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wMan 17th June 2011 16:54


Originally Posted by joeroberts (Post 28465)
login to phpBB3 and then to the admin area

in admin area you should see the first tab
Configurations click on it then you well see
Cookie settings tab click on it

this information was sett during install and should not be blank.

NOW if on server yes and it asing for the said cooke how do i know what cooke it is untill codes been put on then go to the admin to get it thou phpbb3 after install of code ?

Flash123 7th July 2011 17:54

this source got dht ?

wMan 7th July 2011 17:56


Originally Posted by Flash123 (Post 28903)
this source got dht ?


pennst26 24th October 2011 00:13

I have this code installed and so far everything is smooth except there is code all over the html

like on index page I see this all over


Deprecated:  Function eregi() is deprecated in /include/functions.php on line 34

Deprecated:  Function eregi() is deprecated in /include/functions.php on line 36

Strict Standards:  Resource ID#13 used as offset, casting to integer (13) in /include/db/mysql.php on line 482

Strict Standards:  Resource ID#13 used as offset, casting to integer (13) in /include/db/mysql.php on line 484

Deprecated:  Function eregi() is deprecated in /include/functions.php on line 37

Deprecated:  Function eregi() is deprecated in /include/functions_phpBB3.php on line 33

Strict Standards:  Resource ID#16 used as offset, casting to integer (16) in /include/db/mysql.php on line 482

Strict Standards:  Resource ID#16 used as offset, casting to integer (16) in /include/db/mysql.php on line 484

Deprecated:  Function eregi() is deprecated in /language/english.php on line 749

server is fresh debian with xampp install

any help is appreciated.

joeroberts 24th October 2011 00:55

as for the

Strict Standards:  Resource ID#16 used as offset, casting to integer (16) in /include/db/mysql.php on line 482

Strict Standards:  Resource ID#16 used as offset, casting to integer (16) in /include/db/mysql.php on line 484

replace those 2 lines with

PHP Code:

                       $this->row[(int)$query_id] = @mysql_fetch_array($query_id);


and for the

Deprecated: notice you well want to disable Deprecated in error_reporting

DarknessTM 11th January 2012 19:39

phpMyBitTorrent 2.0.4 Gold Release
The installation it`s done but when I try to go on my site i have this
There seems to be a problem with the database server, sorry for the inconvenience.

We should be back shortly.

joeroberts 12th January 2012 01:42

open include/configdata.php and make sure your data base info is right.

TomasHR 10th February 2012 15:02

I have big problem when install on my host. Have version with forum and whan install forum come this error:
Fatal error: Class 'user' not found in /home/rovercom/public_html/phpBB3/install/index.php on line 247

What to do?

joeroberts 10th February 2012 15:20

in phpBB3/install/index.php Find
PHP Code:

$user = new user(); 

and replace it with
PHP Code:

$user = new userbb(); 

TomasHR 10th February 2012 15:28


Bump: more one help. After 4 try to complet install i receive this message:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class user in /home/rovercom/public_html/phpBB3/includes/session.php on line 2446

You can see on forum.
forum is PHP 3.0.10

Have problem and when log out and want log on.

Please help.

zacho56 17th March 2012 20:14

bump on that last question. line 2446 for me to

joeroberts 17th March 2012 22:09

are you using the included phpBB3 or did you put phpBB3 from the phpBB site on?

zacho56 17th March 2012 22:12

after i put the included one back on i get the error "Fatal error: Class 'user' not found in /home/wickedaw/public_html/phpBB3/install/index.php on line 247"

edit: nvm i fixed it with the userbb...but the eroor wasn;'t on line 247 it was on 493? that was weird

dandanch 19th March 2012 17:38

Hello, i'm trying to install the product on my windows pc and keep running into those errors in the image.
I tried the solutions in this thread but still the same...please help thanks.

Apache/2.2.22 (Win32) PHP/5.3.10
mysql version: 5.5.20
windows 7

joeroberts 19th March 2012 18:26

first one replace
PHP Code:

if(eregi("graphics.php",$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])) die("You can't access this file directly"); 

PHP Code:

if(preg_match("/graphics.php/",$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])) die("You can't access this file directly"); 

second one replace
PHP Code:

if(eregi("database.php",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) die("You can't access this file directly"); 

PHP Code:

if(preg_match("/database.php/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) die("You can't access this file directly"); 

and third replace
PHP Code:

if (eregi("mysql.php",$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])) die("You cannot access this file directly"); 

PHP Code:

if (preg_match("/mysql.php/",$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])) die("You cannot access this file directly"); 

and the sql error I can not read

dandanch 19th March 2012 19:06

Here is the sql error below:

