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BamBam0077 2nd November 2015 05:57

TTScene Ajax Chat [ Code ]
Hello Community,
I am back from being admitted into a mental ward and to be honest been a blast getting told by a doctors that I have schizophrenia and to be honest that explains alot of my actions and remarks. I am so sorry and I am sorry for being this way towards people in general, I am trying to improve as a person and persona needs improving. Before I was admitted I was working on an Ajax Chat for TTScene so here is the pre-alpha preview, So Here It Goes.....

PHP Code:

# Developed & Designed By BamBam0077
# Developed Under M.I.T (c) 2015
// Helps - <freestyle><tbdev><u232><demo><trader><etc> ?
// Helps - Activate VPN IP ?
// Holds - Ip Check?, Account Check?, Level Check?, Class Check?, Encryption Check?
// Holds - Functions, if statements, elseif statements, switch functions, encrption methods.
// Holds - template systems, custom systems, encrption systems.
// Sha3 or Sha5 are both great solutions new approach? [=
// CREDITS - ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// U232 - Bigjoos, Mindless, putyn, sir snuggs, pdq
// TT208 - Original Developer
// PHOURM - Original Developers
// 05101 - Original Developer
// I am sorry? please understand I don't hate but I do have a love & hate for software? [=
// Keep in mind AJAX! Chat? ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Scene_DB_Conn_Fun(); // Official Function (c) 2015
Scene_Acc_Clearence_Fun() // Official Function (c) 2015
elseif ( isset(Scene_Guest_True_Fun()) {
// develop or design another approach just an example below and make it intergrate with Ajax Chat.
echo"<trader><freestyle>Err, I am a twit. I better login website!</freestyle></trader>";

// Thanks sir snuggs for insperation [=
// Added turn on / off shoutbox - sir snuggs
// if ( ( isset( $_GET['show_shout'] ) ) && ( ( $show_shout = $_GET['show'] ) !== $CURUSER['show_shout'] ) ) {
// sql_query( "UPDATE users SET show_shout = " . sqlesc( $_GET['show'] ) . " WHERE id = $CURUSER[id]" );
// header( "Location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] );
// }
// updated by BamBam.
if ( isset($_GET['show_ajax_chat']) ) && ( $shark_shown_yeah = isset($_GET['memory_show_ajax']) !== $freestlye_asylum_cur['show_ajax_chat'] ) {
// scene_mysql_query(); official function (c) 2015
mysql_query("UPDATE ajax_user_clients SET shark_shown_yeah = "sql_ex_yep( isset($_GET['memory_show_ajax'])) ." WHERE asylum_id = $freestyle_asylum_cur[asylum_id]") OR asylum_sql_err(__FILE____LINE__);
// X OR Y - Sorry!
// Albert Einstine ? Linkin Park ? Gambler?
// UndergroundMe - Tutorials? 
// For moderators and administrators. Thanks Phorum Developers [=
// if (($PHORUM["DATA"]["MODERATOR"] || $PHORUM["DATA"]["ADMINISTRATOR"]) && $message["parent_id"] == 0) {
//    $PHORUM["DATA"]["OPTION_ALLOWED"]["sticky"] = true;
//    $PHORUM["DATA"]["OPTION_ALLOWED"]["allow_reply"] = true;
// }
if ( isset( $freestyle_admin_custom_class || AJAX_ADMIN_CUSTOM_CLASS )) {
// Thanks TBDev, U232, TT & Future Bittorrents
  // Bittorrent should never effect our lifes but make us enjoy the idea of freedom?
if ( isset( $_GET['ajax_chat_delete'] ) && ajax_chat_valid_check( isset( $_GET['ajax_chat_delete']) )) {
// scene_mysql_query();
mysql_query("DELETE FROM ajax_shoutbox WHERE ajax_asylum_msg="sql_ex_yep$_GET['ajax_chat_delete'] )." ") OR sqlerr(__FILE____LINE__);
// sql_ex_yep() official function  (c) 2015
// Delete single shout - Thanks Original Developer [= I am sorry?
// getDeletionLink: function(messageID, userID, userRole, channelID) {
//    if(messageID !== null && this.isAllowedToDeleteMessage(messageID, userID, userRole, channelID)) {
//        if(!arguments.callee.deleteMessage) {
//            arguments.callee.deleteMessage = this.encodeSpecialChars(this.lang['deleteMessage']);
//        }
//        return    '<a class="delete" title="'
//                + arguments.callee.deleteMessage
//                + '" href="javascript:ajaxChat.deleteMessage('
//                + messageID
//                + ');"> </a>'; // Adding a space - without any content Opera messes up the chatlist display
//    }
//    return '';
// }
// isAllowedToDeleteMessage: function(messageID, userID, userRole, channelID) {
//    if((((this.userRole === '1' && this.allowUserMessageDelete && (userID === this.userID ||
//        parseInt(channelID) === parseInt(this.userID)+this.privateMessageDiff ||
//        parseInt(channelID) === parseInt(this.userID)+this.privateChannelDiff)) ||
//        this.userRole === '2') && userRole !== '3' && userRole !== '4') || this.userRole === '3') {
//        return true;
//    }
//    return false;
// }

