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DAKz 21st February 2012 17:49

Offshore Hosting & Black Cobra Hosting
After a week of configuring and working i put together some outstanding hosting packages
We now have servers all over the world, and offer many packages, and still adding to the packages for web hosting, etc. But of main inerest for the users here will be our vps packages which start at 5gbp ($7.10 usd) for our servers in Germany.
We have servers in SoftLayer Datacenter, at Dallas, USA. Hetzner Online AG Datacenter, at Munich, Germany BurstNET Datacenter, at Manchester, UK FDCServers Datacenter, at Zlin, Moravia (Czech Republic).

Test IP: germany
Test IP: germany
Test IP: at Zlin, Moravia (Czech Republic)
Test IP: Test IP: Test IP: Test IP: usa

We also beside offering many different packages for your approval also offer complete tracker install and setup on the hosting packages.

We offer;
TBDEV Tracker install
TS v5.6 Tracker install
Torrent trader Tracker install
phpMyBitTorrent install
u323 Tracker install

the introductory install price is 6gbp (9.48 usd as of this morning) plus hosting price. so you could easily be running a tracker in a couple hours, for less then $20, I think he's insane but before he comes to his senses better jump on this special.

All of our packages can be seen at and our vps packages range in drive size up to 50gb on a 100mbs connection. We are offering unlimited bandwidth on all vps packages, and support

So all you need to be a tracker rockstar is a domain name, and a banner.
These special introductory deals are for our friends at bvlist and can not last forever, so grab one now.

if you have any questions pm me here on the site, on msn, or reply here he has to watch the threads lol

Phogo 21st February 2012 19:01

You guys will need to purchase a licence for WHMCS.

DAKz 21st February 2012 19:22

sorry whats the link to your hosting, I am busy right now installing everything on servers since I just got my licenses, but I would like to look yours up. While I am sitting here watching a putty screen go by to make sure I do it right.

x360zone 21st February 2012 19:23

thats like saying i should pay for the ts license instead of using nulled phogo?

hell i can name 100s off host using nulled versions

DAKz 21st February 2012 19:30

ohh I get it
so then the tsse 7,2 on here is good all I have to do is get in touch with xam and get a license and not worry about all these stupid nulled scripts and workarounds and tricks. Damn so we can get rid of what a couple thousand threads in that one category alone?
Wonder how many other nulled products are there referenced on this site here? Wait does this server use whmcs? lol

Phogo 22nd February 2012 21:51


Originally Posted by DAKz (Post 33213)
sorry whats the link to your hosting, I am busy right now installing everything on servers since I just got my licenses, but I would like to look yours up. While I am sitting here watching a putty screen go by to make sure I do it right.

Why all the hostility? I stated a fact. I would not use a hosting company that used a nulled version of whmcs.

A server admin who uses putty? and needs to watch a screen to make sure you do it right?

I do work for a hosting company and i/we do have licences for all the software i use that make money. R1 soft, Cloud linux, citrix, mssql 2008 (yes windows too), h-sphere, dell priority support, etc, etc.

Plus you shouldn't really advertise your services before the products in place.


Originally Posted by x360zone (Post 33214)
thats like saying i should pay for the ts license instead of using nulled phogo?

hell i can name 100s off host using nulled versions

WHMCS is completely different to opensource code from tbdev that has been repackaged, ioncubed and charged a for.


DAKz 23rd February 2012 00:23

hostility? Nope but as x360 mentioned we were warned about you. And sitting here watching a putty screen go by does not mean I am watching every line, sorry my computer is newer then that, couldn't watch each line if I wanted to.

