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DAKz 18th March 2012 12:21

trying to remember.....
not sure why you changed the default port for the db but if memory fails me correctly the default port is 3306, to change the default port in localhost

do the following to change the port number. Hope this will help you.
  1. Stop the XAMPP server, if it is running already.
  2. Open the file [XAMPP Installation Folder]/apache/conf/httpd.conf.
  3. Now search for the string Listen 80 (I’m assuming that your XAMPP was using the port 80. Otherwise, just search for the string “Listen”). This is the port number which XAMPP uses. Change this 80 to any other number which you prefer.
  4. Then search for the string “ServerName” and update the port number there also.
  5. Now save and re-start XAMPP server and you are done.
Why would you change the default port on localhost? Do you not trust your wife and think she will hack your db?:lol:

Bump with no big fat woman..Just was reading up on the ports, you may run into a conflict with instant messaging software, skype seems to be leading the list in that port range.

x360zone 18th March 2012 13:22

dont be shy get yourself cheap hosting/vps to playaround with and save the hassle of redoing your site twice on local then live and its a pain in the ass when your using a router:war:

rootKID 18th March 2012 14:46

yes, i can see that its easier with a vps... but the only problem i has right now is that i cannot affort it and i dont have money right now,

orr yes... but i dont have so many so i can affort it right now.

unless someone orr somfthing is going to help me out with that part... :/...

EDIT: But i must say... i have thinked of it often... to buy one soon and then just edit on the server... in anyways... thanks for the help darkz... will try this...

x360zone 18th March 2012 15:01

free host
google free hosts

for example-

not the best but its a start and a idea on how to get going in the real world:drink:

rootKID 18th March 2012 20:33

Thanks bro. Will test tomorrow. :)

DAKz 18th March 2012 21:39

well if you want free....

no ads, you get to use a real domain not some sub domain they create, (though you do have that option) Close to the real thing with none of the free hosting giveaways like most others have.

Would be OK for testing I think, not even sure whats on their servers. But with 1.5gb of space I wouldn't go nuts and try to open a tracker there.

Krypto 18th March 2012 23:28

For just testing out then install VMWare of something on Windows and then load up a copy of Linux and install a LAMP and away you go :ok:

rootKID 28th March 2012 21:04

What the hell are you talking about :unknown:

shasta 28th March 2012 21:48


Originally Posted by x360zone (Post 33820)
google free hosts

for example-

not the best but its a start and a idea on how to get going in the real world:drink: and they dont close your account if u put a tracker or a vbulletin , like 000webhost

rootKID 28th March 2012 22:01

Thanks... but ill think im passing, its spanish, and me no comprendo ;)...

Timisoreanul 28th March 2012 22:57

Read the Rules of hostinger @ point 10 :wild:

rootKID 30th March 2012 08:48

Help dudes...
Hello again, now im having a server... and installed with databases and all the crap... the only problem im having now is that im getting a 500 Internal Server error...

Here is the URL to site:

Hoping someone can help me... note that i also was having a .htacces file in the start... i renamed it _OLD to get acces to the install file... else it would not let me do this...

and not im getting this... and i still has the file .htacces...

but even if i activate it... then nofthing happends... ideas?... please, be fast on this one... cannot wait to test the site :)...

Hoping some sort of solution soon dudes! :)... thanks again, hoping answers soon... thanks for now.


mmisu120000 30th March 2012 09:18

Try deleting .htaccess ....

rootKID 30th March 2012 09:23

still the same,

when i try to refresh the site and then cpanel files, then im just getting an another .htacces file (empty one)... :/...

and here are the codes that was inside the original file:

PHP Code:

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On

<Files .htaccess>
order allow,deny
    deny from all

ErrorDocument 400 /ts_error.php?errorid=400
ErrorDocument 401 
ErrorDocument 403 
ErrorDocument 404 
ErrorDocument 500 

