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Timisoreanul 7th March 2010 20:27

For fullymodded there is not multi language , you can use this :

uutorrent 7th March 2010 21:56


Originally Posted by Timisoreanul (Post 21639)
For fullymodded there is not multi language , you can use this :

Thanks Timisoreanul, you gave me a great help. I'll take a look there. :ok:

tekmobile 8th March 2010 23:36

Scrape does not seen to be working and looking through the PHP error logs it seems to be calling a function


that it says does not exist any idea what its contents should be and what page it goes on I suspect it should be on bittorrent.php

joeroberts 9th March 2010 03:27

is in include/benc.php

function hash_where_arr($name, $hash_arr) {
        $new_hash_arr = Array();
        foreach ($hash_arr as $hash) {
                $new_hash_arr[] = sqlesc((urldecode($hash)));
        return $name." IN ( ".implode(", ",$new_hash_arr)." )";

tekmobile 9th March 2010 08:29


Originally Posted by joeroberts (Post 21677)
is in include/benc.php

function hash_where_arr($name, $hash_arr) {
        $new_hash_arr = Array();
        foreach ($hash_arr as $hash) {
                $new_hash_arr[] = sqlesc((urldecode($hash)));
        return $name." IN ( ".implode(", ",$new_hash_arr)." )";

Thanks a million there was no function by that name in the benc.php I added the hash_where_arr() code you supplied and it fixed it straight away.

I have had my site live now for almost a year and never had scrape working that function never existed in the original code.

Coraille 22nd April 2010 15:52

I Have Error


Warning:  fopen(cache/index/newestuser.txt)  [function.fopen]:  failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/******/public_html/index.php  on line 130

Warning:  fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream  resource in /home/******/public_html/index.php on line 131

Warning:  fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream  resource in /home/******/public_html/index.php on line 132

Warning:  fopen(cache/index/stats.txt) [function.fopen]:  failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/*****/public_html/index.php  on line 181

Warning:  fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream  resource in /home/*****/public_html/index.php on line 182

Warning:  fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream  resource in /home/*******/public_html/index.php on line 183

joeroberts 22nd April 2010 16:38

make sure those 2 files are writable! (newestuser.txt stats.txt)

Coraille 22nd April 2010 17:05


Originally Posted by joeroberts (Post 22555)
make sure those 2 files are writable! (newestuser.txt stats.txt)

On takeconfirminvite.php

Warning:  Missing argument 4 for  insert_phpBB2user(), called in  /home/*****/public_html/takeconfirminvite.php on line 111 and defined  in /home/tigersdr/public_html/include/phpbb2Bridge.php on line 23

Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent  by (output started at  /home/*********/public_html/include/phpbb2Bridge.php:23) in /home/tigersdr/public_html/include/bittorrent.php  on line 475

Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent  by (output started at  /home/***/public_html/include/phpbb2Bridge.php:23) in /home/tigersdr/public_html/include/bittorrent.php  on line 476

Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent  by (output started at  /home/*****/public_html/include/phpbb2Bridge.php:23) in /home/tigersdr/public_html/takeconfirminvite.php  on line 116

joeroberts 22nd April 2010 18:20

try this one
PHP Code:


$id $HTTP_GET_VARS["id"];
$md5 $HTTP_GET_VARS["secret"];
if (!


$res mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users") or sqlerr(__FILE____LINE__);
$arr mysql_fetch_row($res);
if (
$arr[0] >= $invites)
stderr("Error""Sorry, user limit reached. Please try again later.");

$res mysql_query("SELECT editsecret,email, status FROM users WHERE id = $id");
$row mysql_fetch_array($res);

if (!

if (
$row["status"] != "pending") {
header("Refresh: 0; url=ok.php?type=confirmed");

$email $row["email"];

$sec hash_pad($row["editsecret"]);
if (
$md5 != md5($sec))
if (empty(
$wantusername) || empty($wantpassword))
//bark("Don't leave any fields blank.");
if (!mkglobal("wantusername:wantpassword:passagain:country"))

bark($msg) {
stdmsg("Signup failed!"$msg);

if (
$username == "")