I do work for a hosting company and i/we do have licences for all the software i use that make money. R1 soft, Cloud linux, citrix, mssql 2008 (yes windows too), h-sphere, dell priority support, etc, etc.
I have seen this done before by you on these boards and mainly to anyone that posts about hosting. To be honest I think its unfair of you to assassinate anyone that is in the same field with your comments while using your position here to do it from.
We are just little fish, we have 7 servers, and My end of it I host businesses and shoutcasts etc. Now further, to represent a site where YOUR best release group is template shares and pride yourselves on the "nulled & decoded" fact of that work and it is by far and away your most popular thread really makes me wonder why your so fast to attack us that are trying to provide a cheap service (and very cheap) for those that want the service. Now your referring to just one server's software, we have seven servers and we are trying different things on them without interfering with the customers we have, for example besides the whmcs that you pointed out we also use accountlab plus, and we are looking at several user panels. See we don't have the luxury of running out and buying what we want we just small fish in a big ocean trying to provide a service to those that have posted over and over on these boards that they need cheap hosting, they need tracker installs, they need someone to help them set it up, they need someone to help them around a control panel.
Some of the things I see while dissing us for a nulled copy of a piece of software while promoting trackers, and other nulled and decoded software is why I am glad that I am getting further and further away from the p2p scene and its petty little battles.
Will we use whmcs forever, couldn't say, as of yesterday we were set on klaxo, now thats been changed in favor of ehcp. So we are evolving and growing, but me and x360zone have one thing in mind that our customers will be taken care of, we will be their for support, and we will do it as cheap as we can for them. After all they are there to run a tracker not learn all the stuff that is involved with hosting.
I would think that the staff here would be excited to have hosting companies come here and provide a needed service for the users of this board. It is only a way to make the site stronger, more rounded and a full service forum, think about it, you can come here and get a source, get oppinions on that source, get themes, mods, help with each part of that, and hosting, and not a monoply but an open fair market on hosts. What a great place.
Now before you wish to unload on me about attutide, hostility, or anything, you might consider that we are trying to fill a need to help YOUR users, personally I do very well at hosting businesses and other things that do not involve p2p, trackers, etc. me and x360 have discussed this need over a couple of weeks and the need is still there, so we took action to fill that need, we installed a tracker yesterday and set it up for a customer from here and he is happy, even got him his domain, so he went from a wannabe to tracker owner in an hour for less then what lunch would have cost.

Phogo 24th February 2012 17:33


Originally Posted by x360zone (Post 33272)
cheers phogo for reporting our site for using nulled software great staffing skill from you never mind site will be back up shortly again sorry for any downtime to our customers but say thanx to phogo we must of upset him in some way

Erm... I didn't. Told you it was only a matter of time! Your probably using a badly nulled version with call backs!

Not my fault your inexperienced and don't purchase valid licences! You shouldn't be aloud customers.

So this "offshore" hosting lasted long! 3days and your down.
Unlucky to anyone stupid enough to buy anything from you. nice .tk domain.

x360zone 24th February 2012 17:51

why use a paid domain?

Phogo 24th February 2012 17:53


Originally Posted by x360zone (Post 33276)
why use a paid domain?

You advertised it in a forum that is well indexed in google, and bragged about not having a valid licence.
Did you actually think that you wouldn't get found?

And no it wasn't me who reported you. Wish i did now though.

x360zone 24th February 2012 18:01

yeah alright boss

DAKz 24th February 2012 18:48

Now I have to sit back and wonder what to do next with this. I wonder if ever single files on every server that this individual is associated with 100% legal and licensed? And is this behavior condoned by this site by a member of this staff that actually went out and told on someone for an illegal piece of software?? Really??? What a child, partner be careful how and who you piss off, and I do not care what position you hold on this site at all, Since we were brave enough to not only put our name out there and links to our business, how about you do the same and stop hiding behind your position at this site.

Bump: Is this typical or what. You disabled my shoutbox, my images viewed my signature gone etc. Fynnon is this the perks for donating? if it is then I don't want elite anymore. lol. Anyhow Phogo this just proved what I said, Your going to take it out on me for what I expressed here by abusing your position here at bvlist? Go ahead sport, What are you going to do next ban me? That would prove my point 100%. I stand 100% behind everything I posted, and you have proven it with this abuse of what little power you have on this board. Should this be a warning to people that donate? Or just those that disagree with your narrow way of thinking. Fynnon you need to put a leash on your boy there.


You advertised it in a forum that is well indexed in google, and bragged about not having a valid licence. Did you actually think that you wouldn't get found? And no it wasn't me who reported you. Wish i did now though.
Yeah? And there's no nulled scripts on here at all??? People that live in glass houses.....

Phogo 24th February 2012 23:12


Originally Posted by DAKz (Post 33279)
And is this behavior condoned by this site by a member of this staff that actually went out and told on someone for an illegal piece of software?? Really??? What a child, partner be careful how and who you piss off, and I do not care what position you hold on this site at all, Since we were brave enough to not only put our name out there and links to our business, how about you do the same and stop hiding behind your position at this site.