# //seo_mod_start
# Uncomment the following and add your tracker path if rewrites arent working properly
#RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index.htmlindex.php [L,NE]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-b-([0-9]+).ts(.*)$ browse.php?cat=$[QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-c-([0-9]+).ts(.*)$ browse.php?browse_categories&category=$[QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-d-([0-9]+).ts(.*)$ download.php?id=$[QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-s-([0-9]+).ts(.*)$ details.php?id=$[QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-a-(.*).ts(.*)$ announce.php?passkey=$[QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-u?([0-9]+).ts(.*)$ userdetails.php?id=$2$[QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-f([0-9]+).tsf(.*)$ tsf_forums/index.php?fid=$2$[QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-fd([0-9]+).tsf(.*)$ tsf_forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=$2$[QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-t([0-9]+).tsf(.*)$ tsf_forums/showthread.php?tid=$2$[QSA,L]
# //seo_mod_end

<IfModule mod_expires>
FilesMatch "\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|swf|css|js|html?)$">
ExpiresActive On
"access plus 10 years"

IfModule mod_headers>
Header unset Last-Modified

FileETag none
php_flag short_open_tag on
php_flag register_globals off 

x360zone 30th March 2012 10:36

what hosting are you using and your using cpanel?

rootKID 30th March 2012 10:40

im using (Shared Account)

and i have installed stuff (trackers) there before... so it should not be a problem...

and im using (CentOS) as a Cpanel... if i remember right...


Hosting Package: siteground
Operating System: linux
Kernel Version:
Server Time: Mar 30 03:33 CDT
cPanel Version: 11.30.1 (build 4)

Hoping this helps to a solution :/...

x360zone 30th March 2012 11:01

shame how many people still going for webhosting, the 500 error will defo be htaccess file somewhere, best tip i can give if you want to get up and running get a cheap vps and install kloxo cp on it, its free and easy to use.
price your paying for hosting say $4 you can get a vps for that price.
and have full control and more resources
and im not saying go with my services as mine start from £4 just pointing out the best thing if you wanna get running i can have you up in less than a hour just another tip


web hosting has its limits

rootKID 30th March 2012 11:26

well... i do have acces to all stuff inside my server... (including .htacces) files,..

so if you can help me, then tell me how to disable what i now need to disable and then i will do so... if that i just said gave any point lol...:unknown:


x360zone 30th March 2012 11:29

we both have just told you
delete the htaccess files and see what happens.

and full access is ssh root aswell. and not just the cpanel centre.

and not all hosting is the same some work some dont

also when you edit something on webhosting it can take upto 30 minutes to take effect, due to its limits

rootKID 30th March 2012 14:19

how much?
Ok, it does not works... :(...
but in anyway... if im going to buy a server from the offshore site...

can i be able to pay for a VPS and 1 year ahread (prepaid)... that was what i did with the account from

and is it in EURO orr USD?...
and what about my domain name?...
how can i direct it to the VPS once done?....
a little explain would be nice thanks :)...
also... on how much databases i have acces to... unlimited orr whatever?... and do i have mail/ftp acces?...

thanks in advance... (tell in a pm if its a long list...) :).

Thanks again...

x360zone 30th March 2012 14:27

Ok, it does not works... :(...
but in anyway... if im going to buy a server from the offshore site...

can i be able to pay for a VPS and 1 year ahread (prepaid)... that was what i did with the account from no our max payment time is 3 months-

and is it in EURO orr USD?...--GBP-£ -
and what about my domain name?...- it can be moved over--
how can i direct it to the VPS once done?....--by using dns we would set it all up for you if you got the install addon--
a little explain would be nice thanks :)...
also... on how much databases i have acces to... --unlimited kloxo is like cpanel but opensource--
unlimited orr whatever?... and do i have mail/ftp acces?...--yes, ftp and you can set email up using roundcube, some packages have 1000gig others unlimited bw--personally if you use 500gig bw on a torrent tracker a month ill be amazed lol

thanks in advance... (tell in a pm if its a long list...) :).