Creating table addedrequests...
Error executing SQL Query -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version -- -- -- Host: localhost -- Generation Time: Aug 16, 2009 at 03:22 PM -- Server version: 5.0.75 -- PHP Version: 5.2.6-3ubuntu4.1 -- -- Database: `phpMyBitTorrent` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `torrent_addedrequests` -- CREATE TABLE `torrent_addedrequests` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `requestid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `userid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `pollid` (`id`), KEY `userid` (`userid`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM ;
Error ID:
Error Message:
Thank you for the quick reply.

joeroberts 19th March 2012 19:14

please go into your data base threw phpmyadmin and make sure your putting this in a empty data base

dandanch 19th March 2012 20:11

yes its empty, it says No tables found in database.

also i'm getting this error as well.

joeroberts 19th March 2012 20:45

it means you need to make include/configdata.php chmod 777 for install
that is Y you can not install data base.

dandanch 19th March 2012 23:00

Ok, I just changed the permissions and still getting the same error. Any more ideas on what it could be?

joeroberts 19th March 2012 23:36

you getting the configdata.php error or the sql error?

If your getting the sql error can you go into phpMyAdmin and run this query and tell me if it gives a error and what it is?


CREATE TABLE `torrent_addedrequests` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `requestid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `userid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  KEY `pollid` (`id`),
  KEY `userid` (`userid`)

dandanch 19th March 2012 23:56

ok, i ran that query and there was no error..i now see a new table. so i'm guessing it's the configdata.php..and if its the permissions i tick modify,read & execute, read, write.

joeroberts 20th March 2012 00:33

just make sure you set the include folder and to configdata.php to both be 777

dandanch 20th March 2012 00:53

joeroberts my mistake, I didn't edit the file with my db info sorry. Now I'm getting those errors in the following steps:

joeroberts 20th March 2012 01:35

those errors wont hurt you just turn off deprecation errors notices in your server.

dandanch 20th March 2012 02:04

i'm getting a ton of errors, should i still turn off the error display?

Strict standards: Resource ID#37 used as offset, casting to integer (37) in C:\VertrigoServ\www\include\db\mysql.php on line 484

Strict standards: Resource ID#37 used as offset, casting to integer (37) in C:\VertrigoServ\www\include\db\mysql.php on line 482

Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in C:\VertrigoServ\www\language\english.php on line 749

Strict standards: Resource ID#16 used as offset, casting to integer (16) in C:\VertrigoServ\www\include\db\mysql.php on line 484

joeroberts 20th March 2012 02:08

there is a fix posted for the
Strict standards: Resource ID#37 used as offset, casting to integer (37) in C:\VertrigoServ\www\include\db\mysql.php on line 484

let me find it

here yea go

dandanch 20th March 2012 03:45

Thanks joeroberts, Those fixed most of the errors the only ones that remain are:


Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in C:\VertrigoServ\www\language\english.php on line 749

Strict standards: Resource ID#47 used as offset, casting to integer (47) in C:\VertrigoServ\www\include\db\mysql.php on line 518

Strict standards: Resource ID#47 used as offset, casting to integer (47) in C:\VertrigoServ\www\include\db\mysql.php on line 522
Now when trying to install phpbb3 at first before fixing those errors i would get a white screen but now its giving me a error:


Fatal error: Class 'user' not found in C:\VertrigoServ\www\phpBB3\install\index.php on line 247
Thanks for your help.great support.

joeroberts 20th March 2012 03:51

I well look at the first 3 errors but here is the fix for the fatal error
open sitename/phpBB3/install/index.php and change
$user = new user();
$user = new userbb();

Bump: change in \language\english.php on line 749
PHP Code:

if (!eregi("admin.php",$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])){ 

PHP Code:

if (!preg_match("/admin.php/",$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])){ 

and in \include\db\mysql.php
make line 518
PHP Code:

                        while($this->rowset[(int)$query_id] = @mysql_fetch_array($query_id)) 

and make line 522
PHP Code:

                                $result[] = $this->rowset[(int)$query_id]; 

dandanch 20th March 2012 04:24

Im installing phpbb3, im in the database configuration part.. just what too be clear before click next.

Database type:would just be mysql?

Prefix for tables in database:should i keep that phpbb_ or torrent?

Database server port:should i make that 3306 or just keep blank?

Database server hostname or DSN:that should be localhost?

joeroberts 20th March 2012 04:30


Originally Posted by dandanch (Post 33894)
Im installing phpbb3, im in the database configuration part.. just what too be clear before click next.

Database type:would just be mysql?

Prefix for tables in database:should i keep that phpbb_ or torrent?