// The following characters are allowed in user names
$allowedchars "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";

for (
$i 0$i strlen($username); ++$i)
if (
strpos($allowedchars$username[$i]) === false)


$sd = @fsockopen($HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REMOTE_ADDR"], $port$errno$errstr1);
if (

if (empty(
bark("You must select a country.");

if (
strlen($wantusername) > 12)
bark("Sorry, username is too long (max is 12 chars)");

if (
$wantpassword != $passagain)
bark("The passwords didn't match! Must've typoed. Try again.");

if (
strlen($wantpassword) < 6)
bark("Sorry, password is too short (min is 6 chars)");

if (
strlen($wantpassword) > 40)
bark("Sorry, password is too long (max is 40 chars)");

if (
$wantpassword == $wantusername)
bark("Sorry, password cannot be same as user name.");

if (!
bark("Invalid username.");

// make sure user agrees to everything...
if ($HTTP_POST_VARS["rulesverify"] != "yes" || $HTTP_POST_VARS["faqverify"] != "yes" || $HTTP_POST_VARS["ageverify"] != "yes")
stderr("Signup failed""Sorry, you're not qualified to become a member of this site.");

$secret mksecret();
$wantpasshash md5($secret $wantpassword $secret);

$ret mysql_query("UPDATE users SET username='$wantusername', passhash='$wantpasshash', status='confirmed', editsecret='', secret='$secret', country='$country' WHERE id=$id");
$newid mysql_insert_id(); 
if (!
$ret) {
if (
mysql_errno() == 1062)
bark("Username already exists!");
bark("Database Update Failed");
insert_phpBB2user($wantusernamemd5($wantpassword), $id$email);
login_phpBB2user($wantusernamemd5($wantpassword), TRUE);


header("Refresh: 0; url=ok.php?type=confirm");


Coraille 22nd April 2010 18:23

Files invite.php or Takeconfirminvite.php ?

joeroberts 22nd April 2010 18:23


Coraille 22nd April 2010 18:26


Originally Posted by joeroberts (Post 22559)

Thx bro
Bug Fixed :)


Account successfully confirmed!

  Your account has been activated! You have been automatically logged  in. You can now continue to the main page and start  using your account.
 Before you start using torrentbits we urge you to read the RULES and  the FAQ.

tekmobile 23rd April 2010 11:23

I find that everyday all comments on torrents get auto deleted.
I have searched through pretty much every line of code and cannot find anything that would do this.

Any Ideas :wallbash:

joeroberts 23rd April 2010 14:26

how long after comment is posted is it deleted?

tekmobile 23rd April 2010 14:37


Originally Posted by joeroberts (Post 22575)
how long after comment is posted is it deleted?

I don't know exactly never took that much notice but it seems like pretty much everyday say 24Hrs.

I can have comments on many torrents then the next day there will be no comments on any

joeroberts 23rd April 2010 15:23

do you get any thing in logs?

tekmobile 23rd April 2010 17:14

no nothing in the site logs or error logs it never really bothered me before but now i have alot more users its starting to be a issue especially when a user posts a question and the next time they visit its all gone.

im no noob at coding but this one has me stumped

Timisoreanul 24th April 2010 01:36

Helo, you have add some new mods recent? Because you are the first with this problem as far as i now. Your mods ,admins and sysop are ok? maybe they are delete the comments anyway check the cleanup.php.

tekmobile 24th April 2010 14:51

Its always been like this but the only mod ive added that can affect comments was one to delete old inactive torrents but it was doing the same before the only other mods ive done are to implement a credit based system so users gain credit for uploading and if there's insufficient credit downloads are disabled.