// if ( isset( $_GET['del'] ) && $CURUSER['class'] >= UC_STAFF && is_valid_id( $_GET['del'] ) )
// sql_query( "DELETE FROM shoutbox WHERE id=" . sqlesc( $_GET['del'] ) );
// Original Credits - Thanks Original Developer [= I am sorry?
// if (isset($_GET['del'])){

//    if (is_numeric($_GET['del'])){
//        $query = "SELECT * FROM shoutbox WHERE msgid=".$_GET['del'] ;
//        $result = SQL_Query_exec($query);
//    }else{
//        echo "invalid msg id STOP TRYING TO INJECT SQL";
//        exit;
//    }

//    $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
//    if ($row && ($CURUSER["edit_users"]=="yes" || $CURUSER['username'] == $row[1])) {
//        $query = "DELETE FROM shoutbox WHERE msgid=".$_GET['del'] ;
//        write_log("<b><font color='orange'>Shout Deleted: </font> Deleted by   ".$CURUSER['username']."</b>");
//        SQL_Query_exec($query);    
//    }
// }
// Whether the user is allowed to change the author.
// $PHORUM["DATA"]["OPTION_ALLOWED"]["edit_author"] = false;
// Change System Bots Nicknames?
// $freestyle_asylum_system['cache']['option_is_dissed']['system_edit'] = true; Moved to sys_conf.tpl
// false = true / true = false ?
// } else {
// Allowed if a moderator edits a message for an anonymous user.
//    if ($mode == "edit" && empty($message["user_id"])) {
//        if ($PHORUM["DATA"]["MODERATOR"]) {
//            $PHORUM["DATA"]["OPTION_ALLOWED"]["edit_author"] = true;
//        }
if ( isset( AJAX_ADMIN_CUSTOM ) ) {

  if ( isset( 
$asylum_lookaround_mode == "edit") && empty($ajax_asylum_msg['ajax_asylum_id'])) {
        if ( isset(
$_GET['ajax_asylum_edit']) && isset($freestyle_asylum_class['insane_level'])) {
// scene_mysql_query(); 
$freestyle_asylum_solution mysql_query("") OR asylum_sql_err(__FILE____LINE_);
$freestyle_asylum_that_idea mysql_fetch_assoc($freestyle_asylum_solution); 
// A Massive thanks to future supporters? and past supporters I guess this is my apolyigize? 
         // Sorry lack of knowledge is required to learn [=


if ( isset( 
in_it_Config() {

   if (isset(include(
'system/cms/community/lib/ajax/conf.tpl'))) {

   } elseif(!isset(include(
'system/cms/community/lib/ajax/conf.tpl'))) {

          <text> Err, Couldn't find this certain file extension .php, please check to make sure life's not confusing.</text>
// Confusion is an illusion. breath right? sure relax enjoy life.    
// why fight over this when you win right?

