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shorto 12th September 2016 16:16


Originally Posted by Joe (Post 49364)
make sure your server s setup right to send email.. debain dose it for you but centos you will need to install extras..

We have already confirmed that it was a problem with the code on the official forums.

DND 12th September 2016 18:18

the problem i believe was fixed in the latest repo

Amsal 12th November 2016 19:25

I am having the same issue, confirmation emails are not sending, i am running on debian 8 with u-232 v5

Bigjoos 19th November 2016 16:15

Confirmation email being sent or not is nothing to do with this source code, you need to set up a proper mail server so the sent mail does not go to spam, that's your responsibility to set it up correctly. If you can't do that then simply disable email confirmation, simple as that, nothing difficult to understand. The code calls the mail function residing in all php versions, its working perfectly fine, people not setting mail up properly are the problem =]

son 19th November 2016 16:59

Why do people that run into problems always blame it on something that only they have the issue with, because if it was the source code wouldn't everybody be having the same issue, as for DND's post the problem was not fixed in version 5, because there was never a problem to start with. The only problem in most off these posts on this source code is not the code itself, its the inexperience users that can't setup the server it needs to run. Have you tried using putty or similar application's to test your email server before you start posting errors, or blaming a code that’s been rigorously tested before its released.

aperta 19th February 2017 18:33


Originally Posted by Bigjoos (Post 49663)
Confirmation email being sent or not is nothing to do with this source code, you need to set up a proper mail server so the sent mail does not go to spam, that's your responsibility to set it up correctly. If you can't do that then simply disable email confirmation, simple as that, nothing difficult to understand. The code calls the mail function residing in all php versions, its working perfectly fine, people not setting mail up properly are the problem =]

Agree 100%. If they can't set it up properly then they should wither not have confirmation emails or they can use a 3rd party service, as long as they know how to link it within the source. (I'm going to use ZOHO's free email hosting for domain and just link it).

To anyone having problems, go on google and look up tutorials on how to set up a mail server. It is a long process, but if done correctly, is great and you won't have your emails end in spam.

Pro20 8th June 2017 16:46


Originally Posted by Bigjoos (Post 49663)
Confirmation email being sent or not is nothing to do with this source code, you need to set up a proper mail server so the sent mail does not go to spam, that's your responsibility to set it up correctly. If you can't do that then simply disable email confirmation, simple as that, nothing difficult to understand. The code calls the mail function residing in all php versions, its working perfectly fine, people not setting mail up properly are the problem =]

Hello and i appreciate your effort with the U-232 tracker script.

Running right now the latest version V5, so far having some issues.

Will try to replicate them one by one and showing the paths to the errors as well.

First Issue:

The Invite System is broken.

When somebody signs up using an invite code and then is confirmed by the person who invited , the people can't login to the tracker. They get "500 server error", right after the login.

There's no way to fix this, looking in PHPMyAdmin the users who registered using the invite codes don't even show an email address attached to the database, despite each member entered one in the registration fields.

Conclusion: Each member who used an invite code to register, the SysOP MUST CREATE A NEW USER with a temporal password and send it to the person. Then they CAN LOGIN.

Second Issue:

There are missing files which resolves to 500 error in the code.

There are some files which doesn't even exists, therefore again 500 error. Examples:

This one seems to be because the file jquery.treeview.css does not exist (Confirmed by directly visiting; Also can be confirmed via FTP)
x.x.x.x.82 - - [08/Jun/2017:05:00:36 +0100] "GET /templates/1/css/jquery.treeview.css HTTP/1.0" 500 537 "http:/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.112 Safari/537.36"
This one is related to the one directly below it - simply, the function is not defined in the script's code)
x.x.x.178 - - [08/Jun/2017:07:04:06 +0100] "GET /topten.php HTTP/1.0" 500 - "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.1.25 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Safari/600.1.25"
[Thu Jun 08 13:09:20.719647 2017] [:error] [pid 3233] [client x:53688] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function stdhead() in /home/admin/web/\nStack trace:\n#0 {main}\n thrown in /home/admin/web/ on line 292
And the last one is simply because it tries to load a file ".css" - as you can obviously see, this is missing the filename and only shows the .css extension - it can't possibly be loaded.
x.x.x..225 - - [08/Jun/2017:07:10:56 +0100] "GET /templates/1/css/.css HTTP/1.0" 500 537 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_5) AppleWebKit/603.2.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.1.1 Safari/603.2.4"

Third Issue


I see that another error 500 is trown at confirmemail.php

But you can't disable the email verificaiton, therefore...

Hope you can fix all this or tell how to fix, it's a mess right now.

l3on 8th June 2017 16:54

Send me url and ftp i'll fix it for you it an rather easy thing to fix

Pro20 8th June 2017 16:57


Originally Posted by l3on (Post 50291)
Send me url and ftp i'll fix it for you it an rather easy thing to fix

Hello, im new here and i respect you want to help by using credentials to login to the server, though i would like to try to fix it myself first with help.

First issue i would like to fix is the invite system, do you know what to do to fix this? People should be able to login to the tracker with an invited registered account.

It's not the case right now they get 500 error.

