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Edgein 12th September 2009 08:37

[FTS 1.1] Ajax Poller
1 Attachment(s)
Because i can get the normal poll working i made an another poll working en it looks even better :ok:

1 st

upload the files in to the good folder

the files in the folder clientside you can over write them

  1. Modify dbConnect.php. into the include folder Insert your dbName, username and password. You may have to create a new database.
  2. Edit createDbTables.php. Insert your dbName, username and password and execute the script in your web browser
after creating the db tabels you can delete the fale createDbTables.php

in the admin folder is the polladmin.php this file is fore maken a new poll you can edit the staff tools and put het into the staff panel

now the index.php


PHP Code:


PHP Code:


and replace

PHP Code:

if($pollindex == 'yes') {


PHP Code:


<table width=100% class=none border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=embedded>

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/ajax-poller.css" type="text/css">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/ajax.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/ajax-poller.js">    </script>

<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" onsubmit="return false" method="post">
mysql_query("select * from poller ORDER by ID DESC LIMIT 1");
        if (
$inf mysql_fetch_array($res);
$pollerId = (int)$inf['ID'];
                <!-- START OF POLLER -->
                <div class="poller">
                        <div class="poller_question" id="poller_question<? echo $pollerId?>">
// Retreving poll from database
$res mysql_query("select * from poller where ID='$pollerId'");        
$inf mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){
"<p class=\"pollerTitle\">".$inf["pollerTitle"]."</p>";    // Output poller title
$resOptions mysql_query("select * from poller_option where pollerID='$pollerId' order by pollerOrder") or die(mysql_error()); // Find poll options, i.e. radio buttons
while($infOptions mysql_fetch_array($resOptions)){
$infOptions["defaultChecked"])$checked=" checked"; else $checked "";
"<p class=\"pollerOption\"><input$checked type=\"radio\" value=\"".$infOptions["ID"]."\" name=\"vote[".$inf["ID"]."]\" id=\"pollerOption".$infOptions["ID"]."\"><label for=\"pollerOption".$infOptions["ID"]."\" id=\"optionLabel".$infOptions["ID"]."\">".$infOptions["optionText"]."</label></p>";       
                        <a href="#polls" onclick="castMyVote(<? echo $pollerId?>,document.forms[1])"><img src="pic/vote_button.gif"></a><a name="polls"></a>
                        <div class="poller_waitMessage" id="poller_waitMessage<? echo $pollerId?>">
                                Getting poll results. Please wait...
                        <div class="poller_results" id="poller_results<? echo $pollerId?>">
                        <!-- This div will be filled from Ajax, so leave it empty -->
                <!-- END OF POLLER -->
                <script type="text/javascript">
                        var cookieValue = Poller_Get_Cookie('dhtmlgoodies_poller_<? echo $pollerId?>');
                        if(cookieValue && cookieValue.length>0)displayResultsWithoutVoting(<? echo $pollerId?>); // This is the code you can use to prevent someone from casting a vote. You should check on cookie or ip address

my index.php is into the rar file

good luck with it :drink:

grtzz edgein

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