Database server port:should i make that 3306 or just keep blank?

Database server hostname or DSN:that should be localhost?

#1 yes
#2 phpbb_
#3 not sure you need port number because its all local
#4 localhost

dandanch 20th March 2012 07:31

still having some error problems and now i can't log back into phpmybitorrent, ever time i try to login i keep getting this error:

Content Encoding Error
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
And Integrating did not work..i followed the install notes to the letter and did all the file editing. I am getting this errors as well.

EDIT: can't login to admins cp at all..

BUMP....I found the code that was not letting me login, this is the replacement code:

// This file contains Bit Torrent main functions. MUST be included before every
// other file at the beginning of any script
if (!defined('IN_PMBT')) die ("You can't access this file directly");
if (!function_exists("sha1")) require_once("include/sha1lib.php");
//if (!preg_match("download.php",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))include ("./include/forum_settings.php");
//if (!preg_match("download.php",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))include ("./include/functions_phpBB3.php");
also after turning on Forum Share, I'm having a problem, anytime I click on something in the forum or try to login, I get this pop massage:

Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (c) isn't associated with any program.
please help Thanks

joeroberts 21st March 2012 13:56

error #1 open httperror.php and replace all cases of $admin_mail with $admin_email
error #2
in include/forum_settings.php find
PHP Code:


//This way we protect database authentication against hacked mods

and remove it then undo your edit and let me know if that helps.

dandanch 21st March 2012 19:20

For the first one, no, replacing $admin_mail to $admin_email it did not solve the problem i'm having, with Content Encoding Error:

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
the only way is to open the two lines below:

if (!eregi("download.php",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))include ("./include/forum_settings.php");
if (!eregi("download.php",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))include ("./include/functions_phpBB3.php");
For the next fix, I removed those code lines and put back the replacement code and still the same. when i turn on forum share and click on something in forum i still get that same massage:

Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (c) isn't associated with any program.
Here are some of the errors:

Thanks joe

joeroberts 22nd March 2012 01:28

can you provide me a link to your server please.

ferdis 30th April 2012 08:45

PHP Code:

Step 4Installing Database


Checking files

Creating table addedrequests
Error executing SQL Query -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version -- -- -- Host: localhost -- Generation Time: Aug 16, 2009 at 03:22 PM -- Server version: 5.0.75 -- PHP Version: 5.2.6-3ubuntu4.1 -- -- Database: `phpMyBitTorrent` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `torrent_addedrequests` -- CREATE TABLE `torrent_addedrequests` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `requestid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `userid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `pollid` (`id`), KEY `userid` (`userid`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM ;
Error ID
Error Message:

A fatal error occurred during setupPlease fix the above error and try running Setup again, or refreshing your browser

I have this error, no error message. What i can fix that ?

joeroberts 30th April 2012 15:05

please make sure you do not have torrent_addedrequests in the data already

ferdis 1st May 2012 07:56

Database was empty. But problem was solved,problem was the database password , password was generated by CPanel and have too many ($%^&*#$), i changed password with something like (123456abc) and i had no problems. Thank you joe!

deanMKD 3rd June 2012 22:59

Its the same problem, posted before..

What do:

chmoded all folders and files to 777 ..
create empty database..
password for my dataabase is admin1234567890 , so i dont see something problems with password..
I looked the configdata.php and the informations are right..Looks code down:


db_host: host where database runs
db_port: not used
db_user: database user name
db_password: database password
db_name: database name on server
db_prefix: prefix for tables
persistency: connection persistency
--------------------------------- */
$db_type = "MySQL";
$db_host = "";
$db_user = "a6539609";
$db_pass = "admin1234567890";
$db_name = "a6539609_traker";
$db_prefix = "phpbb_"; //Without "_"
$db_persistency = false;

Configuring panel:

And finally gives this error:


Checking files...OK

Creating table addedrequests...
Error executing SQL Query -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version -- -- -- Host: localhost -- Generation Time: Aug 16, 2009 at 03:22 PM -- Server version: 5.0.75 -- PHP Version: 5.2.6-3ubuntu4.1 -- -- Database: `phpMyBitTorrent` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `phpbb__addedrequests` -- CREATE TABLE `phpbb__addedrequests` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `requestid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `userid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `pollid` (`id`), KEY `userid` (`userid`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM ;
Error ID:
Error Message:

A fatal error occurred during setup. Please fix the above error and try running Setup again, or refreshing your browser.

I listed all pages, but i dont find the solution for my problem..Help please..:sad:

joeroberts 4th June 2012 00:41

$db_user = "a6539609";
this part is wrong it is missing the _tracker like so
$db_user = "a6539609_tracker";

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