Thanks again..

rootKID 30th March 2012 15:13

ok, i will think about it then :)...

dandanch 1st April 2012 21:59

Hello, are there any install info for TS ? I looked but I can't seem to find it..If i missed it sorry about that.Thanks

x360zone 1st April 2012 22:06

upload all the insides of the /upload/ folder to your root or
then follow the steps through:ok: for some more info and what files to cmod

dandanch 2nd April 2012 05:38

help please
i'm getting those notice on my index page can someone please tell me how to fix that?


Notice: Use of undefined constant totaltime - assumed 'totaltime' in C:\VertrigoServ\www\global.php on line 30

Notice: Use of undefined constant totalqueries - assumed 'totalqueries' in C:\VertrigoServ\www\global.php on line 31
BUMP:fixed. missing ['test']

Bump: Hello, two things, How do I just show the login box on the index page just to guess?
Also how can I make the members passkey visible to that member? Thanks

josh1512 3rd April 2012 19:52

hey guys i need help im not sure if im doin it right but when i download the folder i extract it then go on my ftp log in to my site go on public then copy the files from the TSSE folder onto my site public folder am i doin it right or is there more to it if so can someone please explain to me what ive got to do to get it working on my site thanks :)

x360zone 3rd April 2012 19:57

webhosting good luck
vps great chance

follow the install instructions you cant go wrong
worst case me team over on my link install for few quid

then http://www.yoursite/install_/install.php

vulongvy 4th April 2012 10:21

tranks for share :smack:
ask for me that the "Tracker info: Server Load

unknown "
is as any?

+ and me you want to edit language does edit space any?

mmisu120000 4th April 2012 11:52

Server load: unknown is usually when you have a windows server ...
The server load is working only in *nix systems ....

vulongvy 4th April 2012 13:37


Originally Posted by mmisu120000 (Post 34163)
Server load: unknown is usually when you have a windows server ...
The server load is working only in *nix systems ....

thanks for reply !:friend:
you have made me understand the problem.


IP has been used on one account! Not allowed to log 2nd account.
how to disable this to you? I want a user to have multiple accounts that signup is on an IP ... and include the code but I just want to install nor signup ...
need help ...
:smack::smack::smack::smack::smack::smack::smack:: smack::smack::smack:

dandanch 11th April 2012 20:38

Can someone please help me with a bbcode problem. when I code a link with code, php, or sql bbcode tag in a post and save it, it still shows the tags on both ends of the link, also when i use more then two tags in a post i get that {{ts-code}} code where the link should be. can someone please help. Thanks

Bump: OK, I'm guessing know one has A fix or work around for the bbcode problem...So can someone please tell me how to make the forum so it does not have parsing links in the forum threads? how to disable clickable Links. Thanks

popoff 18th April 2012 20:23

dupe 1p
hi can someone help just got a new site thanks to zone my wife and i want to go on the site but because we use the same ip can someone help please

ant 18th April 2012 20:25

two ways
1st way - tracker setting - signup settings - max ip set to 2
2nd way - staff panel - adduser- add her in there then you can both log in with differrent accounts

popoff 18th April 2012 20:39


Originally Posted by ant (Post 34336)
1st way - tracker setting - signup settings - max ip set to 2
2nd way - staff panel - adduser- add her in there then you can both log in with differrent accounts

tried them both m8 dosent seem to work

x360zone 18th April 2012 20:50

has she signed up yet? have you made her an account?
as both me and my partner are on mine

popoff 18th April 2012 20:56


Originally Posted by x360zone (Post 34338)
has she signed up yet? have you made her an account?

yes m8 and made i dont think she made an accout i have just deleted her and asked her to join

Bump: hi all i am new to all this and sorry if its a stupid question i have tred too promote staff but when i promote it blocks them of the system i have tried manage staff team but i am coming up with an error Invalid Username of Userid Entered. djsammy : 6 can any 1 help


Marco 26th June 2012 20:23

I have the following error

on my client all torrents is in red with the following message:

Failure: cannot connect with the database

fixed ;)
reinstalled the site

DJHicks 7th July 2012 17:59

Hi folks....

