Bravo List

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-   -   YSE v2.0 PRE7 by BoLaMN (

oceansoul 14th January 2010 14:28

Thanks a lot working great for me !

Genkai 18th January 2010 22:21

Hi, I would like to know if there's a way to fix the problem I posted here:

fen7azy 4th February 2010 06:30

I get this error when try to seed/leech

Tracker send invalid data: NULL
Can anybody help ?

cekosexama 3rd March 2010 01:29


Fatal error:  Call to undefined function newerr() in D:\serverr\xampp\htdocs\include\functions.php  on line 519

daffy 3rd March 2010 01:37


Originally Posted by cekosexama (Post 21491)

Fatal error:  Call to undefined function newerr() in D:\serverr\xampp\htdocs\include\functions.php  on line 519

error line 519
PHP Code:

newerr($tracker_lang['error'], "<font color=red>Cannot read file [<b>".htmlspecialchars($configname)."</b>]!.</font><font color=blue>

Before the setup starts, please ensure that you have properly configured file and directory access permissions. 

Please see below.</font>chmod 777 CONFIG (config directory).chmod 777 CONFIG/main (the file which save the main settings)."

have you made correct chmods.

setup first time no errors. looks nice.

Kn3cht 24th April 2010 15:15

Works fine. THX :drink:

wMan 30th May 2010 18:32

very well done works a treat love it n1
what can i say well done with this im usering it now well done is there any more colurfull themes for this code ?

blargh 1st June 2010 19:45

hey guys. looking for more information on the invite system this uses. personally i prefer an email invite system and want to convert the one for tbdev 09 to this source. but i need to either remove the old one first or somehow convert the current one to an email based one. if anyone can provide me with some more info or is willing to help me out a bit id really appreciate it

*EDIT* nevermind. removed old invite system and replaced with the email invite system. working perfectly. thanks anyways

wMan 4th June 2010 22:01


Originally Posted by blargh (Post 23285)
hey guys. looking for more information on the invite system this uses. personally i prefer an email invite system and want to convert the one for tbdev 09 to this source. but i need to either remove the old one first or somehow convert the current one to an email based one. if anyone can provide me with some more info or is willing to help me out a bit id really appreciate it

*EDIT* nevermind. removed old invite system and replaced with the email invite system. working perfectly. thanks anyways

remove from db then put your new one on

blargh 6th June 2010 23:06

not quite that simple. needed to remove the old code too :mad:

wMan 7th June 2010 18:37


Originally Posted by blargh (Post 23362)
not quite that simple. needed to remove the old code too :mad:

well remove it start again:cool:

ok i did like this code too i hed only one this about it for one when you put torrents on it and from home upload working ok at first then all cept ghosting on site there one min then gone fresh page some back look on torrent no torrents fresh they there go to any link on site then back to torrent page gone and back to index page torrents come back one at a time lol so there is a bug in the code that need sorting out apart from that very good code

blargh 8th June 2010 05:03

already done. hence my edited post :coffee:

laurvolt 15th June 2010 20:08

I have a error with my YSE v2.0 PRE7 by BoLaMN


Fatal error:  Call to undefined function newerr() in /home/hosting/djvolt/  on line 519

danezuxxl 15th June 2010 21:17

Are you sure you want to delete this news? Click here If you are sure.


daffy 15th June 2010 21:48


Originally Posted by danezuxxl (Post 23539)
Are you sure you want to delete this news? Click here If you are sure.


repair what? what is your issue with this.

wMan 16th June 2010 20:20

read post on it it as more bugs then my back garden:muscle::drink:

danezuxxl 18th June 2010 08:02

this is my error....i try to delete the news and i have this error

"Are you sure you want to delete this news? Click here If you are sure."

and i can delete the news.

wMan 18th June 2010 11:16


Originally Posted by danezuxxl (Post 23576)
this is my error....i try to delete the news and i have this error

"Are you sure you want to delete this news? Click here If you are sure."

and i can delete the news.

i would put the news back in its part of the db so you should put it back and if you do not want news to show on front page switch it to off so noone see it :muscle:

Nightcrawler 24th June 2010 18:37

Seems to work all nice as it should one thing though u have private tracker patch but anyone can scrape the tracker.

