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Garfield-nlt 23rd February 2012 17:21

Info starting new tracker
Hello all

I'm orientating for starting a private tracker site, running now an torrent related forum for a couple of years and looking for something new
I think, that this site is the site for asking advice for how tot do this the safest way.

DAKz 26th February 2012 09:12

keys to a good tracker
The keys to a good tracker...

Get a good server
Get a great code
Get a great Coder
Don't make friends staff
Host in "safe countries"
Get great uploaders
Consider an autouploader
Get a "Forum Whore"
Staff from all over the planet, this will have someone there to help all the time zones.
Make staff your friends
do not overwhelm the site with useless mods that clutter and slow the site down.
Consider external torrents at first just to get some content on your site.
Make friends with as many site owners and coders as you can.
Accept that you will turn your staff over 3-4 times as you grow.
backup everything daily!!
Promote your site to forums that allow it.
Consider a dump site to get your name out there.
Get a great Coder
Pick a theme and stick with it, while you like changes your users will not adapt if every time they come to the site they have to look all over for links etc.
did I mention get a great Coder?
do not have a huge staff, let the staff grow as the site does.
Define in the forums what each level of staff are expected to do.
Do not give in to the temptation for site radio when your brand new, its a bandwidth killer, and the numbers to support it just wont be there.
You will get attacked, sad truth to trackers is you will piss someone off and they will attack the site. Thats where a great coder and your backups will come in handy.
Create a subdomain with a live backup in it. this will allow the great coder a place to play, and if worst comes to worst you can either re point the dns, or copy it over to the live.

Garfield-nlt 28th February 2012 12:58

Thanks for the replay

maybe, it would be an good idee to take a look behind the sceens for me
I,m interested in the xbitfm script
Who has this script running
why not?
Are you open to learn me and let me walk around

when i do start
i have a few uploaders who are now place daily + 10 torrent
using at this moment a seedbox with 6 slots (and uploaders are protected trough a proxy in utor)

x360zone 28th February 2012 14:13

why not just check out the demo site, or install your self to give it a go
is your tracker going to be private or external torrents, front end or back end install?
every one has there own favourates, i quite like xbtit not sure about the fm im sure the dev team will help you out in your needs
id contact Petr1fied and see if he can tell you the ins and outs of the version

good luck either way with your project

Black1 28th February 2012 14:53

I will tell you only one wise tip.
Choose the right source code that fits your needs and is working properly

DAKz 6th March 2012 16:46

What X said
best thing to do is what x360zone suggested, install xampp, wammpp crampp whatever you want to run to run a localhost, then install any or all that your interested in. What is a great source to me is not always a great source for the next person. As a suggestion I would suggest for first time owners with no coder to install the TSSE nightcrawler version since it requires minimal staff its stable, mods can be added easy enough, plugins are so simple even a mac user could do it.
Now with that said....
2 more pieces of advice, READ! Read everything in these forums, then when your done go read them again.
Download and use notepad++ a quick way to edit experiment and play with the code.
NOw here is where most get into trouble they will post on here that their tracker isn't working they are getting errors from the torrent client and fill up 5 pages of errors, then they let the secret out, its installed localhost or worst on a free host. Simply put if all you want to do is watch utorrent download and upload there are enough sites around for that. If you want to really learn a tracker install it take it apart and when you borked it to death and it wont run don't try to save it, throw it out and reinstall it. Then when you have all like you want, got your art, got it running perfectly then install it to a real server and go for it.
As far as any of us giving you a behind the scenes look at a operating tracker, I have a couple for testing that are hung but they are not open, and think you will find the same with most here. Plus to give a stranger access to the backend of a running tracker, lol would rather let you fly Joerobberts helicopter.

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