// we should never judge ever again, I am sorry. 
// Thanks Original Developer [=
// function initConfig() {
//    $config = null;
//    if (!include(AJAX_CHAT_PATH.'lib/config.php')) {
//        echo('<strong>Error:</strong> Could not find a config.php file in "'.AJAX_CHAT_PATH.'"lib/". Check to make sure the file exists.');
//        die();
//    }
//    $this->_config = &$config;

    // Initialize custom configuration settings:
//    $this->initCustomConfig();
// }

// Edit Functions ? 
// Thanks Original Developers [=
// if ( ($CURUSER["edit_users"]=="yes") || ($CURUSER['username'] == $row['user']) ){
//     echo "<div align='right' style='float: right'><a href='".$site_config['SITEURL']."/shoutbox.php?del=".$row['msgid']."' style='font-size: 8px'>[D]</a></div>";
// }
// Staff edit 
// if (isset($_GET['edit']) && $CURUSER['class'] >= UC_STAFF && is_valid_id($_GET['edit']))
// {    
// $sql = sql_query('SELECT id, text FROM shoutbox WHERE id='.sqlesc($_GET['edit']));
// $res = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);
// unset($sql);
// setSelectedChannel: function(channel) {
//    var channelSelected = false,
//        i,option,text;
//    if(this.dom['channelSelection']) {
        // Replace the entities in the channel name with their character equivalent:
//        channel = this.decodeSpecialChars(channel);
//        for(i=0; i<this.dom['channelSelection'].options.length; i++) {
//            if(this.dom['channelSelection'].options[i].value === channel) {
//                this.dom['channelSelection'].options[i].selected = true;
//                channelSelected = true;
//                break;
//            }
//        }
        // The given channel is not in the list, add it:
//        if(!channelSelected) {
//            option = document.createElement('option');
//            text = document.createTextNode(channel);
//            option.appendChild(text);
//            option.setAttribute('value', channel);
//            option.setAttribute('selected', 'selected');            
//            this.dom['channelSelection'].appendChild(option);
//        }
//    }
// }
// getUserNodeStringItems: function(encodedUserName, userID, isInline) {
//    var menu;
//    if(encodedUserName !== this.encodedUserName) {
//        menu     = '<li><a href="javascript:ajaxChat.insertMessageWrapper(\'/msg '
//                + encodedUserName
//                + ' \');">'
//                + this.lang['userMenuSendPrivateMessage']
//                + '</a></li>'
//                + '<li><a href="javascript:ajaxChat.insertMessageWrapper(\'/describe '
//                + encodedUserName
//                + ' \');">'
//                + this.lang['userMenuDescribe']
//                + '</a></li>'
//                + '<li><a href="javascript:ajaxChat.sendMessageWrapper(\'/query '
//                + encodedUserName
//                + '\');">'
//                + this.lang['userMenuOpenPrivateChannel']
//                + '</a></li>'
//                + '<li><a href="javascript:ajaxChat.sendMessageWrapper(\'/query\');">'
//                + this.lang['userMenuClosePrivateChannel']
//                + '</a></li>'
//                + '<li><a href="javascript:ajaxChat.sendMessageWrapper(\'/ignore '
//                + encodedUserName
//                + '\');">'
//                + this.lang['userMenuIgnore']
//                + '</a></li>';
//        if (isInline) {
//            menu    += '<li><a href="javascript:ajaxChat.sendMessageWrapper(\'/invite '
//                + encodedUserName
