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Ladbexy 12th January 2020 08:20

Indeed sad, renaming a source code and steal it is very trashy,and all that because they could not get any help on the forums.
Their source looks ungly af .

firefly007 12th January 2020 12:16

U232 has moved to Github and u232 one to five will always be supported here. Also good luck to those who rename the source and try and make it their own because anyone with the tiniest knowledge will know what source it is by opening a file and look at the code structure. Oh and presuming what u said is true in the first place.

son 12th January 2020 18:08

Unless things made a drastic change in the last little while, U-232 is only available for download on github not support, the only support is there support forums or I should say was. :cool:

GameMaster 13th January 2020 23:44


Originally Posted by son (Post 54394)
The U-232 tracker test site, and forum support for it, has been taken offline, because, the individuals that took it over in Mindless' absence, couldn't get any help, server problems, so they closed u-232 tracker and code support forums, but they have renamed it and now saying that it's there own but stipulate that it's based on u-232 code base.

The individuals that did so, hope they come forward with the relevant information moving forward.

instead of running your fucking mouth why not step forward and help before we closed it down? we didn't take NOTHING over.. Mindless had full access to the code/server etc, if you took time to actually help instead of constantly bitching like a little kid all the time then maybe V6 would have progressed further eh... Son everyone put up with you due to the respect of another designer we had before he passed away... now we couldn't give a flying fuck about you or your thoughts! you fuck off months on end then come back to bitching about it... we've covered u-232's bills for months on end now... Mindless is MIA and no one gave a fuck!!!!!!!

antimidas 13th January 2020 23:55

Let's see, I specifically said I forked the source for one. Second, It is QUITE different from the source it started as. I completely redid the passhash, a lot of design structure. Removed alot. Added several things including a completely dif chat system, an api key panel in staffpanel, replaced old IMDB and youtube stuff. working on integrating lastfm and more. You haven't done anything but bitch you weren't in charge. Mindless approached us when EVERYONE else had left. We kept u-232 going. WE PAID FOR IT. I tried to help as many ppl as I could as well. I posted many times stating I would fork source and shut down u232 if no one came forward saying they wanted u232 to stay. So, anyone who says we just renamed it is full of shit. I also posted an updated version of V% with ocelot. no one wanted it. It also has ugraded security and an api key system. but whatever...... I guess I'm supposed to just pay out of pocket forever, fix the source myself, then heap praise on assholes like son who get butthurt and cry. Fuck that. I had also been working on importing u-232-v5 m ods tutorials and such over to new forum for the fork.

But, believe what you will. I really do not care.

son 14th January 2020 01:07

I guess I should have left things alone and let people guess, on what is going on. All I did was just that, but my post got completely construed. If you guys read the post instead off just jumping with a response. I actually spoke up for you guys, and i get slammed. But at least now everyone knows who the individuals are.


antimidas 14th January 2020 01:21

Well, then I apologize. I'm just over all the drama. I am just trying to work on this project and keep it going. I do get defensive at times. Look, I would love anyones help/ideas/suggestions. And I am willing to help people install source and setup servers etc. Again, sorry for being a dick. I let IRL issues get at me as well.

son 14th January 2020 01:22


Originally Posted by GameMaster (Post 54403)
instead of running your fucking mouth why not step forward and help before we closed it down? we didn't take NOTHING over.. Mindless had full access to the code/server etc, if you took time to actually help instead of constantly bitching like a little kid all the time then maybe V6 would have progressed further eh... Son everyone put up with you due to the respect of another designer we had before he passed away... now we couldn't give a flying fuck about you or your thoughts! you fuck off months on end then come back to bitching about it... we've covered u-232's bills for months on end now... Mindless is MIA and no one gave a fuck!!!!!!!

Where in my post dose it say any of this.

I actually spoke up for you, and you come back with this, did you see my name an topic I was in and posted, anyways i won't post in here anymore, or have anything to do with you. So from now on we stay in separate corners and not interact(sounds school age i know), agree?

Napon 15th January 2020 01:07

U232 been dead for along time now with all the crap and unwanted code that been put on it bye

batuo76 15th January 2020 22:23

300 mb for this script???????
Evil Trinity???????

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