Then disabling the email verification, how to disable it?

Let's try to fix this first if you can help via PM. Thanks a lot.

l3on 8th June 2017 17:06

I wouldn't be able to help that way as i don't use project u-232 so don't have code at hand i was willing to teamview or something.

DND 8th June 2017 21:23

there is no issue with the invite system or any important part of the V5 code;
the 500error is your own fault because you don't have installed some apache2 modules since the default htaccess file uses apache2 rules;
if you use nginx you need to make your own rules for the htaccess file
stop blaming others for your bad webserver configuration
also you should always use the latest version from GitHub

Pro20 9th June 2017 05:03


Originally Posted by DND (Post 50295)
there is no issue with the invite system or any important part of the V5 code;
the 500error is your own fault because you don't have installed some apache2 modules since the default htaccess file uses apache2 rules;
if you use nginx you need to make your own rules for the htaccess file
stop blaming others for your bad webserver configuration
also you should always use the latest version from GitHub

The version in GitHub has the .htaccess file written with the " ( symbol ) in HTML, making the whole tracker error 500 right away.

Are you sure is not your fault ? The Apache Modules needed for the invite system to work?

What apache modules? Could you be more specific?


DND 9th June 2017 05:13

read the htaccess file and see what modules it requires :coffee:
as a test, rename the file or just delete it, clear cache, memcache, cookies and see if you still get the 500 error
usually a 500 error is obtain when the server is not configured properly
modules required, apache2.conf editing, and so on
as usual make sure the script is properly installed, configed and directories chmoded

what symbol ?

Pro20 9th June 2017 05:15


Originally Posted by DND (Post 50297)
read the htaccess file and see what modules it requires :coffee:
as a test, rename the file or just delete it, clear cache, memcache, cookies and see if you still get the 500 error
usually a 500 error is obtain when the server is not configured properly
modules required, apache2.conf editing, and so on

Let's see if you can understand.

The 500 error only happens when "INVITED" members try to login. The script generates broken invited members.

When i create the username and i give the credentials to the people, they can login and 500 error doesn't happens.

Do you understand, now? It's the script when comes to the invite system.

And fix the .htaccess file in github, it's written in HTML!

DND 9th June 2017 05:24

do you actually have the headers module installed? rewrite and expires?
the other days i was running V5 with no problems so stop talking like this
THEN check your error logs and see what is happening
LOL, lmfao, you talk like i could edit the files from that github repo
with that attitude nobody will help you, peace out!

Pro20 9th June 2017 11:27


Originally Posted by DND (Post 50299)
do you actually have the headers module installed? rewrite and expires?
the other days i was running V5 with no problems so stop talking like this
THEN check your error logs and see what is happening
LOL, lmfao, you talk like i could edit the files from that github repo
with that attitude nobody will help you, peace out!

Let's see.

You say " the other days i was running " , Fine. Let's try to believe you. These days, doesn't works.

The invite system generates wrong members, the OPEN REG system generates WORKING members.

The github repo is storing a HTML edited .htaccess file ( the one in the root directory ) , therefore when you try to install this in linux goes directly to the 500 error, you can't even install the thing.

And no, you didn't edit it in the github, it was UPLOADED like that. Which makes it even more idiotic.

And btw, im trying to make it work, the problem here ( and it looks like is not the first time ) when somebody asks for help because of a PROBLEM in the script, they say WE ARE THE IDIOTS...

If you have a bug, then fix it. Stop blaming others.


Originally Posted by DND (Post 50299)
do you actually have the headers module installed? rewrite and expires?
the other days i was running V5 with no problems so stop talking like this
THEN check your error logs and see what is happening
LOL, lmfao, you talk like i could edit the files from that github repo
with that attitude nobody will help you, peace out!

I have fixed the invite problem myself.

The Stylesheet for the "INVITE SYSTEM" is the "9" which doesn't EVEN EXISTS in the files.

This is why the 500 ERROR. Changed it to "1" WHICH DOES EXIST.

Thanks for the awesome help and attitude.

Bigjoos 11th June 2017 19:25

Here man, don't come into this thread and start bumping yer gums over mediocre pish, if you cant handle a little coding then go away, this code aint for you. Secondly this is not the official support forum either, If you have a problem then go to our official forum.

DND 12th June 2017 11:59

invite system doesnt even have different stylesheet
template system is site-wide, not page specific

ArcticWolf 12th June 2017 15:06

My guess your issue with invite system is wrong mysql version.
V5 will not work under mysql 5.7 PERIOD.
bravolist aint an official support forum anyway for u-232
goto signup/login and post there. Those people know more about u-232 then random people at bvlist..

But be ready to provide basic site info like php version, mysql version, os version if want support
if your invite page is trying to use template 9 or some crap, it aint official in that case stop trolling starting shit about non official versions :D

HDVinnie 1st December 2017 04:23

U232 uses a outdated password hashing method.

Being on V5 already I am suggesting that this be a priority issue and that U232 goes with the standard PHP bcrypt method.