Simple fix in scrape after...

PHP Code:



PHP Code:

if ($privatetrackerpatch == 'yes' && !isset($_GET["passkey"]))
err('Private tracker patch enabled requires passkey!'); 

yatoula 26th November 2010 02:40


IMPORTANT: Do not forget to protect your ./CONFIG folder by using apache config.
Example httpd.conf

Options -Indexes +FollowSymlinks +MultiViews -SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
AllowOverride all
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
i don't have a server with htaccess it's not possible ?

Another question : When i want to delete a News, when i clic i have this message

Delete News
Are you sure you want to delete this news? Click here If you are sure.
I don't have the link ... Thanks

pokemon401 4th January 2011 11:57

bug remove poll
Remove poll
Do you really want to delete the poll? Click here if you are sure.

blueobelix 4th February 2011 20:36

What happends
What happends if i update the forum? will it work?
CAN I integrate the forums into the tracker?

i still have the problem with the avatar, it isn't functioning either uploading an avatar either direct link.
What happends if i want to update the forums (Mybb)?


DAKz 24th March 2011 18:05

All works good so far on localhost, and after its all set will up it to the server and look for it to do well there. Nice work!!

Problem I am getting is addressed earlier but the solution did not work for Yuna Pre7 RC v02.1 - BolaMN,

I get 2 errors on uploading an avatar or trying to link to one, uploading from imageshack gives the error, Avatar to big, even though I have increased the size in settings to 200 x 200 and 80k still same error, and when I upload from local source the error Failed to process, please resave with image editor. which I have done, if photoshop is an acceptable editor. I tried the fix mentioned elsewhere,


function newerr($heading = '', $text = '', $head = true, $foot = true, $die = true, $div = 'error', $htmlstrip = false) {
    if ($head)

Seems like there has to be something simple I have overlooked, maybe I am fried from studying it to long, any help here??

topten4you 7th September 2011 09:01

Help please. first install

Fatal error
: Call to undefined function newerr() in /home/rabbit/domains/ on line 519

Banned 22nd September 2011 19:00

Why do i get this error an step 6 (when i instal)?


rocessing file: fresh.sql

Starting at the line: 1

Error at the line 55: ('lastcleantime', '', 0, 1213086491);

Query: -- -- INSERT INTO `avps` (`arg`, `value_s`, `value_i`, `value_u`) VALUES ('lastcleantime', '', 0, 1213086491);

MySQL: Duplicate entry 'lastcleantime' for key 'PRIMARY'

Stopped on error

Start from the beginning (DROP the old tables before restarting)

Bigjoos 22nd September 2011 20:58

Well its a duplicate entry so can you post that sql file - on avps insert.. thats where its failed, without seeing the file i cant say... scrap that if you have already failed an install then do mention that fact cause it changes everything, guessing is no the answer :-P

xDev 22nd September 2011 21:31


Originally Posted by Banned (Post 30227)
Why do i get this error an step 6 (when i instal)?

Go in the phpMyAdmin SQL Dump (DROP the old tables before restarting) the Duplicate entry then reload it

solis 3rd December 2011 23:15

The forum does not work
Help me please: Sos:: Sos:

Bump: It's possible translate in French please? Thanks :cool:

seckyn 3rd March 2012 23:07

admin removes sysop :(

xe84 25th April 2012 23:09

Hey guys. I tried to install this and it wont install becuuse Its says in the installer mode.

PHP 5 compatibility mode !

Any ide of what i can do =(

johnbrakes 28th October 2012 14:59

translating procedure
Hello, what is the procedure for translating the cms in Italian? In addition to the files in the language must also change the database? And if so, how? Thank you so much for Explanation.

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