//                + '\');">'
//                + this.lang['userMenuInvite']
//                + '</a></li>'
//                + '<li><a href="javascript:ajaxChat.sendMessageWrapper(\'/uninvite '
//                + encodedUserName
//                + '\');">'
//                + this.lang['userMenuUninvite']
//                + '</a></li>'
//                + '<li><a href="javascript:ajaxChat.sendMessageWrapper(\'/whereis '
//                + encodedUserName
//                + '\');">'
//                + this.lang['userMenuWhereis']
//                + '</a></li>';
//        }
//        if(this.userRole === '2' || this.userRole === '3') {
//            menu    += '<li><a href="javascript:ajaxChat.insertMessageWrapper(\'/kick '
//                    + encodedUserName
//                    + ' \');">'
//                    + this.lang['userMenuKick']
//                    + '</a></li>'
//                    + '<li><a href="javascript:ajaxChat.sendMessageWrapper(\'/whois '
//                    + encodedUserName
//                    + '\');">'
//                    + this.lang['userMenuWhois']
//                    + '</a></li>';
//        }
//    } else {
//        menu     = '<li><a href="javascript:ajaxChat.sendMessageWrapper(\'/quit\');">'
//                + this.lang['userMenuLogout']
//                + '</a></li>'
//                + '<li><a href="javascript:ajaxChat.sendMessageWrapper(\'/who\');">'
//                + this.lang['userMenuWho']
//                + '</a></li>'
//                + '<li><a href="javascript:ajaxChat.sendMessageWrapper(\'/ignore\');">'
//                + this.lang['userMenuIgnoreList']
//                + '</a></li>'
//                + '<li><a href="javascript:ajaxChat.sendMessageWrapper(\'/list\');">'
//                + this.lang['userMenuList']
//                + '</a></li>'
//                + '<li><a href="javascript:ajaxChat.insertMessageWrapper(\'/action \');">'
//                + this.lang['userMenuAction']
//                + '</a></li>'
//                + '<li><a href="javascript:ajaxChat.insertMessageWrapper(\'/roll \');">'
//                + this.lang['userMenuRoll']
//                + '</a></li>'
//                + '<li><a href="javascript:ajaxChat.insertMessageWrapper(\'/nick \');">'
//                + this.lang['userMenuNick']
//                + '</a></li>';
//        if(this.userRole === '1' || this.userRole === '2' || this.userRole === '3') {
//            menu    += '<li><a href="javascript:ajaxChat.sendMessageWrapper(\'/join\');">'
//                    + this.lang['userMenuEnterPrivateRoom']
//                    + '</a></li>';
//            if(this.userRole === '2' || this.userRole === '3') {
//                menu    += '<li><a href="javascript:ajaxChat.sendMessageWrapper(\'/bans\');">'
//                        + this.lang['userMenuBans']
//                        + '</a></li>';
//            }
//        }
//    }
//    menu += this.getCustomUserMenuItems(encodedUserName, userID);
//    return menu;
// }
//if ( isset( $_GET['sent'] ) && ( $_GET['sent'] == "yes" ) ) {
//    require_once(INCL_DIR.'bbcode_functions.php');
//    $limit = 5;
//    $userid = $CURUSER["id"];
//    $date = sqlesc( time() );
//    $text = (trim( $_GET["shbox_text"] ));
//    $text_parsed = format_comment($text);
//        $system_pattern = '/(^\/system)\s([\w\W\s]+)/is';
//    if(preg_match($system_pattern,$text,$out) && $CURUSER["class"] >= UC_STAFF)
//    {
//        $userid = $TBDEV['bot_id'];
//        $text = $out[2];
//        $text_parsed = format_comment($text);
