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eckeO5 11th March 2012 23:15

clickable smilie popup for TSSE 5.6
1 Attachment(s)
so now here its gone to work:

first of all i use tsse 5.6 nulled by nightcrawler and used when i right remember modification shoutbox from lateam, but should be also from another coder or coderteam.

javascript is from torrenttrader and popuplink i created by myself.

so here are 2 screenshots for what i did for my home-tracker.

and the 2nd one

so first find in shoutbox.php from folder include/plugins/
around may be line 146 (may be another line)
PHP Code:

<td align="left">
div id="loading-layer" name="loading-layer" style="float:right; display:none;"><img src="pic/codebuttons/ajax-loader.gif" border="0" class="inlineimg" /></div><center>

<input maxlength="800" name="shouter_comment" type="text" id="shoutbox" size="90" /> 
img width=65 height=15 src="pic/codebuttons/boutonEnvoyer.gif" onClick="saveData(); return false;"></center><BR><center

after that add
PHP Code:

<img width=75 height=22 src="pic/codebuttons/moresmilies.png'.'" onClick="javascript:winop1();" return false;" class="button">
            <img width=75 height=22 src="
pic/codebuttons/welcomes.png'.'" onClick="javascript:winop2();" return false;" class="button"

so then find the end of shoutbox which should look like that may be about line 179 (can be another line)
PHP Code:

<!-- end shoutbox -->';
// END Plugin: Shoutbox

after that put in the following javascript, its from torrenttrader i think, so code its not by myself, i just found out how to use it with tsse 5.6 !!!!

PHP Code:

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
function mySubmit() {
function winop1()
windop1 ="/shoutbox/smilies2.php?form=<?=$form?>&text=<?=$text?>","mywin","height=400,width=400,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes");
function winop2()
windop2 ="/shoutbox/smilies.welcome.php?form=<?=$form?>&text=<?=$text?>","mywin","height=400,width=1000,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes");


then send up f.e. to folder /shoutbox the smilies2.php and smilies.welcome.php i send with.

take the two buttons or take some own for your popup functions and up them into your pics folder f.e. or place you want.

so at the end thats all i did but works fine.

hope i donīt forgot nething important!!!!

to get rid off editing smilies from hand, say and i will post to do it per mysql directly in your db or due to TS Run SQL Query Tool.

I some1 wants to know i will tell or write down here.

greetz to all an have fun with that shitz all friends here on bvlist, coolest forum for stuffz like this i know :fans:

PAX 12th March 2012 11:24

excellent mod! operates at 100%. thank you very much. :drink:

eckeO5 19th October 2012 13:26

attached files
so vesta here are the 2 files.
unfortunately cannot attache new files, tried a .rar but doesnīt work.

so make a file called:

put this in it f.e

HTML Code:

<script language=javascript>

function SmileIT(smile,form,text){
window.opener.document.forms[form].elements[text].value = window.opener.document.forms[form].elements[text].value+" "+smile+" ";
<title>Clickable Smilies</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/include/templates/work1/style/style.css" type="text/css">


<table class="no" width="100%" border=0 cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
<h3><center><font color=red>.:: Clickables ::.</font></center></h3>
<tr align=center>

<tr><td align=center><a href="javascript: SmileIT(':example:','shoutbox','shouter_comment')"><img border=0 src=/pic/smilies/example.gif></a></td>
<td align=center><a href="javascript: SmileIT(':example:','shoutbox','shouter_comment')"><img border=0 src=/pic/smilies/example.gif></a></td>

<div align="center">
<a class=altlink_green href="javascript: window.close()"><h3>CLOSE</h3></a>

then 2nd file f.e. called:
HTML Code:

<script language=javascript>

function SmileIT(smile,form,text){
window.opener.document.forms[form].elements[text].value = window.opener.document.forms[form].elements[text].value+" "+smile+" ";
<title>Clickable Smilies</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/include/templates/work1/style/style.css" type="text/css">


<table class="no" width="100%" border=0 cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
<h3><center><font color=red>.:: ozr welcomes ::.</font></center></h3>
<tr align=center>

<tr><td align=center><a href="javascript: SmileIT(':example:','shoutbox','shouter_comment')"><img border=0 src=/pic/smilies/example.gif></a></td>
<td align=center><a href="javascript: SmileIT(':example:','shoutbox','shouter_comment')"><img border=0 src=/pic/smilies/example.gif></a></td>
<td align=center><a href="javascript: SmileIT(':example:','shoutbox','shouter_comment')"><img border=0 src=/pic/smilies/example.gif></a></td>

<div align="center">
<a class=altlink_green href="javascript: window.close()"><h3>CLOSE</h3></a>

thats it when i right remember.

greetz ecke

Marco 4th October 2013 11:06

how to put emoticons (smilies to take from DB ? )

and ho to connect those 2 pages to db to show the header and footer :D

i triead stdhead(); stdfoot(); dbconn() include , require_once... but it gave's me error

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