I seem to have run into an issue with unconfirmed members...

The 3 options delete/confirm/resend all technically work but after the process the redirect is wrong putting in an extra folder name i.e. tracker/tracker/ instead of tracker/

I have tried to find what's causing this but not being a major php buff I am struggling. I have been looking for sometime but always to worried i'll mess something up! lol

Can anyone point me in the right direction please? I've been looking at the unco.php file alot but can't see anything obvious.

It only happens in the UNCO tool... hence thinking its the unco.php file. Normal sign up etc goes to the confirmation page and redirects fine.

Any help is most appreciated!!! Thank you guys!

firefly007 8th July 2012 02:08


Originally Posted by DJHicks (Post 35682)
Hi folks....

I seem to have run into an issue with unconfirmed members...

The 3 options delete/confirm/resend all technically work but after the process the redirect is wrong putting in an extra folder name i.e. tracker/tracker/ instead of tracker/

I have tried to find what's causing this but not being a major php buff I am struggling. I have been looking for sometime but always to worried i'll mess something up! lol

Can anyone point me in the right direction please? I've been looking at the unco.php file a lot but can't see anything obvious.

It only happens in the UNCO tool... hence thinking its the unco.php file. Normal sign up etc goes to the confirmation page and redirects fine.

Any help is most appreciated!!! Thank you guys!

I'm not to sure on this but I think this happens on most of the TSSE releases but then again I could be wrong..This happens to me to but I don't think its a huge issue and all it takes it a little monitoring of unconfirmed users in the admin panel on your part.

DJHicks 9th July 2012 21:40

Got a new issue now can't seem to change the colour of the donate writing in the header.php

tried editing the header code, changing the style css and all failed lol!

header.php donate code:


$Progress_so_far = ($Progress_so_far >= 100 ? '100' : number_format($Progress_so_far, 1));
    echo '
 '.number_format($Progress_so_far, 1).'%'.($Progress_so_far >= 100 ? ' '.$lang->header['thanks'].'' : '').'

the css it refers too:

.small2{ font-size:7pt}
thought it would be simple... tried various codes in various places to no effect at all!

***EDIT*** I sorted it finally... stupid a href bug that ive found is still present today and was years ago!!!

if i added - color:white - to the css code it still stayed black.... if i changed the pt size it would change size.... so had to move the to after the a href tag....

Its a weird issue i used to encounter in html years ago too! lol

Bump: Quoted my original issue below... but this is happening when a user updates their profiles in the user cp etc... obviously can have an error like this...

could anyone give me any pointers as to where to look as i'm pretty stumped tbh lol!!

thank you to anyone in advance that can help!!



Originally Posted by DJHicks (Post 35682)
Hi folks....

I seem to have run into an issue with unconfirmed members...

The 3 options delete/confirm/resend all technically work but after the process the redirect is wrong putting in an extra folder name i.e. tracker/tracker/ instead of tracker/

I have tried to find what's causing this but not being a major php buff I am struggling. I have been looking for sometime but always to worried i'll mess something up! lol

Can anyone point me in the right direction please? I've been looking at the unco.php file alot but can't see anything obvious.

It only happens in the UNCO tool... hence thinking its the unco.php file. Normal sign up etc goes to the confirmation page and redirects fine.

Any help is most appreciated!!! Thank you guys!

Bump: BUMP!!! ****

I'm guessing i have to edit this piece of code but not being a php buff i'm unsure what to do so will try a few things but any pointers greatly appriciated! lol

PHP Code:

# Function redirect v.0.7

function redirect($url$message=''$title=''$wait=3$usephp=false$withbaseurl=true)



    if (empty(

$message $lang->global['redirect'];


$title $SITENAME;        

$url fix_url($url);

    if (

$url $BASEURL.(substr($url01) == '/' '' '/').$url;

    if (


header ('Location: '.$url);



$defaulttemplate ts_template();



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