//    }
    // ///////////////////////shoutbox command system by putyn /////////////////////////////
//    $commands = array( "\/EMPTY", "\/GAG", "\/UNGAG", "\/WARN", "\/UNWARN", "\/DISABLE", "\/ENABLE" ); // this / was replaced with \/ to work with the regex
//    $pattern = "/(" . implode( "|", $commands ) . "\w+)\s([a-zA-Z0-9_:\s(?i)]+)/";
      //== private mode by putyn
//      $private_pattern = "/(^\/private)\s([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s([\w\W\s]+)/";
//    if (preg_match( $pattern, $text, $vars ) && $CURUSER["class"] >= UC_STAFF) {
//        $command = $vars[1];
//        $user = $vars[2];
//        $c = sql_query( "SELECT id, class, modcomment FROM users where username=" . sqlesc( $user ) ) or sqlerr();
//        $a = mysql_fetch_row( $c );
//        if ( mysql_num_rows( $c ) == 1 && $CURUSER["class"] > $a[1] ) {
//            switch ( $command ) {
//                case "/EMPTY" :
//                    $what = 'deleted all shouts';
//                    $msg = "[b]" . $user . "'s[/b] shouts have been deleted";
//                    $query = "DELETE FROM shoutbox where userid = " . $a[0];
//                    break;
//                case "/GAG" :
//                    $what = 'gagged';
//                    $modcomment = get_date( time(), 'DATE', 1 ) . " - [ShoutBox] User has been gagged by " . $CURUSER["username"] . "\n" . $a[2];
//                    $msg = "[b]" . $user . "[/b] - has been gagged by " . $CURUSER["username"];
//                    $query = "UPDATE users SET chatpost='0', modcomment = concat(" . sqlesc( $modcomment ) . ", modcomment) WHERE id = " . $a[0];
//                    break;
//                case "/UNGAG" :
//                    $what = 'ungagged';
//                    $modcomment = get_date( time(), 'DATE', 1 ) . " - [ShoutBox] User has been ungagged by " . $CURUSER["username"] . "\n" . $a[2];
//                    $msg = "[b]" . $user . "[/b] - has been ungagged by " . $CURUSER["username"];
//                    $query = "UPDATE users SET chatpost='1', modcomment = concat(" . sqlesc( $modcomment ) . ", modcomment) WHERE id = " . $a[0];
//                    break;
//                case "/WARN" :
//                    $what = 'warned';
//                    $modcomment = get_date( time(), 'DATE', 1 ) . " - [ShoutBox] User has been warned by " . $CURUSER["username"] . "\n" . $a[2];
//                    $msg = "[b]" . $user . "[/b] - has been warned by " . $CURUSER["username"];
//                    $query = "UPDATE users SET warned='1', modcomment = concat(" . sqlesc( $modcomment ) . ", modcomment) WHERE id = " . $a[0];
//                   break;
//                case "/UNWARN" :
//                    $what = 'unwarned';
//                    $modcomment = get_date( time(), 'DATE', 1 ) . " - [ShoutBox] User has been unwarned by " . $CURUSER["username"] . "\n" . $a[2];
//                    $msg = "[b]" . $user . "[/b] - warning removed by " . $CURUSER["username"];
//                    $query = "UPDATE users SET warned='0', modcomment = concat(" . sqlesc( $modcomment ) . ", modcomment) WHERE id = " . $a[0];
//                    break;
//                case "/DISABLE" :
//                    $what = 'disabled';
//                    $modcomment = get_date( time(), 'DATE', 1 ) . " - [ShoutBox] User has been disabled by " . $CURUSER["username"] . "\n" . $a[2];
//                    $msg = "[b]" . $user . "[/b] - has been disabled by " . $CURUSER["username"];