  1. I did not report your usage of a unlicensed whmcs product.
  2. I hold no power over any of the administration of the site and have limited moderation rights. My position here is to help people and offer my personal unbiased opinion.
  3. I choose not to associate my work with my leisure. I donate my spare time to post on these forums and help others. So do the rest of the admins, mods, staff, vips and users.
  4. Most of all should should never insult or try your attempt at humour to discredit the name of this forum for the sake of your venture.
    Fynnon is the man who pays the bills, you wouldn't be here posting your services if this forum didn't exist.

Originally Posted by DAKz (Post 33279)
Bump: Is this typical or what. You disabled my shoutbox, my images viewed my signature gone etc. Fynnon is this the perks for donating? if it is then I don't want elite anymore. lol. Anyhow Phogo this just proved what I said, Your going to take it out on me for what I expressed here by abusing your position here at bvlist? Go ahead sport, What are you going to do next ban me? That would prove my point 100%. I stand 100% behind everything I posted, and you have proven it with this abuse of what little power you have on this board. Should this be a warning to people that donate? Or just those that disagree with your narrow way of thinking. Fynnon you need to put a leash on your boy there.

See above.


Originally Posted by DAKz (Post 33279)
Yeah? And there's no nulled scripts on here at all??? People that live in glass houses.....

What is nulled on this board is 99% ioncubed Template shares xam shite that was stolen from tbdev, xbt, etc... That same nulled code that you plan to install and sell for profit on your hosting.

Glass houses? :relax:

Oh and lastly,

If you want to use software for financial gain get a licence. You wouldn't purchase a server from a company that doesn't have verified software, would you? Hetzner, fdcservers, Singlehop and SoftLayer i'm sure all do.

x360zone 24th February 2012 23:17

never mind we know

DAKz 25th February 2012 00:21

yep glass houses

Most of all should should never insult or try your attempt at humour to discredit the name of this forum for the sake of your venture.
Fynnon is the man who pays the bills, you wouldn't be here posting your services if this forum didn't exist.
And neither would you. I have all the respect in the world for everyone here, but do not piss on my shoes and tell me its rain!


I hold no power over any of the administration of the site and have limited moderation rights. My position here is to help people and offer my personal unbiased opinion.
Unbiased? wow really?? You can really type that with a straight face?


What is nulled on this board is 99% ioncubed Template shares xam shite that was stolen from tbdev, xbt, etc... That same nulled code that you plan to install and sell for profit on your hosting.
Profit from it? is crack that cheap where you live? The price is for the time put into it. We offer no script for sales, we offer to install the script and set it up. Now if that is selling it for a profit, then my friend you are a very cheap coder, simply put the price that we charge to INSTALL the script is less then what lunch would cost. We never said that we are selling anything except 2 services, first is hosting, the 2nd is an installed script all setup and ready to go.
I have been on these boards for a day or two, and seen all the threads in here, as mentioned before, we were warned about you, you attack anyone that posts anything about hosting, while offering no solution to the need yourself. That is why so many of the people that post this category never return to follow up on what the people want and asking, They don't want to be attacked by some self important position abusing hobbyist thats playing at these forums by your own admission. There are to many people here that take this site, the code the people the hosting the mods, the themes and their tracker very serious, and in this day and age with sites falling one after another there are tons of people looking or a new tracker. They may want to own it, they may want to staff it they may want to just use it. I restate that this site should be happy to have people come in here and offer another solution to the p2p concept. Now heres the kick in the ass, You did not take us down, we have to many servers, all you did was manage to prove everything we were warned about with you. Now as far as your position here I consider this a attack against us both not for us making a profit, because if you OWNED a hosting company you would know that the start up costs are outrageous, yet in spite of your self indulgent rants at us we are getting customers, and from here! I am sure that if we were breaking any site rules joeroberts, daffy, Fynnon, and the rest would be real quick to point it out. We do not attack you for your offer to do themes, we do not question the software you use, we let you go in peace with your contributions to this site. And we expect the same dignity and respect. If you can't manage that then maybe you need to find a new "hobby", like collecting stamps or dead bugs and leave the serious stuff to the people that take it serious.


What is nulled on this board is 99% ioncubed Template shares xam shite that was stolen from tbdev, xbt, etc...
Hate to break this to you sparky, but most of them were stolen from tbdev. The fact that xam did this or did that you wish to hold us responsible for?? really??? What color is the sky in your world?