DND 1st December 2017 07:49

Vinnie stop being an ass !
U-232 might be using md5 but it is using with a salt key every time.
when its the last time you heard about sites using this and gettin' hacked?
jesus christ..just read/think before you post. :coffee:

Ladbexy 1st December 2017 08:50


Originally Posted by Vinnie981 (Post 50952)
U232 uses a outdated password hashing method.

Being on V5 already I am suggesting that this be a priority issue and that U232 goes with the standard PHP bcrypt method.

Well sure it might uses md5 hashing methods but at least they made it open source,and they don't talk shit for other sources like you,which you develop an source but you have it closed to the public.

Bigjoos 1st December 2017 16:21

I created an updated make_passhash_login_key function 3-4 years ago think it was, used a random MYCRYPT salt and password_hash(PASSWORD_BYCRYPT, just never implemented it.
Will update it when we release next major update in coming months. Its priority is low, unique salted md5 is no pushover if that's what you actually think.

HDVinnie 1st December 2017 20:10

lol I figured the butt hurt flaming would disrespect was meant. Glad its on your list big. Not saying its a downfall but if making u232 php7 ready, mysql5.7 ready with strict mode support I would think would take use of the bcrypt is all.


Originally Posted by Ladbexy (Post 50954)
Well sure it might uses md5 hashing methods but at least they made it open source,and they don't talk shit for other sources like you,which you develop an source but you have it closed to the public.

really? where did I talk shit?

Bigjoos 1st December 2017 21:46

I understand where your coming from vinnie, no problem at all. I've had a lot going on real life but I'm finally getting my head back into code. You can be assured it will be addressed soon, codes been on the test server for ages.

Botanicar 31st January 2018 15:55

LogIn problems
@Bigjoos why I have this problem on login to U-232....

my password and username is correct 100%, an I register a new name too, but it's same problem

DND 31st January 2018 20:59

did you tried recover to see if you can login with the password generated by the system ?

Bigjoos 31st January 2018 21:47


Originally Posted by Botanicar (Post 51451)
@Bigjoos why I have this problem on login to U-232....

Well we updated the password hashing on test site a while ago but stopped short of full completion because password_hash is not backward compatible with php 5.4 <, so that creates issues for long term users that have servers set up already that don't want the hassle of updating something that's not broken as such. resetpw.php will update you fine but you would to have sent a hint and answer on usercp.

If anyone needs me to reset password just post here or fire me a pm here or on my forum.

Next release has different methods being developed on the test server but to be honest I know how tight the current u-232 login cookie system is, every hash generated is unique and requires more than crunching through millions of iterations, anyhoo that's irrelevant ha ha. Next release has a lot being changed or updated daily on the test server which will inadvertently cause signup/login problems until its all completed, we want to be sure the method we use is backward compatible and also stronger than current system.

darkalchemy 31st January 2018 22:29


Originally Posted by Bigjoos (Post 51453)
Well we updated the password hashing on test site a while ago but stopped short of full completion because password_hash is not backward compatible with php 5.4 <, so that creates issues for long term users that have servers set up already that don't want the hassle of updating something that's not broken as such. resetpw.php will update you fine but you would to have sent a hint and answer on usercp.

If anyone needs me to reset password just post here or fire me a pm here or on my forum.

Next release has different methods being developed on the test server but to be honest I know how tight the current u-232 login cookie system is, every hash generated is unique and requires more than crunching through millions of iterations, anyhoo that's irrelevant ha ha. Next release has a lot being changed or updated daily on the test server which will inadvertently cause signup/login problems until its all completed, we want to be sure the method we use is backward compatible and also stronger than current system.

Here is a class that does exactly that and is fully backwards compatible.

I am not suggesting that you use it, just offering a link of how it might be done.

Bigjoos 1st February 2018 00:08

Interesting will check it out, thanks for posting it, might be exactly what I need !!

squeeze 22nd May 2018 14:33

Hello. Is there any irc channel alive ti support u-232 ?

STRiT 24th May 2018 21:29

New site/forum does not recognize password?.

TLO 30th May 2018 16:44

channel : #U232_Dev

Due to real life intervening, the temporary url for the forums is now:

squeeze 1st June 2018 09:48

yeah. very nice. Thanks.

stonebreath 2nd June 2018 17:35

If anyone have problems on logging into forums send me pm to fix it..

TLO 10th June 2018 23:43

UPDATE: AGAIN due to further issues the UR has been changed to


antimidas 7th July 2018 06:08


Originally Posted by KrackerMan (Post 29941)
Make there user class after 4 and then add there name to the config file

just set user levels in database. the staffpanel table

son 7th July 2018 16:25


Originally Posted by TLO (Post 52019)
UPDATE: AGAIN due to further issues the UR has been changed to


I don't understand why the url had to change in the first place, people change servers all the time and keep the same url

antimidas 10th July 2018 08:15


Originally Posted by son (Post 52215)
I don't understand why the url had to change in the first place, people change servers all the time and keep the same url

i never had access to dns manager... and autotron was MIA.... seems he is again..... He shoulda just let me keep hosting the forums.... now back in same boat again............ Guess he split on his tracker as well.....

TheGene 10th July 2018 21:50

Is there anywhere one can actually access the forum at all? A forum? Any forum?????? I mean geez man.

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