//                    $query = "UPDATE users SET enabled='no', modcomment = concat(" . sqlesc( $modcomment ) . ", modcomment) WHERE id = " . $a[0];
//                    break;
//                case "/ENABLE" :
//                    $what = 'enabled';
//                    $modcomment = get_date( time(), 'DATE', 1 ) . " - [ShoutBox] User has been enabled by " . $CURUSER["username"] . "\n" . $a[2];
//                    $msg = "[b]" . $user . "[/b] - has been enabled by " . $CURUSER["username"];
//                    $query = "UPDATE users SET enabled='yes', modcomment = concat(" . sqlesc( $modcomment ) . ", modcomment) WHERE id = " . $a[0];
//                    break;
//            }
//            if ( sql_query( $query ) )
//                autoshout($msg);
//           $HTMLOUT .="<script type=\"text/javascript\">parent.document.forms[0].shbox_text.value='';</script>";
//           write_log("Shoutbox user " . $user . " has been " . $what . " by " . $CURUSER["username"] );
//            unset($text, $text_parsed, $query, $date, $modcomment, $what, $msg, $commands);
//        }
//  }
//      elseif(preg_match($private_pattern,$text,$vars)) {
//        $to_user = mysql_result(sql_query('select id from users WHERE username = '.sqlesc($vars[2])),0) or exit(mysql_error());
//        if($to_user != 0 && $to_user != $CURUSER['id']) {
//            $text = $vars[2]." - ".$vars[3];
//            $text_parsed = format_comment($text);
//            sql_query( "INSERT INTO shoutbox (userid, date, text, text_parsed,to_user) VALUES (".sqlesc($userid).", $date, " . sqlesc( $text ) . ",".sqlesc( $text_parsed) .",".sqlesc($to_user).")") or sqlerr( __FILE__, 
                // __LINE__ );
//        }        
//        $HTMLOUT .="<script type=\"text/javascript\">parent.document.forms[0].shbox_text.value='';</script>";
//    } else {
//        $a = mysql_fetch_row( sql_query( "SELECT userid,date FROM shoutbox ORDER by id DESC LIMIT 1 " ) ) or print( "First shout or an error :)" );
//        if ( empty( $text ) || strlen( $text ) == 1 )
//            $HTMLOUT .="<font class=\"small\" color=\"red\">Shout can't be empty</font>";
//        elseif ( $a[0] == $userid && ( time() - $a[1] ) < $limit && $CURUSER['class'] < UC_STAFF )
//            $HTMLOUT .="<font class=\"small\" color=\"red\">$limit seconds between shouts <font class=\"small\">Seconds Remaining : (" . ( $limit - ( time() - $a[1] ) ) . ")</font></font>";
//        else {
//            sql_query( "INSERT INTO shoutbox (id, userid, date, text, text_parsed) VALUES ('id'," . sqlesc( $userid ) . ", $date, " . sqlesc( $text ) . ",".sqlesc( $text_parsed ) .")" ) or sqlerr( __FILE__, __LINE__ );
//            $HTMLOUT .="<script type=\"text/javascript\">parent.document.forms[0].shbox_text.value='';</script>";
//        }
//    }
// }
// //////////////////////
// I should have known, but little did I care about the aftermaths did I? I am sorry. 
// never again shall we fall on our swords with our blood stains.
// we are all wrong for even breathing, we are all stronger as people rather then enemies.
// getEncodedChatBotName: function() {
//    if(typeof arguments.callee.encodedChatBotName === 'undefined') {
//        arguments.callee.encodedChatBotName = this.encodeSpecialChars(this.chatBotName);
//    }
//    return arguments.callee.encodedChatBotName;
// }
// addChatBotMessageToChatList: function(messageText) {
//    this.addMessageToChatList(
//        new Date(),
//        this.chatBotID,
//        this.getEncodedChatBotName(),
//        4,
//        null,
//        messageText,
//        null
//    );
// }