IP checking on signup to help combat duplicate accounts (same nothing to affect comments)
and a few other small mods to help detect cheating

PHP Code:

    $res mysql_query("SELECT id, name, last_action, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_action) AS lastupdate FROM torrents");
    while (
$arr mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
if (
$arr['lastupdate'] < time() - 3628800){
write_log("Torrent ".$arr['id']." (".$arr['name'].") was deleted by system (Dead since ".$arr['last_action'].")");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM torrents WHERE id=$arr[id]");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM peers WHERE torrent=$arr[id]");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM comments WHERE torrent=$arr[id]");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM files WHERE torrent=$arr[id]");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM snatched WHERE torrentid =$arr[id]");


Originally Posted by tekmobile (Post 22612)
Its always been like this but the only mod ive added that can affect comments was one to delete old inactive torrents but it was doing the same before the only other mods ive done are to implement a credit based system so users gain credit for uploading and if there's insufficient credit downloads are disabled.

IP checking on signup to help combat duplicate accounts (same nothing to affect comments)
and a few other small mods to help detect cheating

I think I may have found where this issue lies.

On uploading a few torrents the other day I noticed that all comments disappeared after I uploaded a new torrent so I looked through the takeupload.php and commented out the line to remove offer comments

@mysql_query("DELETE FROM `comments` WHERE `offer` = ". ($_POST['offer'] + 0). "");

after doing this all the comments have remained for the last few days even after various new uploads.

Pessbolt 17th June 2010 08:35

I have the same problem..

Originally Posted by wired (Post 16874)
So I've downloaded this. Followed the readme instructions to the dot. Copied and pasted most commands.

I've got torrentstrike installed and working. But the phpBB2 refuses to install.

When I click on the forums link at top as the sysop I only get this line


The Forum is closed
No link for installing. If I try to navigate to I get


Internal Server Error

 The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
 Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
 More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
 Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

I'm at a loss? The files exsist. I can even put a phpinfo file in the phpBB2 directory and access it...

Please help as I'd really like to try this source out. I love the way it looks.

Thanks ahead of time.

I have search the whole forum and can't find any solution that works for this.. At one point i got the install button but was directed to install.php but its still says Internal Server Error.. I even tried to remove the config.php from phpbb2 folder..

Please help me..

joeroberts 17th June 2010 08:43

try removing the .htaccess from the phpbb2 folder

Pessbolt 17th June 2010 09:48

Its not there..

I was wondering if it has sometihing to do with how you upload the files..
Said somewhere you should upload all files exept imagefiles in ASCII mode.. and images in binary
Im using filezilla btw..
Any thoughts?

Grogz 20th June 2010 23:10

Admin Control Panel Login
I can not enter the Admin Control Panel Login, I enter username and password, but it never logs into the page: (what's wrong?

and how do I change the language? Plywood does not file, only to Forum

hope someone can help me

Timisoreanul 20th June 2010 23:33

Hi , you mean admincp.php? put your database username end password .

Grogz 20th June 2010 23:56


Originally Posted by Timisoreanul (Post 23619)
Hi , you mean admincp.php? put your database username end password .

tnx, can i translate a file? im from norway and i want have my site in norwegian.

and i must test the casino, how can i cheat with gb money etc?

Timisoreanul 21st June 2010 00:12

No problem, yes you can translate to your language (but is a lot a work for you ,every file must translate.) 1 option: use the good, you can easy translate to your language only 1 file "norwegian.lang" ,the bad you don't have the modds from fullymodded, so you have to install manual .good luck

Grogz 21st June 2010 00:46


Originally Posted by Timisoreanul (Post 23621)
No problem, yes you can translate to your language (but is a lot a work for you ,every file must translate.) 1 option: use the good, you can easy translate to your language only 1 file "norwegian.lang" ,the bad you don't have the modds from fullymodded, so you have to install manual .good luck

manual? hmm, i want fullmodded, can i make a new folder in file manager and name it lanagues and the uppload the files? im new with start on a tracker :)

