", $letter) === false)
$letter = "a";
if ($letter == "")
$letter = "a";
$query = ( $letter != "" ? "username LIKE '$letter%' AND " : "") . "status = 1";
$q = "letter=$letter";

if (is_valid_user_class($class)) {
$query .= " AND class = $class";
$q .= ($q ? "&" : "") . "class=$class";





print("Search: \n");



for ($i = 97; $i < 123; ++$i)
$l = chr($i);
$L = chr($i - 32);
if ($l == $letter)



$page = $_GET['page'];
$perpage = 100;

$res = sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TABLE_USERS." WHERE $query") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$arr = mysql_fetch_row($res);
$pages = floor($arr[0] / $perpage);
if ($pages * $perpage < $arr[0])

if ($page < 1)
$page = 1;
if ($page > $pages)
$page = $pages;

for ($i = 1; $i <= $pages; ++$i)
if ($i == $page)
$pagemenu .= "$i\n";
$pagemenu .= "$i\n";

if ($page == 1)
$browsemenu .= "<< Previous";
$browsemenu .= "<< Previous";

$browsemenu .= "

blur13th 3rd March 2008 00:09

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
hey, i imported sql.

but got this error on main page.

i use mysql with utf-8 unicode / utf8_general_ci

Error in SQL
The response from the server MySQL: Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE) and (cp1251_ukrainian_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation 'concat'

? C:\AutoSet\public_html\sc\include\cleanup.php, line 213

?????? ????? 19.

BoLaMN 3rd March 2008 12:20

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
Try this new sql file ran a collation fix on the sql database to set them all utf8_general_ci

see how you go u have to reregister ur users as it changes a few things, all the best

hopefully all goes well see how you go!

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