if ($CURUSER){
$ss_a = @mysql_fetch_assoc(@SQL_Query_exec("select uri from stylesheets where id=" $CURUSER["stylesheet"]));
    if (
$THEME $ss_a["uri"];
//not logged in so get default theme/language
$ss_a mysql_fetch_assoc(SQL_Query_exec("select uri from stylesheets where id='" $site_config['default_theme'] . "'"));
    if (
$THEME $ss_a["uri"];
// Learning is a curve we all shall learn, playing against each will not concore? anything?
// I must learn just like the next nerd, but we shall still learn?
// Riddles and fiddles are just another lyrical theory right? maybe?
// We might aswell be crazy and insane to fit in? I am lost right?
// Thanks Original Developers & Designers [=
// <html>
// <head>
// <title> $site_config['SITENAME'] . T_("SHOUTBOX");</title>
//  If you do change the refresh interval, you should also change index.php printf(T_("SHOUTBOX_REFRESH"), 5) the 5 is in minutes
// <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="300" />
// <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$site_config['SITEURL']/themes/<?php echo $THEME;/theme.css" />
// <script type="text/javascript" src="$site_config['SITEURL'];/backend/java_klappe.js"></script>
// </head>
// <body class="shoutbox_body">
// <?php
//    echo '<div class="shoutbox_contain"><table border="0" style="width: 99%; table-layout:fixed">';
// }else{
//    if ($site_config["MEMBERSONLY"]) {
//        loggedinonly();
//    }
// edited code because I can?
//== begin main output Thanks Original Developer [=
// $HTMLOUT .="<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' ''>
// <html xmlns=''>
// <head>
// <title>ShoutBox</title>
// <meta http-equiv='REFRESH' content='60; URL=./shoutbox.php' />
// <script type='text/javascript' src='./scripts/shout.js'></script>
// <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset={$sb['charset']}' />
// <style type='text/css'>
// A {color: #356AA0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 9pt; }
// A:hover {color: #FF0000;}
// .small {color: #ff0000; font-size: 9pt; font-family: arial; }
// .date {color: #ff0000; font-size: 9pt;}
// .error {
// color: #990000;
// background-color: #FFF0F0;
// padding: 7px;
// margin-top: 5px;
// margin-bottom: 10px;
// border: 1px dashed #990000;
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// A {color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; }
// A:hover {color: #FFFFFF;}
// .small {font-size: 10pt; font-family: arial; }
// .date {font-size: 8pt;}
// span.size1 { font-size:0.75em; }
// span.size2 { font-size:1em; }
// span.size3 { font-size:1.25em; }
// span.size4 { font-size:1.5em; }
// span.size5 { font-size:1.75em; }
// span.size6 { font-size:2em; }
// span.size7 { font-size:2.25em; }
// </style>";
//==Background colours begin
//== White
// if ( $CURUSER['shoutboxbg'] == 1 ) {
// $HTMLOUT .="<style type='text/css'>
// A {color: #000000; font-weight: bold;  }
// A:hover {color: #FF273D;}
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// .date {font-size: 8pt;}
// </style>";
// $bg = '#ffffff';
// $fontcolor = '#000000';
// $dtcolor = '#356AA0';
// }
// == Grey
// if ( $CURUSER['shoutboxbg'] == 2 ) {
// $HTMLOUT .="<style type='text/css'>
// A {color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold;  }
// A:hover {color: #FF273D;}
// .small {font-size: 10pt; font-family: arial; }
// .date {font-size: 8pt;}
// </style>";
// $bg = '#777777';
// $fontcolor = '#000000';
// $dtcolor = '#FFFFFF';
// }
// == Black
// if ( $CURUSER['shoutboxbg'] == 3 ) {
// $HTMLOUT .="<style type='text/css'>
// A {color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; ; }
// A:hover {color: #FFFFFF;}
//. small {font-size: 10pt; font-family: arial; }
// .date {font-size: 8pt;}
// </style>";
// $bg = '#1f1f1f';
// $fontcolor = '#FFFFFF';
// $dtcolor = '#FFFFFF';
// }
// $HTMLOUT .="</head><body>";

/// RESPECT //////
// Respect is funny, how people deal with it and how people change over night because of it.
// I have a long adventure maybe we can be mates? or maybe try to learn from each other? 
// to save people would you try? I would only if they understood.

I am hated like I should be but I forgive those that judge and hurt me with there cruel abuse even though it is tough somedays to accept the hate as it burns like a fire. :sad:

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