Timisoreanul 21st June 2010 01:06

Yes manual, fullymodded is NOT multi language.Only multistrike you can add a ton off languages ,just open english.lang end edit like this:

define("FRIENDS", "Friends");
define("ADMIN_CONTROL_PANEL", "Control Panel");
define("ADMIN_STAFF_BOX", "Staff Box");
define("ADMIN_SEARCH_USERS", "User Search");
define("BLOCK_STAFFBOX", "Staff");
define("BLOCK_GENERAL", "General");
define("BLOCK_PROFILE", "Profile");

to your language norwegian (here google's help to translate :drink:)
define("FRIENDS", "Venner");
define("ADMIN_CONTROL_PANEL", "Kontroll xxx");
define("ADMIN_STAFF_BOX", "Personale Box");
define("ADMIN_SEARCH_USERS", "Bruker S

Grogz 21st June 2010 01:27

ok if i install the multistrike, how can i install the seedbonus casino etc, sorry for nagging :sad:

i got a new problem now, i have installed StrikeMulti_V0.1 now, and my problem is this

[1045] dbconn: mysql_connect: Access denied for user  'nobody'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
i know i have insert correct mysql username,password,host..

wMan 21st June 2010 08:51


Originally Posted by Grogz (Post 23624)
ok if i install the multistrike, how can i install the seedbonus casino etc, sorry for nagging :sad:

i got a new problem now, i have installed StrikeMulti_V0.1 now, and my problem is this

[1045] dbconn: mysql_connect: Access denied for user  'nobody'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
i know i have insert correct mysql username,password,host..

try seting it up in your cofig file user db and pass when upload

diablo21 23rd June 2010 12:03

Hi all i have some questions about the system:

I have installed it and configurate configs, but i still have questions..

1. The icons are not showed , i check the config file for pic patch /pic/ but still dont show the icons in the browse.php or else

2. When user register can change the rank from user to administrator or what he wants

3. How to hide the administrator panel in the torrent to be show only for administrators

4. How to make it multilanguage the torrent

5. How to change templates of the torrent


Timisoreanul 23rd June 2010 23:33


1. Check in admincp.php at Images (unused) must be /pic/ also check the site/base url if there are right.
2 . Yes you can, click on the name ,, ex: demo .. end down you will see Edit this user ,go to class end select what class do you what demo to have.. ex VIP vip the click Okay
3. This is a little complicated if you ar a beginner in php, first go to detalis.php search for

if (get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR)
        tr("Hits", $row["hits"]);

you see: >=UC_MODERATOR the moderator, admin end sysop will able to see that content, if you change to UC_VIP or , UC_USER the vip end up will see the content, uc_user the user end up will see that content, the class are in include/global.php, So you have to add : if (get_user_class() >= UC_CLASS_HERE)
4 . Explain more detail.
5. You meen to change the theme of entire site? go to profile , at Stylesheet select othere theme.then hit ok

diablo21 24th June 2010 19:07

when i installed the torrent and register 1st account..
the acout was sysop .. and i can manipulate the site configs..
when i register again to make second account on torrent it was normal user..
the thing is how to make moderators vips and sysop to have only for edit users permisions, because if they have accsess to change things in web it will be dangerous..
how to make it mine account to administrator not sysop (the 1st registered account) and how to change the permissions on the users?

Grogz 26th June 2010 20:01

Internal Server Error
im trying to install the forum and i get this


Internal Server Error

 The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
 Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
 More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
 Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the  request.

what is wrong? :mad:

g13nio 19th August 2010 15:34

same problem here... anybody to help pls?

KustomizeR 19th August 2010 17:49

lookup for an .htaccess file and remove it from there or move it somewhere out of your server and chek again if it works

g13nio 20th August 2010 15:20

nothing for me...
may it's a problem of my web server?
there is anyone which buy web host and works perfectly to give me a link?

gram 22nd August 2010 13:01

i cant activate the forum
please help me

Timisoreanul 22nd August 2010 14:00

Go to admincp.php login with the username end password from your tracker database, now scrol down at Activate PhpBB Forum end select the box end hit submit

TheBig 26th August 2010 18:35

Hey guys I have a problem, everything installed smoothly, torrents work, everything works great, except when I try to add invites, after I add an invite to a specific user nothing happens, or give an invite to all nothing happens. Am I missing something here, maybe I have something configured wrong?

Thanks for any advice :ok:

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