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Fynnon 29th September 2008 07:54
Did you try to log in this week, only to find out your account was banned ?
Do not feel alone. Several hundred, yours truely included,were among the banned.
The reason was simple.
BCG had posted an announcement asking people to generate a new passkey on Aug 22nd. Those of you, like myself, whom have not visited the site since Aug 22nd, got screwed

Okay... so WTF happened here?
Well, on August 22, an announcement was sent to everyone, I don't see how anyone can miss it, and eveyrone had to generate a keyword for when the site goes hiding or else they get disabled on September 1, which was delayed to the 15th and again to the 19th/20th, which linked to a forum thread:
Since you cannot view it, this is what was written :


How to Find your Userdetails Page:

Click on your name in the top status bar, it is on every page of the tracker, this will take you to your userdetails page.

A link will appear shortly in your userdetails page, its bright red and you cant miss it. Clicking on this will bring you to an up-to-date (ish) user agreement (its mostly the same agreement as before but with added triple boston-arm-lock move (ok just the confidentiality bit at the top). It basically means, you allow us to keep records of you on our files (usernames, ips etc ) for use with account history, bans etc.
Agreeing to this will also generate a new 'key-word', for use with the fake index page the site will display to non members (as opposed to the blackcats logo etc.)

once in place, if you are logged out you will see this page. there is a search box on the page which you need to enter your key-word (you will need to type it in, not cut and paste). You do not need to hit submit or press enter. If the keyword is valid, it will generate the usual username/password feilds for logging in at the very bottom of the screen. EDIT HERE!! The mechanism that brings up the input boxes is written in AJAX. I used firefox with no script throughout writing and testing this(i hate IE) and i had to allow script to run from BC for it to work. FINISH EDIT!!! enter your username and password as normal and you will then enter the site proper.

Generated key words are just snippets of words generated from a dictionary and are completely random. Some of them are readable (therefore easy to remember), others are not. key words cannot be re-generated.

They are also specific to your account so someone else cannot use your word to gain access to their account. So do not give out your keyword to anyone, even though its useless without the username and pass associated with it. Only you can see your own key-word, so staff will not be able to help you remember it. staff cannot reset the key-word either, its just like another password basically.

If you need to recover your password for some reason (or your keyword), type 'recover' in the search box. This will bring up the usual email text box (again at the foot of the page). enter the email address of the account you wish to recover and submit as normal.

The referal system is in place and will also make use of the fake index pages searchbox. Full details of this will be posted in good time.

This link will be visible for about a week so make sure you generate your key word and make a note of it. after the link has gone;

If you took no action or didnt visit the page, your account will be deleted.

If you selected 'I DISAGREE', your account will be deleted.

If you select ' I AGREE', its all gravy.

Any questions and I hope i can answer them.
When visiting chat, most of the @,& staff flagged members took limited time to aide or answer. It seems that their line of thinking was if you didn't view or take tiem to change, then you do not deserve any type of support.
Granted this may not be the case, but I noticed at leas 11 people screaming that they wanted their donations back if this was how they were too be treated.

This issue could have been resolved in a much easier and friendly fashion, but the powers that be took a stupid pill and then lumped everyone who failed to ocmply into 1 single pile

Just plain stupidity.

Your options are to go to the irc Disabled room and sit...all day and hope someone helps you

Being a person who helped BCG and has DLed a measly 50g in 1 year, I see it as a loss to them, not myself

Those of you who are game nutes and feel slighted,take time and wait in IRC.

My advice,though, is this shows yet another poor decision on behalf of the site in a line of disappointing ideas from the last year ( seed bonus anyone ? ) and you should consider 1 of the other sites out there.
granted you will not have a centralized collection point,still you can obtain any of the files from BCG on any collection of sites

Less hassle, less fuss and I would assume a more appreciative staff seeing as how BCG currently swallows some 71% of the torrent fiends who lust for games

I know several members of the staff from BCG, the site is a good site a most of the staff are good people, but this is one of those issues where a person has to reflect on the way things have gone over the last year and decided it if is worth the effort vs the quality of service one has had to endure this year

Good luck

************************************************** *******

Here is how to use the fake login page to get access to Blackcats-games:

1. Visit the login page and enter your keyword in the search box.
2. The moment you type in your key word correctly, two boxes, one each for username and password will appear at the bottom of the page.
3. Type in your Blackcats username and password in these boxes and press enter. That’s all.
To login successfully, all three elements should match; your key, username and the password.

From here:

You can try asking them for your account on mIRC!
Join this server:
And go to channel: Help

empereur 4th October 2008 13:52

I research an invitation
I research an invitation-> <-thank you

HarryBarry 8th October 2008 00:54

Can someone invide me to
Hi you guys,

Can some of you help me to get back in I was a user for more than a year. Until 2 weeks ago, when I got back from holyday. They made the whole site private, and you had to generate some kind of key. Well I was on holiday so I did not do that. They deleted my account (It was a good account with a good ration 2.3 and a batch of honour).

I was on IRC with a admin of and they told me the only way to get back is to get invited from another member. He must contact the staff of and ask to invite me.

Can someone please help me with this? I will do something in return. If you are a member of please help me to get back. Ill appreciate it!

Thank you! :friend:

thereallobes 8th October 2008 01:01

is down i cant go on it

HarryBarry 8th October 2008 01:13


Originally Posted by thereallobes (Post 4820)
is down i cant go on it

Did you generate a keyword? They made the tracker site private. They have a fake site now on the opening page.

Type 'recover' in the search box (don't hit enter) as email box will appear under the page (you need to do this in IE). You can type your email there. If your account still exists you will get a key.

I hope it works for you! Let me know, but PM me, this is off topic.

Subzero 8th October 2008 11:17

Its not down its just a fake index m8.......ill see what i can do 2 get you a invite k

empereur 8th October 2008 11:19

if somebody shall be able me sent an invitation by pm her shall be nice thank you

isaacd93 9th October 2008 16:37

can i have an invite also please

brooklong 26th October 2008 20:21

Please Help Me
I used to have an account with blackcats-games but my account was disabled while I was out for a few months doing humanitarian work. Can someone please get me back in? My user name was brooklong. I went through the recovery process but I never received anything to my email. I guess my account was permanently deleted.

Fynnon 26th October 2008 20:51


Originally Posted by brooklong (Post 5895)
I used to have an account with blackcats-games but my account was disabled while I was out for a few months doing humanitarian work. Can someone please get me back in? My user name was brooklong. I went through the recovery process but I never received anything to my email. I guess my account was permanently deleted.

Read here: (adn i edited the first post so read there also)
Blackcats-Games Blues- OMG ! TEH BANNEDED !~ :: Ultimate MMORPG Gaming Community & Trading Zone

You can try on IRC:

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