Now here is the bottom line to all this, unless x360 just changed the price... you can be a tracker owner with a domain and setup walk in and start playing owner for 10.50 pounds, then each month after that you pay 4.50 pounds for the hosting, now that pretty damn cheap to go from wannabe to owner set up ready to go. And the funny part is we will not make them a banner or re-theme the site, etc, so instead of you pissing and moaning you pretty much have shown your ass so that any offer from one of these new owners for a re-theme or even a banner would not be coming your way.
Now heres where it gets real funny.... you ready.... wait for it....
the scripts we offer are also phpMyBitTorrent, Project U-232, & Torrent Trader and we don't see their developers posting on this thread that we are selling their free scripts, they know that all we are offering is the time, the experience and the knowledge that the new owners may not have to get up and running. So not really sure who pissed in your cheerios, but partner I got a lot of keys on this keyboard and no problem using them, so if you think that your going to put us out of business, or run us off like you did everyone else that posts a hosting thread here then you go for it. But unless you own whmcs, cpanel, company or anything that you feel we are abusing then I suggest that you find your hobby somewhere else, You will get no satisfaction from messing with either one of us, and as PT Barnum said....."Even bad publicity is still publicity" so please keep it up, its good for business.
As far as this site being indexed through the major search engines etc. Yep thats part of the game and thats why vbulletin is so widely used, not to mention some of the tricks to get ranked, and seo optimized....which is what I need to be doing.
All you have managed to do is confirm what we were told about posting a thread about hosting here, Send us customers, and expose how self important you are. And wreck a thread on a forum site that was not anything fraudulent or misleading. We offer services, we are not selling anyone's script, and if someone wants hosting on safe servers then we hope they consider us, if they want a script installed then we can do that to, but since we value our time and its not a hobby to us, we charge for our time.....just like you do for the services you offer here and just like you do for your employer at "God Almighty Hosting" where clearly you are the person in charge of displaying licenses.
Thanks for reassuring me that as I move from the p2p world and offer my services to businesses that the petty bickering and crap that has followed p2p since the old bbs days is still alive and well.

shasta 25th February 2012 01:32

trust ?
the truth is , who will have trust to buy a hosting plan with a paid domain from someone who dont have money to buy his own domain :wallbash:come on

DAKz 25th February 2012 01:56


Originally Posted by shasta (Post 33293)
the truth is , who will have trust to buy a hosting plan with a paid domain from someone who dont have money to buy his own domain :wallbash:come on

Truth I own 12 domains so not sure what your asking. The domain we use for off-shore is simply the name we decided on because that seems to be an issue that trackers are hosted on "off-shore" servers. And I promise you my .coms .nets and .orgs weren't free

x360zone 25th February 2012 11:19

shasta what nonsense why do you need to pay for a domain? go on what sense is it if i pay 500 quid for a domain or pay nothing for a domain
as d said he has many domains and so do i so yet again what does the domain have to do with it. i thought it was about the service provided not the name lol

why not go and pay xam then for his license instead of using nulled ts?

Garfield-nlt 25th February 2012 14:57

I came here to find more abouth starting my own tracker site and find out what are the risks and how to make those risk to an minium
After reading this topic, i"ll think this is the wrong forum
I'm an admin on a dutch forum and know for sure, this topic, how it goes, I'll won't allow it on my forum and would ask is they will figth it out in private
Thing said on an open forum is readable for every-one and will harm this forum and all off the people who join this treat

DAKz 25th February 2012 15:06

yes your right
Yes your right, but here is a question, out of the 17,000 members here, the activity on all the threads, why is hosting the weakest one here? Should be the strongest. We will never all agree on a source code. But we all agree you got to host it somewhere.
As far as whats happened in this thread. I didn't start the issue, but I ain't backing away from it either. And after all it got you away from your board long enough to come read it. lol Cheers m8:drink:

x360zone 22nd March 2012 15:26

at the end off the day we are both still up and running so alls good
just to update i did get a paid domain {as if it makes a dif}and i have a full valid billing system you can check for yourselfs {lol}
maybe this will ease someones pain

my hosting is below and dakz has his cobrahosting

so all ends well:drink:

rootKID 21st April 2012 18:56

NiCe! :D.
Nice!... all good and set and done and rolling rolling StonER :D:D:D

DAKz 7th June 2012 08:44

Tracker Hosting
Due to too many problems with trackers, such as ddos, sql injections, code exploits, owners bitching and crying all the time, getting stiffed on server bills Black Cobra Hosting will no longer offer tracker hosting.
I do highly recommend Offshore Hosting by my friend x360zone, he has proven to be helpful, and there with tracker owners through all their issues, he is more then fair with his prices, and his service is exceptional. I have moved on to site design and business hosting. So contact offshore and they will take care of you.

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